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aircooled SuperDork
2/23/11 7:36 p.m.

I will take it:

Room Number is:


Someone confirm I have the right course, there are two La Sarthe (2005 and 2009, I am using 2009)

Apexcarver SuperDork
2/23/11 7:39 p.m.


BradLTL GRM+ Memberand Reader
2/23/11 7:39 p.m.

That's the right one.

RealMiniDriver Dork
2/23/11 7:58 p.m.

I'm going to be a few minutes late.

Apexcarver SuperDork
2/23/11 8:07 p.m.

we are holding off for you mini, hope you can make it

NickF40 GRM+ Memberand Reader
2/23/11 9:11 p.m.

damnit, I totally forgot about this haha

BradLTL GRM+ Memberand Reader
2/23/11 9:45 p.m.

Sincere apologies all. I just got home about 15 minutes ago. Tonight's visit lasted much longer than anticipated, but then again how do you cut short a visit with a man's only child and only grandchild when he has recently been diagnosed with cancer? I guess there are times when video games need to take a back seat.

Anyway, how was the race and test-n-tune?

aircooled SuperDork
2/23/11 9:55 p.m.

The ROC went pretty good up front from what I heard, I was making sure the rear of the pack was in order..

The practice was a very close race up front for the first few laps (we did a 6 lap race). Apex and I did some pretty crazy position swaps. It looks like the series will be very interesting.

I forgot to save the races, so hopefully someone else will get some pics.

NickF40 GRM+ Memberand Reader
2/23/11 11:36 p.m.

pissed I miss the ROC race and the first T&T race but the rest was fun, Monaco is a bit to crowded for..."us" folk way to go Chimp! lol

I think I got my MX5 dialed in for what I could and as far the SBC, it was nice to see how well everyone else went up against the Izuzu so I think i'm good there, still a drift fest for me but that Laguna race was good.

T.J. SuperDork
2/24/11 7:07 a.m.

I saved the Laguna SBC replay. I need to figure out the picture taking, saving, and transfering thing.

NickF40 GRM+ Memberand Reader
2/24/11 11:28 a.m.

Let's see em!!

T.J. SuperDork
2/24/11 3:33 p.m.

This was on the first lap. I had the lead very briefly and then went wide into the sand. Can't have Laguna Seca pics without a corkscrew shot. Lots of tire smoke in this one. Also from lap 1 when we were still all together. Cropped out is the visiting AE86 that provided some competition for a certain Elan.

DaveEstey HalfDork
2/24/11 3:37 p.m.

So what were the average times for SBC at Seca?

T.J. SuperDork
2/24/11 3:52 p.m.

1:55 - 1:58 or so for people who can drive. For me more like 2:02 - 2:08 or so.

NickF40 GRM+ Memberand Reader
2/24/11 5:38 p.m.

Nice haha

I didn't pay attention to my times, I was trying to just keep the tail end from totally washing out lol

Apexcarver SuperDork
2/25/11 8:37 a.m.

For awhile there I was having a good fight with the interloper in the AE86.

Not sure if my package is necessarily faster, I think I just stayed out of trouble a little better then the rest of the pack. I did take a good amount of time messing with settings and practicing with the Elan. It needs a bit more work, but is coming along nicely.

DaveEstey HalfDork
2/25/11 9:19 a.m.

Spent some serious time and even more serious money testing SBC cars. I've found that many of them will be very close to each other in times, the Hondas are completely uncompetitive, you just can't make power with 800cc engines.

I now have a herd of prepped SBC cars haha

NickF40 GRM+ Memberand Reader
2/25/11 9:47 a.m.

I need to some how tune it so it doesn't lose it's rear so quickly.

Yeah when I first saw the class I went and looked to see what I already had and what I had that others would most likely use and I saw the Izuzu, I thought, hey you don't see them much, tuned it fully just without turbo and it met up with specs pretty damn good so I was happy I have a huge herd of SBC cars un tuned

DaveEstey HalfDork
2/25/11 9:52 a.m.

I spent about 1.7 million prepping SBC cars...

But the experience led me to switch cars away from the Elan. What I chose will remain a surprise until the first race though.

T.J. SuperDork
2/25/11 10:31 a.m.

I've prepped an Elan, a Spitfire, a BMW, an Alfa, a Mini, a Marcos, and a Lancer so far. It gets expensive. I have one or two others that I haven't prepped (yet). I don't want to add up the total tuning these things, but at least it is fake money.

T.J. SuperDork
2/25/11 10:31 a.m.

There is a 510 in the game, but I have yet to see it.

DaveEstey HalfDork
2/25/11 10:40 a.m.

How do you make a small fortune in racing? Start with a large fortune.

T.J. SuperDork
2/25/11 10:43 a.m.

Anyone try the Europa for SBC? I don't have one to try. If I see one in the used car lot I'll buy it and try it out.

BradLTL GRM+ Memberand Reader
2/25/11 10:45 a.m.
T.J. wrote: There is a 510 in the game, but I have yet to see it.

I have the 510 if you would like it. It is an older model than you want though.

I've spent sooooo much money buying and testing cars for all 3 of the classes to try and make sure that the cars are competitive. I probably have in the neighborhood of 10 cars for every class we've run so far (save the MX5 which I only have the 1). I don't want to know how much money I've spent. Good news, is now I can B-spec grind my money back while I am working. That is helpful!

NickF40 GRM+ Memberand Reader
2/25/11 10:58 a.m.

haha you guys are nuts!! I wish I had 1.7 million!

The Europa's nicely balanced I think. I have yet to tune my 510. I have so many cars like I said for all the classes, it's so hard for me to choose haha How do you do that B spec racing stuff?

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