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92CelicaHalfTrac SuperDork
1/26/11 11:54 a.m.
BradLTL wrote: I use a DFGT strapped to a collapsable card table. You are welcome to join a race and see how you do.

I haven't bought it yet. I'm trying to gauge ahead of time since i'd be pretty mad if i bought it and it's near unplayable with a controller.

ahutson03 New Reader
1/26/11 1:25 p.m.

ugh sorry I missed it again (work always gets in the way) but next week I will definitely be back barring any unforseen circumstances

lapierre4 None
1/26/11 1:31 p.m.

Hi guys, I will prepare a car for next week and be sure that this time, you will not even have to battle, I will be to far in front

Just joking. But I will really prepare a car to be more competitive next week. The series I was running was pretty cool I will race in it again, if this is possible to join in the middle of the championship like that.

aircooled SuperDork
1/26/11 1:46 p.m.

Please do, the Chimp is killing us. Short of strapping an anvil to his bumper Brad and I have no real chance to catch him. He was turning laps a couple seconds faster than me consistently and he rarely seems to give the walls a visit.

BradLTL GRM+ Memberand Reader
1/26/11 2:01 p.m.

In reply to aircooled:

I had a blast the last 8ish laps of the GRM class race. I was running you down by about 3-4 seconds a lap (trying to unlap myself), just when I was getting close I would get excited and lose it, then get to do it all over again. I did manage to unlap myself right before the race ended when you looped it before the hairpin. It was a moral victory.

@lapierre4 - glad you found us here. We are happy to have you join now. There are 4 races left in this series, then we will start series 2 (featuring different tracks, and a new class).

aircooled SuperDork
1/26/11 3:19 p.m.

Yes, I noticed that. You would get close... then fall back. My tires were getting really greasy at that point so I figured you had a good chance (I lapped you when you pitted).

I can totally relate to it though. At the start of the race I was trying to tell myself "just race your race, ignore everyone else" Pretty much every mess up was the result of looking what everyone else was doing, argh.

Oh, and in case you did not notice. In the GRM race when you did you little ballerina move before the tunnel, as soon as you were facing the wrong way you were ghosted. I saw that and just drove through you. Saved a minor pile up. That corner was tough, you had to put in a little throttle to keep the car from going around (at least mine).

If you want to try a fun car to drive, look out for the Yellow Bird 911 in the used cars. That's an interesting one. You of course get trailing throttle oversteer, but as a bonus you also get power oversteer! Combine that with "must brake straight or spin" braking (even with abs) it makes for a challenging drive. Also check out the YouTube video of the Yellow Bird going around Nuremburg and you can see that the modeling seems to be pretty correct.

BradLTL GRM+ Memberand Reader
1/26/11 9:03 p.m.
aircooled wrote: when you did you little ballerina move before the tunnel

Yea, what I figured out was that my car could not take the corner at it's apex. It got me 3 times before I figured it out... you think that I would learn. I started taking a wide line, missing the apex by about a car length, and my car was much more stable and was actually about 0.5 seconds faster than my lap times during my practice sessions.

On the probably the easiest track of the series....

Rufledt HalfDork
1/26/11 9:30 p.m.

yay! more people! I had a lot of fun racing with you Lapierre, good to see you'll be back! Can't wait for some more Mustang-on-Challenger action! Fuji is gonna suck for my 'stang, though. I forsee massive brake issues into the 1st corner, not to mention the long corners. We'll do this one by longest drift, right?

lapierre4 New Reader
1/26/11 10:32 p.m.

I must agree that if the ABS is not permitted, I don't see how I am going to be able to get the first corner right 18 times... Those tanks lock up sooooo easily with such crappy tires. Oh and I tuned a lot more my Challenger this time. On Monaco I had only like 5xx hp but now everything is on hehe I can't wait to see what it will give... And yes after 3-4 laps the tires will be completely worn out and there will be no race anymore, only fast drifting !!

Rufledt HalfDork
1/27/11 12:51 a.m.

lol yeah that's what i'm anticipating. I haven't even tried fuji out yet (winter break is over and all) but i'm sure i'll screw up that corner quite a few times. It's a good thing there is a lot of runoff! It'll be fun fun trying to drift those pigs

WilberM3 HalfDork
1/27/11 9:43 a.m.

anyone of you have an BMW M Coupe they could sell me? ive been waiting and looking for over a month to buy one but they just dont pop up in the stupid setup for used cars. gt4 was far superior IMO here, except for the online dealer.

aircooled SuperDork
1/27/11 10:02 a.m.
lapierre4 wrote: I must agree that if the ABS is not permitted, I don't see how I am going to be able to get the first corner right 18 times...

Yes, that is the idea, keeps it interesting (except for spoilers like the Monkey who don't seem to make mistakes). One thing that can be helpful with braking is to turn down your brakes (mine are set at 3 or 4 I believe). Also make sure you can hear your tires (turn down or off music), and whatever you do, do not turn until you are almost stopped.

Regarding the M Coupe. I don't have one, but I will look out for one. I don't think I have seen on that I can remember, but it is something I would take interest in, so maybe it hasn't shown up yet.

Rufledt HalfDork
1/27/11 3:27 p.m.

I don't make mistakes? I make lots of them! I bumped into Lapierre on the 1st lap in the last race! Pretty hard too. (sorry about that btw) and it made me understeer the rest of the race (yes, understeer, unless i hit the gas, which created immediate crazy oversteer).

I agree with Wilber, this waiting for used cars thing sucks.

also, I resent being called a monkey! Chimps (or at least, Bonobos) are WAY better for multiple reasons, (some of which are NSFW, in the case of those horny, horny Bonobos). have you ever seen a monkey wearing a pin striped business suit?! NO. Chimps do it all the time:

Same for pipe smoking while wearing a hat:

And blowing stuff up:

I rest my case.

On a serious note, I was studying chimps in a bio-anthro class when i created my psn id. Had I been in a different class, I may have done something more interesting.

BradLTL GRM+ Memberand Reader
1/27/11 4:17 p.m.

Ok, off subject a bit...

Here are my proposed changes for Series 2...

  1. GRM Class increase max HP to 400 - this allows the inclusion of most of the cars originally spec'd for the defunk G600 class to be included.

  2. New SBC Class - this class is based on the concepts of the Classic Motorsports' Small Bore Cup. Cars will be pre-1970 (with some exceptions.. Mini, Triumph), have a displacement less than 2000cc, will be capped at 200 HP, and will use Comfort Hard tires.

  3. Race of Champions will be Caterham Fireblades at the 'Ring

  4. No areo parts can be used

  5. Races will be shorted by 20%. The current lap count is based on ~50 miles, this will be reduced to ~40 miles. SBC will start at equal race distance, if like CM it becomes a bear to finish a race at that length races will be reduced to 50% GRM Class length (this is what we do today).

  6. SBC will race first followed by a 15 minute warm-up for GRM

  7. Courses to be named later... but am considering running an oval and rally course(s)

Thoughts? Feedback?

I'll need some help verifying cars for the SBC class. I don't have a list with displacements so when picking / shopping for cars please check my list. If I've missed or included a car that doesn't meet the requirements let me know and I'll adjust.

ahutson03 New Reader
1/27/11 5:36 p.m.

sounds good are we still keeping weights the same for grm?

aircooled SuperDork
1/27/11 5:45 p.m.

A small note. I did try a rally course (the one that was included in the track list erroneously) in my current CM car and it wasn't too bad.

The one problem I could see with that though is that in an open lobby, there is nothing to stop the 900hp EVO crowd from jumping in. We do pretty good with the other races because of the tire restrictions (scares most off). With a rally, you can only run one type of tire.

Shortening the races is good. In all the races we have done, most all were well over by 1/2 way through. The one exception was me catching up in one of the early races, but apparently that was a wife induced accident (I am assuming she got a good talking to and won't do that again )

Shot from the last race (not sure why there is an old guy on the track):

Rufledt HalfDork
1/27/11 5:46 p.m.

Sounds great. a couple questions- when you say no aero, do you mean SBC or both SBC and GRM? also, Comfort meduims were pretty slippery, why pick comfort hards? If these races are shorter, and the SBC cars are lighter/less powerful, we could probobly last full races on comfort mediums, which would offer a little more grip. Also, yay for rally courses. I wouldn't be sad if we lost ovals, but yay for rally courses.

and aren't there ways of kicking people out of an open lobby if they don't behave?

Lastly, as you can see, chimps can drive, too. Clearly, they are better than monkeys. And they have good taste in classic cars. Except for that '71 mustang, i've never actually liked those in real life.

BradLTL GRM+ Memberand Reader
1/27/11 6:23 p.m.
  • Aero, mostly they are ugly and not equally available on all the cars, so banning them for both classes
  • Comfort Hards were selected because SBC cars are lighter and will have a limit on the HP; I still want to keep the challenge the tires presented in CM. I'll test them in a couple cars and see how it responds... Mediums may be enough. Also, I kinda liked the tires going away after long runs. It adds the race-craft and strategy to the series (having to decide to pit... well it wasn't a decision for me, I was usually in there getting a fender bent back out)
  • Random joins can be rejected, I've never done it but I assume that I can keep the Evo/WRC ridiculousness out, although anyone like lapierre4 that join and play by the rules will be welcome (and may impact our championship by taking points of regulars)
  • Oval track, I'm not a huge fan but it could be fun if there were enough cars running close enough together. I'm thinking Indy, not Daytona. Also, it would be a completely foreign setup (just a shame you can't set toe/camber/spring settings on individual corners)
  • GRM weight and tires stay the same, only thing that changes is the upper HP limit.
  • Monkeys also fling poo
BradLTL GRM+ Memberand Reader
1/27/11 6:27 p.m.
aircooled wrote: If you want to try a fun car to drive, look out for the Yellow Bird 911 in the used cars. That's an interesting one. You of course get trailing throttle oversteer, but as a bonus you also get power oversteer! Combine that with "must brake straight or spin" braking (even with abs) it makes for a challenging drive. Also check out the YouTube video of the Yellow Bird going around Nuremburg and you can see that the modeling seems to be pretty correct.

My computer background...

Apexcarver SuperDork
1/30/11 7:50 p.m.

I just got my PS3 up and running online and PM'd my info to sign up.. It will be interesting to see how my car choices pan out. It would be interesting if we could see in the results what cars people are using. From the pictures it looks like GRM is a rotary-fest. We shall see if I cant break that up a bit

BradLTL GRM+ Memberand Reader
1/30/11 9:41 p.m.

3 races left and it looks like we will have our largest field yet! Are we going to see a shake up at the front of the field? Tune in Tuesday evening to find out!

Rufledt HalfDork
1/30/11 11:15 p.m.

oh man that makes me feel even worse. school is heating up again and it turns out I need to do my whole semester of lab work by the end of february. (on the flip side, I don't have to do any after february!) I may not be able to make it this week. I'll try to get my stuff done, but I may not be able to race this week

(on the other hand, by moving mods around i managed to get my FC to gain about 60 lb-ft without gaining peak hp, so that'll be a nice treat for me when I come back)

BradLTL GRM+ Memberand Reader
1/31/11 11:18 a.m.

Yeah, I have to dig out my PS3 by race time... my office got a much needed makeover this weekend and everything that was in my office is currently piled in the man-cave. I've had no practice or tuning sessions for Fuji... it's gonna be a crap-shoot for my performance this week.

ahutson03 New Reader
1/31/11 3:04 p.m.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow night, it's been a couple of weeks, i'm coming in blind as well no chance for practice laps

thestig99 Reader
1/31/11 5:51 p.m.

Also in with no practice.

This should end well.

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