Wow. I've had a couple before, and yard sales do seem to summon some interesting characters, but today really topped the list.
I did manage to make $100 in one sale by selling a bunch of my manga books to a dealer on his way to Baltimore Comic-Con.
The story that I will always remember, though, is the reason that I am posting this thread.
I had a friend stop by to see if he could unload some of his vast collection of PC games (There's a ton available if anyone's interested). And we're sitting on the front porch. I took out a couple plastic soft air pistols and we were shooting at dead leaves and stuff when no one was around. Just killing time.
A super short nerdy-looking guy rolls up with three little kids. These are hyper little buggers, but cute, not really obnoxious. None of them could have been older than 7.
One of them randomly says to me "My Daddy and Mommy used to live together but now Mommy lives in an apartment."
Also "I'm an artist but my teacher doesn't believe me because I'm really energetic in school."
One of them opened a Super Street magazine and said "Cool, an RX-8!" I gave him the mag for free.
Anyway, he's picked out a few Car & Driver magazines and trinkets and the like and I'm figuring out a total price for him when he reaches over and picks up one of the airguns. He holds it up and starts fiddling around with it.
"Are these for sale?"
Me: "No, we're just playing with them"
(Still fiddling with it) "These shoot the plastic bbs, right?"
Me: "Yup, they're pretty cheap if you ever want one"
"But you're not selling these?" (At this point, one hand is on the muzzle and the other hand has a finger on the trigger)
So my friend interjects "I think that one's..." >POP< "...loaded."
Now he's staring at his hand. Luckily the bb didn't leave a mark or anything. .12g bbs don't pack too much of a punch. My friend and I are both laughing and trying not to. Dude doesn't say anything.
Me "Are you ok? That had to hurt."
"Yeah I'm ok"
My friend "You can have that BB for free"
To top it off, my friend follows up with "Wanna shoot your kids? 50 cents a shot"
But hey, I've made about $120 off the morning. Not bad.