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914Driver MegaDork
9/1/20 12:56 p.m.

Southbound @40mph single track through a green light.  Knucklehead turns left in front of me, bigger knucklehead rides his bumper through it.  I slam on the brakes, missed him but slammed into the triangular median on the right at 90 degrees.  Now about 20 mph.

Still running, whip it around and chase the guy down to get a plate number.  I caught up and followed, he wheels into a cop station.  Great.  He gets out and starts wagging his fat finger at me screaming about road rage.  Hey, you tried to kill me!

Cop shows up 20 minutes later, I explain, nothing he can do.  My concern is this idiot charging me with road rage.

The intersection where it happened is in another county, talk to them.

I did.  Can't help.  Shoulda stayed and called 911.  But then I would not know who he was.

Called my insurance company, OK, it's not your fault but you have to pay the deductible.  Can;t go after the other guy because you didn't hit him.

Broken fog light, deep scratches down the side from a reflector sign, hopefully underneath didn't get hurt.

  Too many knuckleheads in the world....

Javelin (Forum Supporter)
Javelin (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/1/20 1:05 p.m.

In reply to 914Driver :

Never swerve, just hit the bastard. Learned that my first time, too.

volvoclearinghouse PowerDork
9/1/20 1:06 p.m.

Yeah.  Unfortunately you'd have been better off creaming the knucklehead.  Similar thing happened to me once, a Buick Skylark turned left in front of my 70's Plymouth barge.  The Skylark was flat bedded away; the headlight on my Plymouth was still illuminated. 

Sorry for your trouble.

That's really just so much Crap.

pheller UltimaDork
9/1/20 1:31 p.m.

I wonder how a dash cam would change things? 

Fueled by Caffeine
Fueled by Caffeine MegaDork
9/1/20 1:55 p.m.

In reply to pheller :

a lot..

JAGwinn New Reader
9/1/20 4:57 p.m.

What year was the Harley?....

vwcorvette (Forum Supporter)
vwcorvette (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
9/1/20 8:11 p.m.

Rookie move on my part this morning. Pulling into parking lot I decided I wanted bike pointed out, slowed and began turn, remembered colleague in van coming from behind so I hit the brake instead of clutch. Bike fell over. Broke the turn signal and mangled the license plate that hangs off the right side. No harm to me but another colleague said she still thinks I'm badass! And thus September begins.

Plate looks better now. Was twisted up badly as was the bracket.

Javelin (Forum Supporter)
Javelin (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/1/20 8:31 p.m.

Got stabbed with 50 needles to get tested for allergies, then spent three hours fixing the new oil line leak in the Flex only to have it keep leaking, had the old lady across the street yell at the kids and I for riding our bikes on the sidewalk, and then my ex brought my kids over filthy and three hours late. I'm pretty well pissed at this point.

Appleseed MegaDork
9/1/20 8:36 p.m.

I stab myself with needles about 3,700 times a year. On purpose. After 250 you start to get used to it.

Woody GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/1/20 8:40 p.m.

I was 21(?), driving in the left lane of three on I-84 in Hartford. Light snow. The woman in front of me overreacts to slowing traffic, slams on her brakes and I am immediately looking at her headlights. Left lane cars begin piling up. I slow down to avoid her and the others, successfully get across the other two lanes (Thank you, autocrossing for preventing this from becoming a rollover), cross the breakdown lane and slide backwards up under a bridge, with my front bumper torn off from back to front.

I find myself standing there next to the woman who had caused The Big One.

When the cops arrive and check our licenses, I ask for her insurance info. The cop said, "What for? You never hit each other."

I said, "Yeah, but she spun and caused this whole thing."

Cop said, "The only way there would be an insurance claim would be if you had made contact, and then it would be your fault for following too closely."


Hard to decide to go ahead and hit someone when you only have time to make one decision.

RobinS87 New Reader
9/2/20 4:28 a.m.

Man, you're really out of luck.
The world is full of complete morons and unfortunately you had to face them

914Driver MegaDork
9/3/20 8:38 a.m.

$2700 to fix, I pick up the first $500.


Shoulda planked him .....

914Driver MegaDork
9/3/20 9:36 a.m.

Not to flounder, buy why would someone cut the fog light wiring?  Don't like them, don't turn them on.  I got as far as checking all the relays and fuses but looking inside for damage after the curb hop, I find wires cut and neatly zip tied out of the way.  Huh?

Mr_Asa Dork
9/3/20 10:43 a.m.

In reply to 914Driver :

Possible they were an option and that bumper or whatever had them and it was easier to not wire them?

ebelements Reader
9/3/20 10:46 a.m.

I feel all of this.

Pulled into an unfamiliar parking lot to let a buddy drive the Vette, and as I did so I hear a crunch—turns out there's a parking block perpendicular to the last space(who effing does that!?) that I didn't see. Huge gouge to the underside of the rocker. Could have been way worse but I feel like a boob.

D2W Dork
9/4/20 12:30 p.m.

I normally applaud the common sense here, but to intentionally hit someone so they have to pay to fix your car is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Yes this was totally his fault, and he is going to get away with it, but to chance injuring yourself of someone else for a little money is just ludicrous:( 

759NRNG (Forum Partidario)
759NRNG (Forum Partidario) UltraDork
9/4/20 4:16 p.m.
D2W said:

I normally applaud the common sense here, but to intentionally hit someone so they have to pay to fix your car is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Yes this was totally his fault, and he is going to get away with it, but to chance injuring yourself of someone else for a little money is just ludicrous:( 

Hmmmmm until it happens to YOU?????

jharry3 GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
9/4/20 5:57 p.m.
Woody said:


Cop said, "The only way there would be an insurance claim would be if you had made contact, and then it would be your fault for following too closely."


Yeah, the logic is if you could not stop in time you were following too closely.     Head explosion... as in post hoc ergo propter hoc.

That is what I was told when I rear ended someone who had just rear ended the car in front of them without ever hitting their brakes.     Deputy figured it out eventually though but had to give me the ticket, state law, last car caused it all. Post hoc ergo propter hoc ad nauseam.

914Driver MegaDork
9/5/20 7:16 a.m.
D2W said:

I normally applaud the common sense here, but to intentionally hit someone so they have to pay to fix your car is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Yes this was totally his fault, and he is going to get away with it, but to chance injuring yourself of someone else for a little money is just ludicrous:( 

Calm down, it was an off hand comment.  The only stupid thing I do are  in the garage.

Toebra Dork
9/5/20 8:25 p.m.

It is not intentionally hit the car at fault.  It is not destroying your car to avoid hitting them.  If you are behind them or changing lanes, you probably would be at fault, otherwise, not so much.  You have to hit the car that causes the problem or they get off scot free, such is the world we have created.


Yes, my September has started off far, far worse than yours.  No, you do not want to hear the story

914Driver MegaDork
9/6/20 9:40 a.m.

Thank you, but you have my condolences......  Good luck.

914Driver MegaDork
9/10/20 9:57 a.m.

Dropped the Frontier off at a body shop a few days ago, I am forced to drive a brandy new Colorado 4DR for about 10 more days.

Saron81 HalfDork
9/10/20 10:37 a.m.

It's been an interesting start to the month for sure. 
During the 1st week, the missus almost burned down the house by leaving a pan of oil on the stove at high heat. We were eating dinner outside when we finally realized we were hearing the smoke detector. I ran inside to find smoke so thick it looked like nighttime in the house even though all the light were on, and my cabinets around the stove dripping fire. Split second decision made that I thought I could still save the house instead of just getting the dog and and watching it go up. Another 30-60 seconds and I wouldn't have been able to. I grabbed the flaming pan, and tossed it out the back door, then put out the cabinets. Got the dog out, and then aired out the house l. Spent the next day sunrise to sunset scrubbing soot off of EVERYTHING, replacing the stove vent/fan and painting the melted paint behind the stove and on the ceiling. Minor damage to the cabinets surprisingly... just melted veneer from original to the house 1960s cabinets. Minor burns and singed hair on my hands. Consider myself very lucky. 

2 days later I bring my 7 month old puppy in from our nightly walk, and he lays down and goes to sleep on the couch across from me like usual. After about half an hour he wakes up shaking like crazy, and is super unsteady on his feet. The shaking was so bad that I wasn't sure if it was a seizure or what. We immediately took him the the animal ER. He spent the next 36 hours there while they did tests, bloodwork, xrays, etc. for every test to come back normal. After IV fluids, and other treatments, he was back to normal the next day. They're thinking he may have eaten a mushroom on our walk. Expensive mushroom. Scary stuff, but am glad to have my pup back! 

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