Chuck and Mr. T had to drink every time anyone was roundhouse kicked or a fool was pitied. Chuck was...
Chuck and Mr. T had to drink every time anyone was roundhouse kicked or a fool was pitied. Chuck was...
Meanwhile back at the farm Hilary was having troubles of her own, the milking floor was covered in...
...cow manure, the conveyor had broken and the subsidy for cow poo to run NYC buses had been discontinued. a train operator, conveniently running into Bill on the morning run into Manhattan. Bill confided in his new friend that "I got this sweet deal with Biden, see; every so often he says something stupid to one of our allies and 'bama has to send Hill over to take care of it before the E36 M3 hits the fan. Gets her out of the country for a couple weeks so I can..."
... go check up on Adrienne Barbeau's recovery from the toilet tissue incident. That usually works out well because...
anyone who has ever had the toilet tissue problem knows that it is real painful. Bill is used to pain though because...
Speaking of which, Guido got a gig as a driver in the first ever Mazda endorsed "Tricycle from Hades" figure 8 race. It was going great until the zipper on his suit broke and...
the world discovered that Guido is hairy all over. Those in immediate attendance were struck blind, those at a further distance received minor burns. The ambulance drivers...
Examined Guido and confidently proclaimed “classic case of LQ syndrome”. Guido pleaded to know what that was but all they’d say was “see, there’s your moisture…that’s going to mildew, that’s going to smell”. Hearing this, Guido…
wow, i did not think thaT this threrd would take on a life of its own like about funny though with starting with something stupid......
solemnly declared that he would never have relations with another woman. Meanwhile back at the farm, Bessy the cow...
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