xceler8x said:
..says the PAC for Pulling Numbers Out Your Butt.
I've tried to stay off this thread, as it makes my blood pressure jump, and as one of the zomg!50millionuninsured! I can't afford a visit to the ER right now.
You've asked for proof that "the president lied."
Here ya go:
I LOVE this one, as it quotes one of my favorite books, "How to Lie With Statistics:"
If you'd like to dig through the census bureau's "Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2007" report; the one that Obama gets his "50 million uninsured Americans" number, and extrapolate the data on your own, it can be found here:
Also keep in mind, many people CHOOSE not to have health insurance. Some are young, healthy, and don't feel that they need it. Some live in households making over $70,000 a year, and CHOOSE not to have it, either because they don't feel that they need it, or they're unwilling to make very small changes in their spending habits in order to pay for it:
Millions more were between jobs at the time of the Census study, and were without insurance for less than six months.
Regardless of whether or not you think this is "Brown Data," the fact is that the initial "50 million" number (which was simply rounded up from the 46-47 Million that's now thrown around,) is a hyper-inflated number specifically designed to frighten, and/or tug on the heart-strings of voters.
So yes, you were lied to. When that didn't work, the liberal propaganda machine came out with this "THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN" tag line, which Democrats and Republicans both have whole-heartedly embraced.
The focus then shifted to "How much will it cost?" Moving the debate from "Is this really necessary?" to "It's going to happen, and here's how we're going to pay for it!"
Now that the class warfare looter party is realizing that the majority of the American public isn't buying what they're selling, the tagline is no longer "Healthcare Reform," but "Insurance Reform," and the focus has shifted from covering the uninsured, to how the EVIL RICH INSURANCE COMPANIES ARE STEALING MONEY FROM "HARD-WORKING AMERICANS."
And here we are. Buying into it hook, line, and sinker. We're not talking about the fact that we're hovering around 10% unemployment, or the fact that we're now heavily engaged in TWO wars in the Middle East, or the fact that we now have roughly 3 dozen "Czars," that have popped up out of nowhere, some of whom are self-proclaimed Socialists.
Nope. We're talking about how we need to FORCE every person who lives in the U.S. to buy health insurance. Fan berkeleying tastic.