I found my stage name today.
Well one of my nicknames is Moose, or XLMoose, so I think that will work as my stripper name.... In Saskatchewan
If your stage name is what people call you when you're stripping, then I think I'd be "old" or "fat".
I would use an old favorite from my days of using an alias or nom de guerre
Randolph T. Openthrottle
It is a mouthful, but actually flows really well... appropriate!
Vorachio Blacklion. It was an el cheapo Chinese tire I saw years ago at work, and made the crack of "That's my pornstar name" as soon as I saw it
The giggling cowboy.
That is Also my nickname around certain friends due to various.... um.... "incidents".
One of the kids next door had a friend/class mate who's patronymic was VanWardragon. Real name, I think his dad was Danish. Now there's a name for a male dancer
Up until November 6, 1991, it would have been Magic Johnson... but after that, the actual Magic Johnson kind of ruined it for me.
These days, I go by Carlos Dangerously.
"Trixxy" with two X's - because I'm double X Rated.
Click if you dare: https://youtu.be/h2E0nsU3wrA?t=1720
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