The thread title pretty much says it all, And I thought that was much better than saying "learn me home remodeling forums".
If that forum sponsors a $20xx kitchen competition, that's even better still.
I'm looking for basic and up to hardcore DIY advice and guidance. Home repairs are outside of my comfort zone, but I need to step up my game.
This is of interest to me as well
I also have interest.
Although often I just ask here and get plenty of help.
actually, a sub forum here would be the best. MODS!!!
You might try Garden Webs. Lotsa expertise over there to help the DIYer.
Just ask your questions here. Given the depth and breadth of experience among our members, I'm sure you'll get some good answers.
given my profession, hire a pro 
just never go to the hvac talk forum and ask questions as a homeowner, they'll refuse to answer anything except "hire a pro"
Tom_Spangler wrote:
Just ask your questions here. Given the depth and breadth of experience among our members, I'm sure you'll get some good answers.
No doubt I could, but I could also learn tons from other people's questions, things that I never thought of asking. Much like I've learned tons of surprisingly useful things here, in discussions that I didn't start, and may not have even commented in.
jmthunderbirdturbo wrote:
actually, a sub forum here would be the best. MODS!!!
I have put in a request, so we'll see what happens. 
HappyAndy said:
Much like I've learned tons of surprisingly useful things here, in discussions that I didn't start, and may not have even commented in.
Well said. I feel much the same way.
Some good stuff on reddit diy and the other like minded subreddits, you just have to wade through a lot of dumb stuff to get to it. But if there was a grm diy forum, id love it.
In reply to HappyAndy:
really? Cool! do i get to name it since i called it?
10/22/14 5:49 a.m.
Truth is, you are best just to ask here. The deal is, "Car Guys" are a multidisciplinary organism. "House Guys" know how to fix the house, but seldom relate to any other form of useful work. Most of them would call a sub to open the beer if they drank the stuff. If they do actually wok on their vehicles, then they are actually "Car Guys" doing house work, and proving my point!
patgizz wrote:
just never go to the hvac talk forum and ask questions as a homeowner, they'll refuse to answer anything except "hire a pro"
Jeez, amen. I was interested in putting a mini-split or two out in the garage, and you'd think I was launching a shuttle. Complicated: Got it. I've rebuilt engines, transmissions, I fly airplanes, done kitchen remodels, built my garage from the ground, electrified my garage, repaired/recharged my auto A/C... I figure I might be able to figure this one out with a few tips.
Hey, I understand if you don't want to give them away for free- just shut up about it, and stop making it sound like the house is going to come down if I screw it up.
patgizz wrote:
given my profession, hire a pro
just never go to the hvac talk forum and ask questions as a homeowner, they'll refuse to answer anything except "hire a pro"
When people ask me questions relating to my profession I often answer the same way, but there certainly are exceptions.
For the project that I have in mind for my house I could not possibly afford a pro, but that doesn't mean that the project can't or shouldn't be done. To me that's equivalent to saying that talented amateurs have no business building race cars for under $2000.
For example, Andy Nelson is not a professional hot rod builder, but I would take one of his cars over a Boyd Coddington build any day of the week. There is definitely something to be said out of building for love or necessity, versus building for a paycheck.
When it comes to HVAC, that's metal, combustion, electric circuits and electric motors, I've got that more than covered.
Count me in as one who would frequent such a sub-forum. I like the idea 
i was just messing with you. honestly, i've been in the business for 20 years. been on my own for the last 13. with as much hacky crap as i have seen other contractors do, and having gone in behind them to clean up messes, i understand why people want to do it themselves.
i'm the "i'm not paying anyone to do anything that i can do" guy, always have been, and lots of you guys are like me. my business is not taking care of you guys, you don't call me, it's taking care of the check writers that know what they want and have too much money/not enough time/no skill to make it happen, and in the end i am a hero.