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Rufledt Dork
12/22/13 3:28 p.m.

That reminds me of a good story from a primate researcher. She had a lab with chimps and some monkeys, anyhoo the chimp knew sign language. It relatively quickly figured out lying. It would crap in its enclosure (it knew not to, just did anyways because chimp) and when asked about the crap it would blame the other human researcher who wasn't there at the time to defend herself or blame the "dirty monkeys" in the lab that did not have access to the chimp pen. Yeah, the lies weren't logically sound, but its a damn chimp that can speak, give it a break. Also, nobody taught the chimp to discriminate against the monkeys, it picked up racism all on its own!

Moral of the story: the only thing separating those horrendous xmas shoppers from chimps really is just the social security number. Not language, not selfishness, not racism, since chimps can learn that, too. Chimps can even smoke and wear a tux while riding a tricycle.

vwcorvette GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/22/13 4:01 p.m.

"All we are, basically, are monkeys with car keys." -Northern Exposure (1990)

SVreX MegaDork
12/22/13 5:21 p.m.

Lesbian activist, Camille Paglia, blasted A&E for the suspension, and called their tactics "Stalinist" and "utterly fascist".

Article on Camille Paglia

totes mcgotes hon
totes mcgotes hon New Reader
12/22/13 5:58 p.m.

In reply to SVreX:

She's kind of known for these kind of opinions on thing. She isn't exactly your typical queer activist. Actually she is in direct opposition of modern queer ideals and third wave feminism.

SVreX MegaDork
12/22/13 6:10 p.m.

In reply to totes mcgotes hon:

What are you saying? You want me to pick a better lesbian? Maybe one who has a particular opinion, or toes the line of a specific agenda?

I've never heard of her before. I read her perspective, and found her position to be compelling, and significantly better reasoned than a lot of the crap in this thread. So I shared it. I don't really care what kind of lesbian she is, or is not.

totes mcgotes hon
totes mcgotes hon New Reader
12/22/13 6:23 p.m.

Her viewpoint isn't any less valid. I was just sharing that she's expected to react to this in the way she did. She represents much more of a american style libertarian activism than any cohesive form queer activism.

moparman76_69 SuperDork
12/22/13 6:27 p.m.

Why is this thread still going?

Oh that's why.....

novaderrik PowerDork
12/23/13 5:08 a.m.
Rufledt wrote:
Flyin Mikey J wrote: Ok, I will admit that may be an overstatement. My error. Gays have been accepted and adored for thousands of years. See that too would be an overstatement.
Well, you say that may be an overstatement, but depending on your location in space and time, maybe not. you cant essentialize human culture and history into one grand narrative. It is more likely to say that at any given time, certain cultures adored homosexuals, some abhored them, and some didn't care. Also, gender categories vary from culture to culture, so while "homosexual" works in an american cultural view, such a category may be foreign to others, despite the existence of same sex relationsips. It's far more fluid than the gay-straight-bi triad americans seem to view sexuality. Ok I'm done, I didn't want to contribute. Still curious on defining dawn of mankind, especially now that Neanderthal genome sequencing hit the mainstream media.

the "dawn of mankind" is when a certain person lived and had a book written about and a religion dedicated to him.. people were just pagan dinosaur riding savages since the beginning of time a mere 4000 years earlier than that...

SVreX MegaDork
12/23/13 8:19 a.m.
Datsun1500 wrote: I love how the offended network has a duck dynasty marathon running. Not too offended to make that almighty dollar.....



ronholm HalfDork
12/23/13 8:26 a.m.

When Phil Robertson went to his interview with CQ magazine, A&E sent a publicist along. This is common practice. They are there to make sure the interview goes well and to squelch things in case they don’t. The A&E publicist did neither and now the gang believes Phil was set up in order to give A&E total control over the program. A&E has been trying to stop the Robertson’s talk about Jesus and to cut out praying on the show.

According to a source close to the family, the clan is convinced that A&E has been manipulating the entire controversy in order to bring them, and especially Phil into line. Another source that asked not to be names had a few things to add:

‘You have to ask yourself, why this interview happened and why it ever became public. Someone from A&E was there and was aware of the kind of answers Phil was giving.

‘But despite that, they didn’t ever try to stop it or control it. Instead, they let it hit the headlines and then released a statement condemning it.

‘It is our belief that they knew what was going to happen and then used the situation to exercise control over Phil.

‘It is our understanding that when the TV executives came up with the concept for the show they wanted it to be a case of people laughing at a bunch of backward rednecks.

‘But when it didn’t turn out like that and people actually started identifying with the way the family behaved and were laughing with them, not at them, they became uncomfortable. It did not sit will with the New York TV types.

‘We believe they were also uncomfortable with the family’s insistence that there would be a strong religious presence in the show. They knew Phil was the driving force behind this and we think they have used this situation to bring him in line so they could steer the show back down the path they originally intended for it.

‘But they may have underestimated how united the family are and how committed they are to their beliefs. They also didn’t realize how much support Phil would get from the public, so things have backfired on them.’

Indeed, A&E , seems to have gone all in with a pair of deuces. While Phil and the rest of the Robertsons bask in adulation of fans and neighbors, A&E took a huge hit in their ratings. Just as they underestimated the Robertsons appeal to the common viewer, and expected them to be laughed at like your hillbilly cousins. Instead they are more like your beloved uncles and aunts who visit on holidays. And now they have overestimated the power of the gay lobby. They forgot there are more of us than there are of them.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/24/13 9:10 a.m.

Oh man I had to bump this thread with a link to this SA article...the "Be Honest" responses are the best!


GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/24/13 9:14 a.m.
ronholm wrote: When Phil Robertson went to his interview with CQ magazine, A&E sent a publicist along. This is common practice. They are there to make sure the interview goes well and to squelch things in case they don’t.[...]

You should identify the source of this post...it's NewsBusters, which is slightly more level-headed than Alex Jones.

12/24/13 9:34 a.m.


And if I may add..practiced solely in North America. To the rest of the planet, we look kinda like the guys doing the Monty Python silly walk.

Note also that those who will hold you up to the standard, don't practice it themselves.


z31maniac UltimaDork
12/24/13 9:37 a.m.

He's been reinstated, big surprise!

Please check my "This is only a publicity stunt" post from a few pages back.

Amazing how millionaire yuppies turned beared-rednecks are seen as a moral compass. Ugh.

Kenny_McCormic UltraDork
12/24/13 2:49 p.m.
NOHOME wrote: . And if I may add..practiced solely in North America. To the rest of the planet, we look kinda like the guys doing the Monty Python silly walk.

In the Netherlands, Santa Clause has a sidekick, named "Black Pete", in blackface, I E36 M3 you not. "zwarte piet" google it. People over there are just now starting to complain enough to tone it down some.

Zomby Woof
Zomby Woof PowerDork
12/24/13 3:09 p.m.

I agree, it was all a publicity stunt. If you don't think everything these people do is choreographed, you're probably watching the show.

Now, before this thread goes down that road and get's locked, I'd like to post this

Even Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte intoned, “Zwarte Piet: the name says it already. He is black … I cannot do much about it.”
Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
12/27/13 5:36 a.m.

In reply to ronholm:

The prayer thing has been debunked many a time. Nobody, cares that Duck Dynasty prays or says Jesus

From the account I read that the publicist was there but did not ride in the Side by Side.

There you go, no opinion, just some clarification.

Rare for me

nicksta43 UltraDork
12/27/13 6:44 a.m.

In reply to Flight Service:

And no girlie pictures...very rare and very sad

Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
12/27/13 9:13 a.m.

In reply to nicksta43:

Do you REALLY want me to post Duck Dynasty appropriate girlie pictures?

Ok then...

novaderrik PowerDork
12/27/13 5:42 p.m.

looks like our long national nightmare is over.. they are letting him back..


now we can discuss the latest Miley Cyrus video without this hanging over everything like a dark cloud that hangs over things...

z31maniac UltimaDork
12/27/13 8:39 p.m.

You should read the threads you start.

I posted he was let back on the show 3 days ago. As I predicted, a giant publicity stunt.

nicksta43 UltraDork
12/27/13 8:44 p.m.

JoeyM Mod Squad
12/27/13 9:27 p.m.
Flight Service wrote: In reply to nicksta43: Do you REALLY want me to post Duck Dynasty appropriate girlie pictures?

I've never seen the show, but the women of that family are certainly different than the young girl pictured above with the possum.

'Duck Dynasty' Daughter Sadie Robertson Walks The Runway At New York Fashion Week






mattm GRM+ Memberand Reader
12/27/13 10:07 p.m.
JoeyM wrote:
Flight Service wrote: In reply to nicksta43: Do you REALLY want me to post Duck Dynasty appropriate girlie pictures?
I've never seen the show, but the women of that family are certainly different than the young girl pictured above with the possum. 'Duck Dynasty' Daughter Sadie Robertson Walks The Runway At New York Fashion Week Sadie http://starcasm.net/archives/180739 Korie Missie Jessica

No surprise here. Those girls are all from a wealthy family. This family is in no way equivalent or similar to people you know. These girls can afford to go to NYC for fashion and their everyday existence is in no way similar to what you are familiar with.

These girls don't have dirty beards and are not like people we know. How often do your children go to NYC for a fashion show?

JoeyM Mod Squad
12/27/13 10:37 p.m.
mattm wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
Flight Service wrote: In reply to nicksta43: Do you REALLY want me to post Duck Dynasty appropriate girlie pictures?
I've never seen the show, but the women of that family are certainly different than the young girl pictured above with the possum.
No surprise here. Those girls are all from a wealthy family. This family is in no way equivalent or similar to people you know. These girls can afford to go to NYC for fashion and their everyday existence is in no way similar to what you are familiar with.

Indeed. I had typed - and then deleted - a long-ish paragraph in which I repeated the opinion offered many pages ago that the entire beards-and-rednecks persona was fabricated for TV purposes
The truth, though, is that it doesn't matter. I'm certainly a different person than I was years ago....different hobbies, habits and such. They could have changed, too, with the TV persona being an accurate representation of who they are now.

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