Quite literally I have dreams in which I can fly. Usually it's a learning curve in my slumber in which I'll jump up and "coast" for a bit before setting down. This will progress until my flights have a duration of 10-15 seconds and an altitude of maybe 100 feet.
Well last night for the first time I was using a "disc" of some sort. Approximately 4' in diameter (it even had a brand name written on it "Jump Assist") with handles on the bottom and a shrouded blade array like a jet engine intake. I got it spinning and it gave me more hang time in my dream jumps.
Is there any way such a device could help? Am I making any sense at all? I know describing a dream is weird territory.
Sounds sort of like an autorotating backpack. You would need some way to counteract the torque generated by one set of blades; easiest way would be to have two sets of blades rotating in different directions.
It will still probably descend at a speed that would be fatal for a human to impact the ground at though. Remember, its not the fall that kills you...
I can do it by flapping my arms - but eventually I go too high, fall or head for powerlines and wake up.
I'm sure there is a psychiatrist who would tell me something about the true meaning and over-confidence but I'm busy trying to figure out how to do it for real - I can handle it.
I have a lot of flying dreams. Never on or in anything, just fly up and hover around.
I used to have a re occurring dream that I couldn't leave my house. I would run as hard as I could toward the front door, but as soon as I got there I would float up to the ceiling and slide all the way back to the end of the hall. I would try in vein for hours.
It's really quite simple, all you have to do is fall and miss the ground. It has be a natural distraction right before you hit though, so I'd recommend starting low and working your way up. If you're expecting the distraction, it won't work.
RevRico wrote: It's really quite simple, all you have to do is fall and miss the ground. It has be a natural distraction right before you hit though, so I'd recommend starting low and working your way up. If you're expecting the distraction, it won't work.
+1 for the hitchhikers guide method of flying
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