I just can't stop rescuing dogs. This is Togo. My neighbor's daughter found him running down a busy street here in Dallas on a day that was too hot for huskies. She opened the door and he got right in her car. They had three other dogs and two he just didn't get along with. They called every single dog rescue group around including my group and begged them to take him. They called the no kill shelters and they were all full. Everybody told them to take him to the city pound but they are also full and there was a pretty good chance he would be euthanized. It's really not a good time right now to be a homeless big dog in Dallas. People are dumping their dogs right and left. Some are going back to work after Covid. Some are moving from a house to an apartment that doesn't take dogs because of the stupid expensive rent around here. Some people are getting evicted. This is the worse I have ever seen it around here for dogs. Did I mention that it was over 100 outside today. So they took this guy to me. All the rescue groups are still closed, but I have a special relationship with the group that I helped start about 10 years ago. They are still not accepting any new dogs at intake, but if I keep this guy at my house, pay for all his shots myself, feed him and pay all his vet bills for neutering, they will let me put him on their web site and take him to their meet and greet events. Such a deal. Several hundred dollars and another week later, this guy is hanging out at my house with my female husky eating the good dog food and sleeping on my bed. I still can't believe that there was no room for this guy anywhere. I guess times are hard for dogs. But I promised this guy he will have a good life from now on.

6/20/23 10:07 p.m.
Yu rock Snowdoggie......uh do yu need a go fund me for him? This boy is righteous!!! dang it!!!
Good job rescuing him and great name. Sad that so many pets are being discarded.
He's got a great temperament. My border collie puppy jumps all over him and he puts up with her. He even plays with her.
I have no idea how somebody would be able to dump a faithful companion like a discarded piece of trash.
Snowdoggie, you are a hero for saving that guy.
That dog has shenanigans written all over his face. Good luck.
So many Covid dogs getting abandoned, so sad.
You are a good man, man.
Thanks for doing this. Any chance someone's beloved pet got loose and they are searching?
6/21/23 6:42 a.m.
Anything not a pit bull type dog gets adopted pretty quick here in the northeast. I know things are much worse in Texas.
Beautiful pup! Good on you for taking him in, he is yours now!
OHSCrifle said:
Thanks for doing this. Any chance someone's beloved pet got loose and they are searching?
No tags. Nothing on Nextdoor.com or any of the lost dog websites after two weeks. No missing dog photos posted in the neighborhood. No chip. We scanned him at the vet. I am beginning to think he might have been on the street for a while. His ears were eaten by flies and he is very skinny. On the first day I had him he ate three bowls of dry dog food, one right after another.
Beautiful dog. Also looks real handy if one needs their yard dug up
There are many rescues from all over the US that pull dogs from places like TX, simply because the situation is so dire for dogs there... That might be something else worth looking into, if you're not interested in this becoming a permanent arrangement.