Perpetual, not continuous ;) said:
Weekday: Sept. 19 thru Feb. 5, 2010
• Read the Adverse Weather Info for this route.
Weekday Route Map
To BURIEN (Weekday):
NE 45th NE Pacific Olson Pl SW 15th Av SW Transit
& & & & Rdway
Roosevelt NE Pacific Myers Wy SW SW Roxbury & SW 148th
3:40pm 3:51pm§ 4:16pm§ 4:24pm§ 4:41pm§
4:32pm 4:43pm§ 5:08pm§ 5:16pm§ 5:32pm§
5:02pm 5:13pm§ 5:38pm§ 5:46pm§ 6:02pm§
5:32pm 5:43pm§ 6:08pm§ 6:15pm§ 6:30pm§
Transit 15th Av SW Olson Pl SW Univ Way NE NE Pacific
Rdway & & & &
& SW 148th SW Roxbury Myers Wy SW NE 45th NE Pacific
5:57am 6:13am 6:18am 6:40am§ 6:47am§
6:34am 6:50am 6:55am 7:17am§ 7:24am§
7:01am 7:17am 7:22am 7:46am§ 7:53am§
7:21am 7:37am 7:42am 8:08am§ 8:15am§
Timetable Symbols
§-Estimated time.
11/9/09 9:07 a.m.
Ignoring that you did not provide the adverse weather info for this route.
Also ignoring that Seattle rarely has adverse weather.
time to ignore the interwebs and work on cars
Mike Honcho wrote:
Ignoring the fact that I ate a death burrito yesterday and it is living up to it's name.
so Mike.. are you living up to your name as the "brown stig"?
I dare you to ignore that one!
ignoring my upcoming trip to the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago
mad_machine wrote:
Mike Honcho wrote:
Ignoring the fact that I ate a death burrito yesterday and it is living up to it's name.
so Mike.. are you living up to your name as the "brown stig"?
I dare you to ignore that one!
Well at least it's not the red stig ;)
I didn't ignore page 132, I just forgot to tell everyone I did.
so I'll ignore page 133 twice
11/9/09 2:47 p.m.
If Otaku means someone who stays at home and has no life and you are a gearhed otaku does that mean none of your cars work? You have a yard big enough to do laps? Or are you going with more of a guru defintion of otaku?
I just googled it, so my otaku knowledge only goes urban dictionary deep, so just ignore this.
11/9/09 2:59 p.m.
Is there a 134 bus route or flight number that is interesting?
ignoring my car till parts come in 
how long can I drive with no coolant...
Ignore that
What do you do if a Mercury Topaz catches on fire?
Throw it on the ground and Tempo it.
Four on the floor, Ad Rocks at the door, MCAs in the back cause he's kickin with a
What do you call it when Quasi Mofo was nekkid with four women?
How many Quasi Mofos does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Are you kidding? That fat fu.. couldn't fit in a light bulb.
Ignoring that the Army saved the life of the gun man just so we can properly court marshall him in front of a firing squad.