7/22/09 11:24 a.m.
I've come to the discovery that no matter how hard we try, We cant seem to get the monthly electric bill below $140. I thought our bill would be much lower this month due to the unusually cool weather leaving no need for A/C, yet it was $150.
I took a look at the most recent bill and have been able to find that we are being charged 20 (almost exactly) cents per KW. This is broken down into $93 for "supplier services" since our "electric company" doesn't generate power of its own and buys it all from whomever to resell to us. Then the $57 is for lines/equipment/maintenance.
Just curious, what is everybody else paying total per Kilowatt?
Currently, about 8 cents per KWH.
7/22/09 11:44 a.m.
Dr. Hess wrote:
Currently, about 8 cents per KWH.
So plugging in .08 in place of .2 multiplied by my 748KW of usage and we get $59.84 for the same amount of electricity. You suck!
Can anyone beat that?!
7/22/09 11:46 a.m.
my rate before all the extra crap is something like 12c/kilowatt. that is on the new place, contract just started last month, the contract that is about to end on the old place is 14.1c/kilowatt. my bill in the summer is around 120-160, in the winter, it was a bit less, around 70-90, spring and fall, it can get down around 40 or 50.
haven't yet had a full months bill on the new place, but they're both 1600ish sf townhouses. i'm hoping the new place will be a little better though as the previous owner installed a new a/c a couple years ago, a good number of CF bulbs, and solar screens on all the windows.
I am considering PV panels and converting the house to a 12V system for the majority. You can get 12V fridges, freezers, washers, lamps and hook up converters for TV and Computer if needed. Then jump to a gas stove and dryer for that bit.
I don't know what our KWH rate is now, but our monthly bills during the summer are $75 or so. We run a small window a/c in our bedroom, but I haven't uncovered the central unit yet.
Our winter bills are much higher, but the upstairs of our house(where our bedroom is) has no ductwork or heater, so we heat with electric up there.
I need a new furnace badly, but mine is usually $90-$120 in the spring and fall, $200-$250 in the summer, and $250-$350 in the dead of winter. Not a clue how much the KWH rate is.
7/22/09 12:06 p.m.
SoFla- "winter" around 90.00 to 100.00, summer around 250.00 to 300.00. Last week the feels like temp was over 100* all week. Next bill will be a killer.
7/22/09 12:23 p.m.
Most Commercial electrical rates are by no means a simple "ABC kwh used multiplied by XYZ $/kwh". There's a bunch of different things going on, (like rachet clauses) and even different rates for different times of the year. Call you're power company and ask them explain how all the different charges are calculated and if rates change during the year. Its probably easier for residential services. I found their websites usually have all the information you need to figure out what your bill says; understanding all the information is a different problem.
my high months running some air conditioning is about $150 in the Chicago area. I do turn off the air if the weather turns cooler.
We can never get ours below $100.00 the rest of the months.
Let's talk property taxes ($$$$) and retail sales tax instead (9.5%). This is one reason to move to Wisconsin (5%).
only been in the house a few months... been paying a little over $200 a month... our house is under 1000 sq/ft... but built in the 50's... very inefficent... we get some cheaper months in spring and fall... but come winter it's just as bad if not worse... electric heat pumps suck...
on the plus side... thanks to tourists and the sales tax our property tax is relatively cheap here and we don't have state income tax
7/22/09 1:20 p.m.
about 6 cents/kwh here, gotta love the South. My electric bill, water bill and gas bill run from a min of $75/month to a max of $210 one winter, surprisingly.
We've been down to 6 cents/KWH, but right now, what with global warming causing it to be so cold and all, we're up to 8. Gotta love the Co-Op concept. Of course, The O is gonna fix all that by doubling or trippling all our electricity rates, so you'll go to 60 cents and I'll go to 24 cents. For the children.
7/22/09 1:41 p.m.
You don't... hate... children....
Do you?
not too bad here in South jersey.. 13.3 cents a Kw
7/22/09 2:08 p.m.
My property taxes were $750 for my 130k mansion. My sales tax is small, but I can't remember exactly, maybe 5-6%. Before you naysayers talk about the auto property tax in SC, I paid about $54 for both of my cars last year. South Carolina rocks.
7/22/09 2:48 p.m.
I've put in a high efficiency heat pump, new high efficiency windows, low wattage energy saver bulbs, as efficient a water heater as I could find, same for the fridge and stove. And as we use less and less electricity, the bill goes up and up. My electricity use is half what it was 5 years ago, 2/3rds what it was last year, and yet the bill has doubled.
Here's where Baltimore stands nationally...
New Reader
7/22/09 3:20 p.m.
Sorry Carzan, I work for your electric company (well most likely since you are in CT) and since deregulation it really sucks that my company needs to buy electricity on the open market. I used to work at Millstone Power Nuclear Station and since deregulation NONE of the 1.21 gigawatts it produces is sold to CT even though it resides in CT. BTW deregulation was supposed to bring in competition and LOWER electric rates. ooops!
New Reader
7/22/09 3:21 p.m.
Carzan, you can change suppliers and maybe save 5-10%. It's not much, but it could help.
7/22/09 3:56 p.m.
Just got our bill today. Allegheny Power.
Generation charge = .09318/KWH
Transmission charge = .00396/KWH
Distribution charge = .01691/KWH
Plus other charges and credits the bill is $165.52 for 1643KWH.
That makes it .1007/KWH
Bill ranges from ~$100 in the winter to ~$200 in the summer.
7/22/09 3:59 p.m.
50 in fall/spring, 120 in summer/winter. Not too bad, I guess.
Hal wrote:
Just got our bill today. Allegheny Power.
Generation charge = .09318/KWH
Transmission charge = .00396/KWH
Distribution charge = .01691/KWH
Plus other charges and credits the bill is $165.52 for 1643KWH.
That makes it .1007/KWH
Bill ranges from ~$100 in the winter to ~$200 in the summer.
if we are going to quote...
353KWHs for a total bill of $68.25. The beauty of living alone and not believing in air conditioning
New Reader
7/22/09 5:03 p.m.
since we have moved to our current residence 3 years ago. it seems that no matter what i do we cant get our electric bill to get below a 100 a month.