So my 1996 odyssey pooped it's transmission finally and I'm looking to pick up a replacement. The nice young man at the used parts yards reminded me that the pcm may have to be reflashed if I replaced the tranny.
I called the dealer and they said they could do it but it'd be $180 and there'd be no guarantee it would take.
Does anyone have knowledge of pcm reflashing? Does it have to be done at the dealer?
If you use the exact same transmision as a replacement, I wonder if it would have to be reflashed.
The place I'm looking to get the replacement from doesn't have the matching pcm for the transmission they want to sell me. I've looked a little more on the interweb and i"m finding conflicting info(imagine that) . Some are saying the pcu does not require a reflash.
A rebuild is $1500 and while I think thats a great price for a rebuild I just don't have that kind of cash lying around.
MrJoshua wrote:
6 speed swap?
I wish. If my wife and I weren't saving up to adopt I'd be shopping for K series motors w/ 6 speeds right now!