I'm going to repeat the following to myself over and over again:
Thousands of actual pages of anthropology/history/Native American studies/Law etc.. books/journals have been written about this kind of thing. to sum up: it's complicated, but legally the judge was right. People seem to forget that whatever you believe about 'ethnic rights' or alternative medicine or anything else you don't personally agree with, indigenous peoples in this country and many others have a unique legal position not held by other 'ethnic' groups due to a long and complicated history that would take literally thousands of pages to explain fully. Judges tend to care about legal stuff like that. It's kinda their thing, like their MAIN thing. If you disagree with that, write your lawmakers. Just know you will probably have people including anthropologists like me writing back arguing the opposite for many reasons, none of which include the effectiveness of western medicine vs. other weird stuff.
crap, I didn't stay out of it...