Thanks. As I said, what's good for Wally World is good for me. Even if I have to pay a couple extra bucks, I go that route. Wally world had a 1TB USB drive for $90. Crap shack had one for $80. I thought... How much soda pop does crap shack buy from me? OK, Wally World can have the ten bucks as the money flows back "home."
I am also boycotting BestBuy because of their anti-Christian, pro Moslem holiday sales brochures. A store that can't say "Merry Christmas" but can print whatever in Arabic ("Happy Moslem Day?" Don't know, but that's what everyone says it said) must not want my Christmas money. And BB don't buy soda pop either.
I do try to support crap shack. Sometimes I need something like a 1K resistor or a switch and there's no other place that carries them anymore.