She's fine. Afterward she went shopping with her girfriend, obviously felt guilty when she came home with a 12 pack and a box of Macanudos. I can't address the sex, but she feels REAL guilty. =~0
The truck will be fine with a few licks from a shelliaeigh, no insurance coverage. Think I'll go make her feel guilty.....
Fim at 11.
914Driver wrote:
Fim at 11.
Was that supposed to be "film" at 11 or "firm" at 11?
Got a problem with my "L" button, that's fiLm.
I repaired more than one Mercedes SRS system that had lipstick prints on the air bags. Beats a Mercedes star imprint on the forehead.
She was no where near the center of the airbag when it deployed, was she looking out the right side preparing for a merge?
LOL firm at 11
Datsun1500 wrote:
That looks like a pretty small hit, I am surprised the air bags blew...
Me too. My wife got clobbered in the side several years ago and it didn't deploy the bags.
You need to save the air bag.