Our home internet has been dodgy the past few days. It would cut out, but rebooting the modem got us back online. Yesterday evening I called to see what's up. "Okay if we send out a tech tomorrow between 8 and 10?"
The tech was here a few minutes after 8 and was gone 10 minutes later. We're back on the grid. Looks like a splitter was causing a signal drop.
You are very lucky. A recent online chat between me and Time Warner ended with me asking if they cared that every time I have ever had to deal with TWC, it was easily the worst part of that week for me. The CSR responded by stating that he didnt feel that there was anything else he could do to help me, and that I should just try to have a good day. Then, he abruptly ended the chat.
I live just about 2 miles from a small town, and they are the only option that doesnt involve satellite...for now. I cannot wait for the day to come that they have competition.
Comcast doesn't like when you send a photocopy of the same check every month even though they air the same episodes of the same shows every day.
They also really don't like you submitting a receipt for a refund every month with a log of all the time the cable and internet had been out for no reason.
Maybe it's petty of me, but if I can't use the, service 3 or 4 full days of the month why pay for it?
I loathe Verizon's pricing and how they treat their employees but have had zero issues with their customer service and techs in 8 years as a fios customer.
9/28/16 9:42 a.m.
I dread dealing with the cable company, but yet I am reliant on them.
9/28/16 10:11 a.m.
If you don't have actual cable TV, but you do get Internet from a cable provider, here's a tip:
SWMBO has a small accounting business. Just side jobs; she works about 20 hours/month.
BUT... this allowed her to sign up for Internet via Cox Business Services. I suspect most cable/Internet providers have a Business department.
The service was installed within 20 hours of placing the order. They said he'd be here at noon (not "noon to 5pm") and he was here at 11:55am.
The one time we had an issue, a technician was here within 20 minutes of the phone call.
We pay $89 for 25MB/s. That's not particularly cheap, but it's the fastest speed available at our home. It's also a price lock for FIVE years!
Try it if you can.
9/28/16 11:13 a.m.
Brighthouse has treated me alrigjt. It's not cheap, but its faaast, and at least my outages are scheduled. (For whatever reason my Internet resets at 247 pm est every day. )
There's no cable where I live. No DSL, nothing but satellite (JUST KILL ME NOW) and cell. I recently changed my internet to T-Mobile. I have a hot spot, I get 22GB/mo high speed (like 12Mb/S) then it slows down but no overage charge, ever. I haven't run over 22GB yet, so don't know what they consider "slow," but this is the best internet I've ever had. Cost is ~$95/mo. They have cheaper plans for less GB's/mo. You can change plans any time you want, no contracts, no BS limits on what you can do with it like how many computers you can run off of it, oh, and YouToobes, NetFlicks, Amazon Prime don't count against your 22GB's. They're "free."
9/28/16 11:24 a.m.
I've had spotty service and speed from ATT for like 6 months. Had a tech come out a few months ago and replace connectors and replace the modem. Service didn't improve much and the WiFi signal was worse with the new modem.
Another tech came out on Monday. This guy was much more on it. Switched me from coax to CAT cable coming in to the house (said previous tech should have done that) and gave me a newer/better dual band modem (also said previous tech gave me a modem that was 4 generations old). When he was all done he went down the street and upgraded our connection at the neighborhood junction box too.
I think it helped that he saw my racecar in the garage and we spent a couple hours talking shop. He has a MKVI GTI he likes to race and is having driveability problems. He was totally stoked I was a VW tech and gave him lots of diagnostic tips. I'm sure that was motivation to go the extra mile.
I was disappointed in the need for multiple service calls, but problem was resolved and the techs were always on time.
I had already bought a new modem so that I could switch to TWC, but the recent service convinced me to stick with ATT.
9/28/16 11:45 a.m.
I have TWC for internet, $35/15mbps. I came from DSL advertised as 6 but never exceeded 3mbps. I'm happy enough, but if they try to pull anything I won't hesitate to drop them.
I may be the exception to the rule but I've had pretty stellar service from Comcast for years and years. TV/Internet rarely drops out and when it does it comes back in a minute or two, I've had maybe two service calls in 20 years and they went just fine.
I have had good service from Optimum so far. Quick to put a human on the phone, responsive techs, no outages; about all I care about from a cable company.
9/28/16 2:43 p.m.
stuart in mn wrote:
I may be the exception to the rule but I've had pretty stellar service from Comcast for years and years. TV/Internet rarely drops out and when it does it comes back in a minute or two, I've had maybe two service calls in 20 years and they went just fine.
That was my experience in Central Illinois. City of Chicago, it was just atrocious. They wouldn't make their appointments, service dropped EVERY DAY for about 20 minutes... I've still got a credit on my account from them after 3 months.
David S. Wallens wrote:
Our home internet has been dodgy the past few days. It would cut out, but rebooting the modem got us back online. Yesterday evening I called to see what's up. "Okay if we send out a tech tomorrow between 8 and 10?"
How long were you on hold before they agreed to send a tech? How much trouble shooting were you "walked through"? How many times were you transferred to a 'specialist'?
ProDarwin wrote:
David S. Wallens wrote:
Our home internet has been dodgy the past few days. It would cut out, but rebooting the modem got us back online. Yesterday evening I called to see what's up. "Okay if we send out a tech tomorrow between 8 and 10?"
How long were you on hold before they agreed to send a tech? How much trouble shooting were you "walked through"? How many times were you transferred to a 'specialist'?
According to my phone, the initial call lasted 5 minutes. I called, went through a quick menu, and talked to a human. He said that the map didn't show an outage in my neighborhood so the problem must be with our equipment and that a tech would need to visit.
A few minutes later I got a call: mind taking a quick survey. So I did. My guy did good by me.
None of the other monopolies I pay have the issues that Comcast does.
The gas company doesn't tell me to go outside and shut the gas valve for one minute.
The electrical company doesn't tell me to go in my basement and shut the main fuse off for one minute.
Hell, I'd love to be able to moan and groan about the cable service. Can't complain about something you can't get... although I think I just did.
9/28/16 3:35 p.m.
Datsun310Guy wrote:
None of the other monopolies I pay have the issues that Comcast does.
The gas company doesn't tell me to go outside and shut the gas valve for one minute.
The electrical company doesn't tell me to go in my basement and shut the main fuse off for one minute.
How is it possible that other than my initial setup and closing, that I've never once had to contact Nicor/Peoples Gas, or the city for the water/waste, or ComEd? They just work. And yet Comcast goes down ALL THE TIME.
Or at least it did in my last place. Actually, come to think of it it did in teh place before that too.
David S. Wallens wrote:
ProDarwin wrote:
David S. Wallens wrote:
Our home internet has been dodgy the past few days. It would cut out, but rebooting the modem got us back online. Yesterday evening I called to see what's up. "Okay if we send out a tech tomorrow between 8 and 10?"
How long were you on hold before they agreed to send a tech? How much trouble shooting were you "walked through"? How many times were you transferred to a 'specialist'?
According to my phone, the initial call lasted 5 minutes. I called, went through a quick menu, and talked to a human. He said that the map didn't show an outage in my neighborhood so the problem must be with our equipment and that a tech would need to visit.
A few minutes later I got a call: mind taking a quick survey. So I did. My guy did good by me.
That's awesome.
I'm having a similar issue, but I dread the phone call to TWC because of my past experiences with them.
9/28/16 3:51 p.m.
mtn wrote:
Datsun310Guy wrote:
None of the other monopolies I pay have the issues that Comcast does.
The gas company doesn't tell me to go outside and shut the gas valve for one minute.
The electrical company doesn't tell me to go in my basement and shut the main fuse off for one minute.
How is it possible that other than my initial setup and closing, that I've never once had to contact Nicor/Peoples Gas, or the city for the water/waste, or ComEd? They just work. And yet Comcast goes down ALL THE TIME.
Ummm, maybe because your gas pipe doesn't rely on a computer to handle switching and data delivery between 300+ channels of natural gas? I mean, seriously, there is zero technology, no software, and damn few moving parts in a mechanical gas valve.
Ditto the power. How often would you have to reboot your service panel?
9/28/16 4:39 p.m.
Duke wrote:
mtn wrote:
Datsun310Guy wrote:
None of the other monopolies I pay have the issues that Comcast does.
The gas company doesn't tell me to go outside and shut the gas valve for one minute.
The electrical company doesn't tell me to go in my basement and shut the main fuse off for one minute.
How is it possible that other than my initial setup and closing, that I've never once had to contact Nicor/Peoples Gas, or the city for the water/waste, or ComEd? They just work. And yet Comcast goes down ALL THE TIME.
Ummm, maybe because your gas pipe doesn't rely on a computer to handle switching and data delivery between 300+ channels of natural gas? I mean, seriously, there is zero technology, no software, and damn few moving parts in a mechanical gas valve.
Ditto the power. How often would you *have* to reboot your service panel?
Fair point.
Still shouldn't happen. I get 2 options for internet. Both are terrible. (I don't watch cable, we have it only because it was cheaper to get internet with it... another issue I have with them)
In reply to Duke:
I know and you are right - I just thought it would be funny if the other services had the same response.
This is part of my comedy routine I do for family and coworkers.
Up in IL our only option is New Wave, who bought out the previous company, then got bought out themselves by an overseas investment firm, promptly fired about 50% of their techs & phone support(I new a couple of them & heard it from them), then a large portion of the remaining ones quit. Despite all that, the service hasn't been bad. The only issues were infrastructure/bandwidth related - we initially only had 10mbs, then they upgraded to 50mbs and all was great...until they got enough subscribers that the service slowed. Then they offered 100mbs and the cycle continued.
We have a commercial plan now down here. It's more expensive, but considering I work from home I need to be online(not just for cat vids). It's 200mbs but not noticeably faster than the 100mbs in IL. We got a basic cable plan packaged with it too, but the channel selection is horrible - even their upgraded packages don't offer many of the basic channels we had in IL. Thankfully I don't watch much TV.
My cable and internet was out for over a week on august.. everyone else in town had their cable and internet down, too.. i called them every day to see when it was coming back on- every day they said there were no reported outages in the area.. every day they told me to unplug and unhook my modem so they could upload an update- while the cable was unhooked..
They did the same to everyone i know that lives in town..
They must not have realized that people can get online with cell phones these days so everyone knew that no one had the service that they were paying for..
Also, they don't have Disney XD in my town so i can't watch Star Wars Rebels.. Mediacom sucks..