First and foremost, this is NOT meant to be a political thread, I'm posting it because I know a lot of us live in GA and deal with old cars. If you want to start political rants about taxation, take that E36 M3 elsewhere.
Okay, now to point. Starting this year, Georgia is discontinuing the yearly advalorem tax on cars that you normally pay when you pay "tags" every year. When a car is sold privately (NOT at a dealer) the state will charge you a one time fee when you register it in your name.
This means if you buy a car off craigslist, you will have to have 6% of the sale price ( right now, more in coming years) to pay the tax at the same time you register the vehicle. No waivers, no payment plans. If you are buying challenge priced cars, it's not that bad, but if you buy a $28k pickup truck, watch out.
Cars sold at dealerships will now NOT pay sales tax, but will pay advalorem instead. Also, if you bought a car from a dealer in 2012, you can choose to go to the new system and they'll credit any sales tax toward the advalorem fees, which should be close to a wash.
the up side is that for any car newly registered, the recurring yearly tag payment will go down immensely, and if you plan on owning the car for several years, you may still come out ahead. if you swap cars every 2-3 years, you're going to pay more.
Cars already registered will continue the yearly payments like they always have. As someone who owns 2 paid-for cars and one that will be this year, this hurts my feelings.