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trigun7469 Dork
12/14/16 12:43 p.m.

My wife has one, I enjoy it because I get to talk to people she works with and understand the politics. My work has two parties, one company wide and the other just with the department. Since we are a catholic institution we call it Christmas party.

12/14/16 1:54 p.m.

My shop has had one for the last 10-15 years. I tend to go just because I feel obligated since I've been at our small company for 20+ years. This year they asked us if we were even interested in having it. The consensus was "no". Instead all the commission technicians get a holiday bonus with the money saved. I would have chosen that all along

My wife works for a large retail organization that rhymes with Kostko. They throw a big Holiday party every year. It is a "Holiday" party because they are inclusive for one, but it's usually held sometime in January so it won't conflict with employee's family plans. Great food, door prizes, and an awesome raffle.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess MegaDork
12/14/16 2:45 p.m.

I'm working at a y0 hi-tek silicon valley company now and we had one. When I worked at a cheap soda pop company that made cheap soda pop, we had one every year except one around 2009 or so, if I recall.

MotoCARR None
12/14/16 2:57 p.m.

Surprisingly having two. Like others, a department and company wide "party".(After work dinner/bowling and a catered one during work hours :)

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/14/16 3:52 p.m.

We don't have a company wide one. Most depots have a group of people that organize them at outside clubs and everyone that goes kicks in money for it. I haven't been to one in years. In the summer the authority puts on a bus roadeo which is a skills competition for drivers and mechanics. They have food for the families crafts for kids and our vintage buses on display. It makes for a fun day and the winners take home trophies and move on to statewide competitions.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/14/16 3:57 p.m.

The best parties I used to go to were put on by a machine shop I used to deal with. Lots of food and alcohol in their shop. When the little flecks in Goldschlager vomit mingle with the various bits of metal dust lingering around shop equipment it shimmers with such a festive glow.

bluej UltraDork
12/14/16 5:02 p.m.

about to depart for the wife's holiday party in a bit. her company is fairly small, so they usually do a nice dinner for everyone w/ good drinks included. this year it is here: http://urbanbutcher.com/ I'm pretty excited about that.

my company's is saturday. they like to throw a big shindig with a theme. we're renting and catering a small hall and there will be a DJ and other silliness. I like most of my co-workers enough that we hang out outside of work, so it'll be a good time.

asoduk HalfDork
12/14/16 8:43 p.m.

I went to 2 last week. My company did it during business hours. We got them to ditch the old boring lunch and lame games and went bowling instead. No drinking, but a good time.

The 2nd I went to was for a lawyer. It was off the hook. Nice restaurant with a buffet of apps; open bar (but no shots); DJ and dancing. I had to take the next day off to recover. His office was closed the next day too.

I used to work at a tech company where the owner had us all over for a nice dinner and lots of drinks. Many of us crashed on his couches.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
12/14/16 8:45 p.m.

Yeah, tomorrow night's the big bash. Par-tay.

Thanks, Margie and Tim.

mblommel GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
12/15/16 8:17 a.m.

My company used to have a pretty awesome holiday party. They would rent out the the entire Hard Rock at Citywalk here in Orlando, hire live music, two free drinks, food, etc. Now, the regular party for everybody in the shop has been cancelled but the executives still have their own party at headquarters. Merry berkeleyING Xmas!

golfduke HalfDork
12/15/16 8:22 a.m.

We admittedly have a good party setup. The company foots the bill for 1 night at a hotel in a small, cool little seacoast town that has excellent shopping, attractions, dining, and nightlife. We usually have a yankee swap before-hand at a hotel conference room with a bit of pregaming, and then they take us out to a nice dinner.

NOHOME PowerDork
12/15/16 4:00 p.m.

Disclaimer: I am not a fan of any Hallmark Holiday. And the December event is the worst of em all.

Scott_H Reader
12/17/16 9:04 a.m.

We had a white elephant lunch yesterday which was mostly pot luck. In Jan we will have the real deal. Our office is about 50 people. If you drive, no alcohol. If you drink, the co pays for the hotel and they set up a corporate Uber account to get you to/from the hotel. If you want to drink and still go home, you can use the Uber account to get to/from home to the party.

Really pretty cool.

Scooter Dork
12/18/16 11:25 a.m.

I'll never forgot going to my Dads company Christmas Parties in the late 80s and early 90s. He worked for a large coal company then. Free food, drinks, live band, endless give sways including guns, stereos, tvs, etc.

Never again will that happen.

eastsidemav SuperDork
12/18/16 2:24 p.m.

Just got back in town this weekend from my company's party/year end meetings. They pay for all the remote employees to come to the town the HQ is in, then have a few days worth of meetings (okay) and teambuilding exercises (blah), capped off with an epic holiday party. Over 1000 people, very nice 4 course meal, open bar, door/raffle prizes including iPads and other tech goodies, Monte Carlo night. Remote employees get their hotel stay free, and local employees get a partially subsidized night at the hotel and a cab voucher, so they don't risk drinking and driving. This is the only place I have worked for that did anything like this, but it is a dominant company in a growing market.

MadScientistMatt PowerDork
12/19/16 11:00 a.m.

The Christmas party here has been different in different years, but it's currently settled on being a dinner at a local Italian place.

RedGT HalfDork
12/19/16 11:58 a.m.

I like my job and the coworkers are all great people (yes, really) but I don't like taking up one of the few weekend evenings during the busy holiday season to go to a company event. I see these people for 8 hours a day already. I want to go to dinner with my wife, my friends, my kid. Not pay for a babysitter so I can spend MORE time with the coworkers.

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