First off, let me say that if you home school, I'm not knocking you since I don't know you.
Second off, let me say "in before the lock"
On to the post. My whole life I've known people that home-schooled. In my experience, the most common reason for this decision was to avoid bad influences that you run into at school. I never thought that was a good reason since you will one day work with/for those same people, only now you'd have NO idea how to handle them since your little, insulated world is blown wide open. A few years ago a family member (in-law), decided to home school her daughter for the above reason. Now, this woman didn't complete high school herself so I (in my not-so-humble?) opinion thought that wasn't a good idea. It turned out that by third grade she decided to give up on home-schooling. Her daughter was a year behind and had a speech impediment that needed lots of work to overcome. The speech issue was due to lazy speech not being corrected. Now a friend of my wife has decided to home school her kindergartner because "8 o'clock is just too early to be up and out of bed". She had her third baby about 9 months ago and just can't see herself getting her oldest (5) ready to leave for school by 7:45. Really!! You're going to make a decision as huge as your children's education based on your unwillingness to get out of bed?
Some people can and do home school very successfully, others, not so much. I know a couple that home school and I am totally blown away by the high quality of education they are giving their kids. Just amazing. Teaching is a skill that most just don't possess, this woman does in spades.
I'm not looking for answers or to start an argument, I'm just venting. I can't vent to my wife because she wants to home school our kids but I won't let her.
I'll say it again because I'm sure some read it but forgot already . I'm not ripping on everyone that home schools. If you or your wife home schools your kids, I'm not passing judgement on you.