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Fueled by Caffeine
Fueled by Caffeine MegaDork
4/28/15 7:56 a.m.

NCpd was on the right path years ago. Remember that place was the murder capital of the U.S. for some time. They have made some positive changes since then.

drummerfromdefleopard GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
4/28/15 8:18 a.m.

you're crazy if you think this is about someone who died while in custody. The protest were, and had purpose, the riots are now, they're about self-entitlement, a distraction and the realization that there will be no accountability.

turboswede GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/28/15 9:14 a.m.

SyntheticBlinkerFluid UltimaDork
4/28/15 9:22 a.m.

I saw this morning that now they're messing with the fire equipment while the firemen are trying to put out building fires.

That's fine, force the people there to help out. Let your neighborhoods burn dumbasses.

yamaha MegaDork
4/28/15 10:04 a.m.

In reply to SyntheticBlinkerFluid:

And refuse to rebuild them....

rob_lewis SuperDork
4/28/15 10:11 a.m.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote: I saw this morning that now they're messing with the fire equipment while the firemen are trying to put out building fires. That's fine, force the people there to help out. Let your neighborhoods burn dumbasses.

Specifically, CNN was filming and you see a guy in the background stick a knife into a fire hose, twice.

I don't understand......


madmallard Dork
4/28/15 10:48 a.m.

counts so far:

202 people arrested 144 vehicles on fire (not counting police i think) 19 different building fires.

madmallard Dork
4/28/15 11:13 a.m.

as bad as that is, it really irritates me when stupid superlative news broadcasters call this a 'war zone.'

ignorant fops.

all that does is continue to stir the ignorant on both sides of the issue.

go look at that earthquake damage on the other side of the world.... or just haiti and its earthquake. Now that is the kind of damage and human loss you can equate with a warzone.

gamby UltimaDork
4/28/15 11:36 a.m.

In reply to madmallard:

FWIW the Nepal quake site is more of an apocalypse.

JtspellS SuperDork
4/28/15 2:38 p.m.

It's isolated areas here in the city (unfortunately read impoverished) but it was surreal leaving here last night and seeing the east side on fire (by John's Hopkins) from the highway.

There are a few military vehicles in canton right now but it's also been quiet on this side.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess MegaDork
4/28/15 3:01 p.m.

whenry New Reader
4/28/15 3:24 p.m.

My greatest concern is to see this conduct spread out to areas where the tensions are below the surface but can rise up with little prodding. It wouldnt have to be a true "race" war; class or economic would be just as damaging to the USA.

4cylndrfury MegaDork
4/28/15 3:50 p.m.

2 sides to this coin:

  • for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should look on and do nothing


  • Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn

Im often at a loss as to which side I gravitate towards. I know where I think I ought to be, but sometimes theres a gap between reason and reality.

That said, there once was a time when a bunch of dudes were fed up, and did something about it. It was back in 1776 or so if Im not mistaken...

Take race out of the equation, plug in the current status quo regarding socioeconomics, or degradation of civil liberties, or the existence of the term "career politician", and then frame it in the same light as the pre-revolutionary war, and you might make a reasonably valid argument that uprisings are almost acceptable...almost

yamaha MegaDork
4/28/15 3:53 p.m.

In reply to 4cylndrfury:

2nd side of the coin doesn't compute in this case, they are after material items.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/28/15 4:10 p.m.

you will always have those who loot.. but I am betting the majority of the people fed up with the brutality are not the ones doing it.

You are right though, Zero tolerance has been one of the worst things to ever happen to this country.. right up there with Career Politicians.. which are not all that far from "lords" in parliment

madmallard Dork
4/28/15 5:31 p.m.

i have no problem with having a discussion that there is a wide scale police management problem, or that there is a problem with (a lack of) a system of redress of police treatment. I have no problem divorcing race from that discussion.

but you can not successfully do this on a wider level than the individual because the figures, political, social, cultural and otherwise, either must invoke race because of other influences, or have no other angle to discuss the matter than race.

I'm in the minority in my workplace, and i'm not troubled by discussing this with my co-workers, or made to feel out of place for having something to say. So again, at the individual level, we can have the conversation. And I'm glad for that, because you all know of the people out there who would rather dismiss anything I have to say that isn't "yes sir" because of my skin colour.

madmallard Dork
4/28/15 5:44 p.m.

...I guess my message above is the widespread individual experience, our own experience with eachother, needs to be more powerful than the sound and fury of the foolish.

mndsm MegaDork
4/28/15 5:55 p.m.

I've been pondering this all day. Obviously, this has been an ongoing issue, that is coming to a head as a result of several REALLY bad police decisions. However- E36 M3s been getting real a lot longer than right now. I understand the concept of a blister popping or the straw that broke the camels back- but instead of WAITING for it to be a massive issue like this- why aren't the people that are so railing against this form of brutality trying to change it from the inside? Last I checked it took a socio-economic status of dick to dick and a half to be a cop. Now I'm no rocket surgeon (though I did stay at a holiday inn this one time) but last I checked, affecting change by example is a lot better than throwing a bunch of rocks and looting a CVS. So- quit being a turd, get some act right, BE the police, and maybe not beat the E36 M3 out of everyone? Seems to me that'd be more logical than burning down an old folks home built by a church, and purposely fighting the people that have signed up to help you- IE the fire department. Because lets face it, were I the police there right now, right or not, you've given me a whole lot of reasons to want to beat your ass 14 shades of purple before I'd want to help you.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
4/28/15 5:57 p.m.

In reply to madmallard:

That is an interesting observation. Evolutionary trait variance never seems to be an issue anywhere on a micro level in mixed groups. It's almost never a taboo to discuss it or joke around either. I work in a global tech industry with a pretty wide array of cultures and origins represented at any project. We have literally zero problems related to bigotry on the "team" scale. Except those pricks who put Kimchee in the microwave. They need to go.

Seriously, though, someone public facing would lose their job or take a bullet for attempting to have the kinds of open discussions that grow naturally out of putting a melting pot in a room together working at a common goal. It's a shame really.

madmallard Dork
4/28/15 6:24 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: Except those pricks who put Kimchee in the microwave. They need to go.

save a space next to em for the ones that burn popcorn. >_<

mndsm MegaDork
4/28/15 6:31 p.m.
madmallard wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: Except those pricks who put Kimchee in the microwave. They need to go.
save a space next to em for the ones that burn popcorn. >_<

Those shiny happy people are the first ones to go when i'm in charge.

Lesley PowerDork
4/28/15 6:38 p.m.

Kimchee - atomic farts of death.

Grizz UltraDork
4/28/15 6:46 p.m.

People eat kimchee hot?


racerdave600 SuperDork
4/28/15 6:57 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: In reply to madmallard: That is an interesting observation. Evolutionary trait variance never seems to be an issue anywhere on a micro level in mixed groups. It's almost never a taboo to discuss it or joke around either. I work in a global tech industry with a pretty wide array of cultures and origins represented at any project. We have literally zero problems related to bigotry on the "team" scale. Except those pricks who put Kimchee in the microwave. They need to go. Seriously, though, someone public facing would lose their job or take a bullet for attempting to have the kinds of open discussions that grow naturally out of putting a melting pot in a room together working at a common goal. It's a shame really.

Same here. We deal with customers literally from all over the world, and have many cultures we work with on a day to day basis. There are zero problems, everyone is treated with respect from all sides. My view is that when you concentrate on what you have in common, which in our case is work related success, then the other aspects of life fall in line and you understand each other better. For example, all day you work to solve problems, at night, you may go out for dinner, etc., where you learn more about the other culture and understand and accept what the others go through.

Right now, we do not do that in this country. We pit everyone against the other and wonder why nothing works out. Right now, anyone other than you is always the "enemy" in terms of how they are portrayed. Under those circumstances, there is no winning for anyone. You have to find common traits and work from there, even if the common trait is simple as showing respect.

As for the short term, the only real answer is body cameras for cops. It would protect both the cops and those being arrested.

TucoRamirez Reader
4/28/15 7:03 p.m.

WTF was the protocol before these dudes stole toilet paper?

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