alex wrote:
Quite possibly. Let's talk next week - I should have a little spending money after I sell my Model A.
BTW, do you like the Monitor 4's for a small system in a smaller room? I might do that Pioneer integrated amp you linked to with the Monitor 4's upstairs in the media room - that is, if you don't tell me they're crap.
You can do far better with a little patience. The Monitor 5s are a HUGE step up, and probably won't run you much more money. If you're going to get the Pioneer for the upstairs setup, i wouldn't bother touching that other ad that i told you to offer $300 on. Just keep an eye out for some Monitor 5s or 7s. Bonus points if they come with the stands.
The 4s aren't crap, but i wouldn't pay more than $30-$40 for a nice pair.
We'll talk about the Sansui. I can't guarantee that it'll still be there, but i have a couple sources here that i should always be able to get you something decent for cheap.
Quick question:
I looked at the audio place near my work, and I found a pair of old Phase Technology PC 8.5 (I think) speakers. I'm sure it's Phase Tech, not sure on the model. It was a 3-way floorstanding speaker with flattened domes. They were asking $185 for the pair.
I was sufficiently impressed with the sound; What do y'all think?
How much would these have retailed for, new?
9/8/10 12:50 p.m.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
You can do far better with a little patience. The Monitor 5s are a HUGE step up, and probably won't run you much more money.
Good to know. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
I think I'll try to jump on that Pioneer and the Monitor 10s for now, and maybe move that into the small room later on if I acquire more/bigger gear for the main setup.
I will certainly let you know when I have some more money burning a hole in my pocket.
Just what I need, another potentially expensive hobby...
alex wrote:
93celicaGT2 wrote:
You can do far better with a little patience. The Monitor 5s are a HUGE step up, and probably won't run you much more money.
Good to know. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
I think I'll try to jump on that Pioneer and the Monitor 10s for now, and maybe move that into the small room later on if I acquire more/bigger gear for the main setup.
I will certainly let you know when I have some more money burning a hole in my pocket.
Just what I need, another potentially expensive hobby...
It can be expensive, yes.... but there's a VERY grassroots side to it.
If you look at retail, i have well over $5000 in my setup. In real dollars, i have less than a grand. And that's strictly two-channel. And no vinyl. (which gets really expensive)
scardeal wrote:
Quick question:
I looked at the audio place near my work, and I found a pair of old Phase Technology PC 8.5 (I think) speakers. I'm sure it's Phase Tech, not sure on the model. It was a 3-way floorstanding speaker with flattened domes. They were asking $185 for the pair.
I was sufficiently impressed with the sound; What do y'all think?
How much would these have retailed for, new?
I'll do some research there. I haven't heard of that brand i don't think.
9/8/10 3:48 p.m.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
scardeal wrote:
Quick question:
I looked at the audio place near my work, and I found a pair of old Phase Technology PC 8.5 (I think) speakers. I'm sure it's Phase Tech, not sure on the model. It was a 3-way floorstanding speaker with flattened domes. They were asking $185 for the pair.
I was sufficiently impressed with the sound; What do y'all think?
How much would these have retailed for, new?
I'll do some research there. I haven't heard of that brand i don't think.
Its a good brand. We have a pair of their bookshelf speakers. When we bought them used we AB tested them against a brand new pair of B&W's, on some very high quality components. I could tell a little bit of difference in them, my dad, with worse hearing, could not. I like them a lot. That sounds like a good deal.
EDIT: keep in mind that that comparison was with brand new B&W's versus at least 10 year old phase tech's in rough condition.
And, to answer the pricing question, probably quite a bit. I'd guess at least $1000. Here is a reference point:,25217,25901,26446,26512&sugexp=ldymls&tok=kLyYLCjBx8b4jJmO5Yqx6g&xhr=t&q=phase+technology&cp=9&safe=off&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=E_eHTN2PM9DTngeh_7isDA&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=3&sqi=2&ved=0CDoQrQQwAg
My wife has asked me to wait a while on the speaker purchase...
Something to do with a $1000 repair bill on the BMW (driveshaft issues).
Where is a good place to talk audio?
scardeal wrote:
My wife has asked me to wait a while on the speaker purchase...
Something to do with a $1000 repair bill on the BMW (driveshaft issues).
Where is a good place to talk audio?
They aren't an entire forum filled with Polk fanbois by any means. I'm on there. I'm currently running no Polk gear.
zomby woof wrote:
I love electrostats.
Get some carpet in that room
I love the little Rotel sitting between them!
Man that must be a BRIGHT listening room...look at all those hard ears would explode.
I'm a big fan of Snell speakers. I'm actually staring at the Snell/Boston Acoustics factory as I write this...
I've heard Snell might be going south though VERY sad.
9/14/10 7:39 p.m.
Interesting (to me anyway): I haven't heard of Snell; that's my paternal grandmother's maiden name. I'll have to look into the history of that company.
I know the older Snell speakers have quite a following. They play nice with tubes. I know nothing of their speakers post-1960ish.
9/14/10 9:03 p.m.
Heh. That's because they were founded in 1976.
New Reader
9/14/10 9:14 p.m.
I have a pair of snell J types . I bought them about 15 years ago and at the time i went to hear lots of speakers and they were my favorites.times have changed but used they may be worth a listen.Also cambridge soundworks are a good bang for the buck
alex wrote:
Heh. That's because they were founded in 1976.
Seems i may have been thinking of Altec. 
Then i have no idea about anything Snell. 
I've got a pair of DCM TimeFrames as my rears in my 7.1 setup (fronts are doubled up vintage pioneer towers), they used to be my fronts when it was just stereo. Great speakers, still worth a lot on the used market for how old they are.
My Cambridge Soundworks MegaWorks 250D 2.1 computer setup is the best 2.1 system (for the money) I've ever heard. No longer made and when new they were spendy, but if you can find a good condition used set they're great. The interface thingy is terribly designed though. I've had these things maxed out at parties and they don't distort and still sound great almost a decade later. The next best set I've heard in the affordable category is the Logitech Z2300. Better highs than my 250D but the bass isn't as good.
After much hemming and hawing, and thinking about different things, I finally actually bought a pair of speakers.
I had seen a pair of B&W (Bowers & Wilkins) bookshelves at the local audio place, but one consideration made me reject it, despite its quite nice sound. When it came time to fill in a center channel and surrounds, I'd be looking at a very hefty bill. I didn't think that I'd be able to find matching speakers at the price point I was seeing. Think $400+ for a center channel and $600 for surrounds.
I trolled deal websites, and wound up finding a place (non-shady) that was selling a new pair of Polk Audio TSi300s for $275 shipped after coupon code. I think they usually retail for $200 a piece, and I can get a matching center channel (normal retail) for $200. I'm sure I can find it cheaper.
My receiver has an a/b front channel switch, so I had both hooked up, and would switch between the two. I definitely picked up audio details missing from the HTIB speakers and it had a much fuller midrange/bass with the new speakers. I'm pretty stoked.... 
Now, I just need to watch some movies with EXPLOSIONS! or just more music and movies.