As I have posted on here from time to time my brother is a veterinarian in south Georgia. Whenever there is an animal question by a forum member I will call him sometimes to get his input for me to report here. He's a very talented surgeon but somewhat of a throwback to another era. Sort of like a horse whisperer. Very compassionate with a down-to-earth attitude. If he runs into an unruly dog he will actually get down on the floor at their level to get them to calm down. He's not afraid to tackle really challenging surgical Intervention when necessary and does his best to save every animal he can. He's definitely not a white coat veterinarian. 
He's also a pretty talented bass player in bluegrass and classic country bands as a hobby.

Here's an American bulldog that the owner accidentally ran over. The pelvic girdle was crushed, both hind legs were broken as well as a compound fracture of left front leg. It was brought in with owner being told by another vet it had to be put down. Owners brought it to my brother. in six hour long surgery he pieced and wire pelvis back together, plates and screws on back legs, surgery and cast on left front. Pics are 2 days post op and dog is walking. it's been about 6 months and dog is running and playing like normal dog. It took over 200 stitches just to close surgical incisions.
This handsome little fellow is a 7 week old liver and white ENGLISH Cocker spaniel....different from American that they're much more laid back. English cockers are more sporting hunting dogs and larger than american cockers and have a longer snout. Breeder brought him in to be euthanized because he was unable to breath. Brother diagnosed with heart malformation with a hole in one of chambers. Breeder wants him put to sleep but my brother convinced breeder to give him the puppy. So tomorrow "Freckles" is undergoing open heart surgery for my brother to repair heart. Keep your fingers crossed. Sweet little man.

This is one of the saddest cases but has a very happy ending. This very rare male calico cat was owned by an elderly lady suffering from dementia. For whatever reason she threw a sauce pan of boiling water on the cat's head. Third degree burns over its eyes lids, ears, nose and lips. Brought in by Animal Control to be euthanized. Brother did reconstructive surgery and even though the cat lost its ears and much of its eyelids he was able to do skin grafts using, of all things, skin from the cat's scrotum to reconstruct eyelids. It is unbelievably friendly and loving and is the clinic mascot where he gets attention every day as he so deserves. The cat, named Buddy, is a big hit with everyone and quite a show off and character. To me he looks a little bit like Dale Earnhardt jr. LOL.

Nope, not gonna make an eyeball joke. No way.
Your brother seems like quite a guy, and gifted too. Thanks for sharing.
What an amazingly talented & wonderful soul!
Wow, that is a level of compassion that is rarely seen today. Pretty deep gene pool right there.
What a kind soul, thanks for sharing his story. It's guys like him that make the world a better place.
Keep us updated on Buddy!
Also, that's a pretty kickass accoustic bass.
conesare2seconds said:

Nope, not gonna make an eyeball joke. No way.
Your brother seems like quite a guy, and gifted too. Thanks for sharing.
Off on Saturday morning 75 Mi away for a farm call. Owner thought horse have ear mites. Turned out to be encephalitis. Treated with steroids and antibiotics. The horses owner built the acoustic bass pictured above.
I don't feel the least bit bad laughing at the Junior joke, because it's true.
Your brother is a good man.
4/7/18 1:19 p.m.
The cat looks a lot like a ferret in his current state. I'd pet him.
Kudos to your brother for his life saving work on animals.
after the horse call he's off to a private party to play for a cancer survivor celebration. This is with his bluegrass buddies and band. After we leave here he's playing with a country band later this evening. The boy keeps busy
This poor girl was attacked by another dog which mutilated her left front leg on friday. She's sweet and thankful she's back on road to recovery. learning to walk on 3 legs 3 days post op.
4/9/18 4:25 p.m.
Thanks for posting this. Your brother is an awesome dude for helping these animals.

Cat came in with abcessed bite on spine completely paralyzed. Family couldn't afford lengthy hospitalization with only slight chance of recovery. Decided to have cat euthanized. Family needed time to come up with that money. Brother kept cat at.his clinic and proceeded to treat witthe leftover fluids and antibiotics from other surgeies
Family never came back to pay to put cat to sleep under no obligation to do so. Cat.would struggle to raise head to be petted.
After 3 weeks cat.began to show legs. 10 more days in clinic cat was fully recovered. Called owners and they were coming in to pay euthanization bill. Brother said "We got a problem. You never paid me so I didn't put her down. But.she.has fully.recovered. And since you didn't authorize me to treat, I can't charge you. Come get her"
Family was shocked and excited. Cat reunited with little girl would adored this cat.

Ovid_and_Flem said:
Family was shocked and excited. Cat reunited with little girl would adored this cat.

Somebody's been cutting onions in here! My eyes are watering for some reason. 
Freckles, the English Cocker puppy, developed pneumonia so they delayed the heart surgery until today.

Was a bit of drama when puppy stopped breathing and brother had to do mouth to mouth

90 minutes post op and on road to recovery