I'd like to sell this oil/wood combination boiler and get it the hell out of my way since I chopped up the radiators doing the bathroom last year, and can't afford oil heat anyway.
Problem is, I have zero idea how to price it.
The wood boiler is an ancient Jensen, I've never found a model number or even any that looked similar in past searches.
The oil boiler is a Utica SFH 3100W.
The W retails for $3500ish brand new, this is at least 10 years old. Worked fine, serviced in 2021, but I can't really demonstrate because the plumbing isn't hooked up anymore and I'm not flooding my damn house.
The system has been drained but I'm in no shape to actually disconnect and remove it, so I expect a slight price hit for that. But I don't even know where to start with a number.
If they take the tank and boiler out themselves, free would be a heck of a deal.
2/26/24 1:24 p.m.
Considering age, size, and general P.I.T.A.ittude, I'd probably also price it as free.
Maybe you can find a local church that has a congregant that needs one and is on hard times?
I'm inclined to agree with the above posters but people sometimes don't respect free.
I would list it as $500-1000/offer and buyer removes properly and takes everything...and vet any person that responds to get a feel for them first.
Mr_Asa said:
Maybe you can find a local church that has a congregant that needs one and is on hard times?
Absolutely not, my experiences have shown me those are the most ridiculous people to deal with. Far too many times I've tried to do something nice and help people out like that, and they turn around and think I'm now at their beck and call for anything and everything involved with whatever it was, even years later. I have enough headaches in my life.
I presently have it listed for a bit more than scrap value. Might as well try to get something out of it for the $6k of oil I put through it before buying the pellet stove, although this tail end of winter really isn't a time to turn a profit on heating equipment.
Sold it for $300, and they took out out themselves.
Came here to offer my two cents, but it looks like it worked out well for you.
In reply to Colin Wood :
I put it up for a grand, no hits after a week. Dropped it to $500 or best offer and had half the county messaging. Plan worked perfectly.
First guy that actually showed up made an offer and I let him have it. Even warned him what it cost us to run. But, as everything was coming out, discovered the exhaust piping was ridiculously holy, so maybe it was running super rich to compensate.
Regardless, it's gone, and once I decide what to do about the random cement pad, I'll have more garage space. Overall win. Also freed up a breaker in the sub panel which is nice.