Title says it all. For his bday, 13 y/o nephew would like either a "guitar magazine" or "country guitar song books". I am inclined to do the latter; magazines *about* things instead of doing *things* seems rather lame-- oh wait oops. :P
Hes into Johnny Cash and writes and performs his own stuff. Very hard worker and talented at it.
3/23/23 5:01 p.m.
I have subscribed to this one before. I keep a few of them around.
3/24/23 3:07 p.m.
I follow Deke Dickerson on FB. He just wrote a book on Merle Travis and is heavily into the history of Rockabilly and its roots in Blues, Country, Gospel, etc. Dunno if your boy might at some point be interested in this? I'm going to message him on FB to see if he has any suggestions for your nephew.
Thank you folks, I'll follow some links here!
3/24/23 5:58 p.m.
Deke responded saying he didn't expect any of the current guitar magazines to be your best option for information on Johnny Cash, but he did say there are some very good Johnny Cash books available. You might check the library.