Happy Easter !
Join me in celebrating thi,s the greatest celebration on the Christian calendar: the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
My family will be celebrating with delicious food, candy, and Easter Egg hunt.
How does your family celebrate?
3/31/24 9:58 a.m.
This year's celebration got screwed up by my kids. Typically we go to Mass, spend a little time with Mom & Dad, and then all go to my aunt's house for the extended family on my Mom's side. This year, though, the original plan was to go up to see my wife's family, do Mass there, then come home sometime in the afternoon. Which would have been fine, but two of my kids stupidly volunteered for shifts at work - one of them starting at 0700 today. So the two of them and I loaded up the motorhome and headed back yesterday and the three of us went to the vigil Mass. That was absolutely an upside - when the kids were young, we didn't dare try to take them so I missed out on it for a few years. My wife and youngest daughter went to Mass up there this morning and will head back later on today, but at least she gets to see her parents and spend some time with them, so that's worth it. And I'll get some work done on the Challenge car.
But, regardless of all that, it's Easter; He is risen, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Happy Easter, everyone! Looking forwared to spending the day with the extended family!
In reply to wae :
We went to the Vigil Mass last night too. It's really long, but a super neat service.
The youngest members of the Indy-pit-crew, thought the outdoor campfire was really cool. 🔥
Bonus: my son painted the Easter candle 🕯️ this year.

3/31/24 11:42 a.m.
In reply to Indy - Guy :
Totally worth it! The first one I ever went to was when my wife completed RCIA over 20 years ago and finally last year I told the family that they were all welcome to go to whatever Easter Mass they wanted, but I was going to the vigil!
He did a great job with that - that looks amazing!