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RealMiniDriver Dork
6/11/11 7:33 a.m.

10.5 years. I still chase her around the house. She likes cars and motorcycles, even has her own Harley. Of course I think she's hot!

joey48442 SuperDork
6/11/11 7:53 a.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
dollraves wrote: I like to tell my buddy Jason, "If you wife ever figures out how freakin' hot she is...she might just not need you anymore! " ;) I'm not anyone's wife these days, but I think I'm pretty darn hot. If nothing else, I have smokin' legs! cbs4_cu
Yes, you do. Definitely better than mine: Easy there, ladies. There's enough for everyone.

Ahhh! Bleach! I need bleach!


Luke SuperDork
6/11/11 8:05 a.m.

Here's to hoping the un-seen portion of those legs contain shorts .

Curmudgeon SuperDork
6/11/11 10:56 a.m.

Joey, what's with the demand for bleach? Are they not white enough already, or do you just prefer blonde leg hair?

gamby SuperDork
6/11/11 10:58 a.m.


White, hairy man legs. That's a lot to process for me at that moment...

N Sperlo
N Sperlo HalfDork
6/11/11 11:52 a.m.
Datsun1500 wrote: In reply to Lesley: She looked about 12 when we got married. I just pulled this photo out and was shocked how young she looks

Before reading it, I looked at the photo (Isn't that what weve all been doing?) and blerted out to my wife, "Oh my god, was she twelve?"

N Sperlo
N Sperlo HalfDork
6/11/11 11:58 a.m.
KATYB wrote: yep i am not allowed to post pictures of her untill she loses all the baby wieght(which basicaly means when she is a smaller size than me we are ok. which is rediculous because she is 5'11 ish and im 5'5 but everyone has seen pictures of me and i am by far the ugly one.

So wait... I thought.... I'm going to have to talk to my reproductive endocrinologist friend.

SVreX SuperDork
6/11/11 1:35 p.m.
N Sperlo wrote: So wait... I thought.... I'm going to have to talk to my reproductive endocrinologist friend.

I'm with you!

Although, the longer I live the more I understand there is very little I understand.

So, I'm gonna just run with that, and forget the reproductive endrocrinologist.

16vCorey SuperDork
6/11/11 2:57 p.m.
loosecannon wrote: Yes, my wife is still hot:

And she's TINY!

M2Pilot HalfDork
6/11/11 3:17 p.m.

I wouldn't say my wife is hot but she does have hot flashes.

wbjones SuperDork
6/11/11 4:20 p.m.

only those that had managed to shed said wife...

Lesley SuperDork
6/11/11 4:25 p.m.

OK, time for the "is/was your boyfriend an shiny happy person" thread!

N Sperlo
N Sperlo HalfDork
6/11/11 6:08 p.m.

Slippery slope guys, and most of you run slicks.

spitfirebill SuperDork
6/11/11 6:20 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote: <

Yes, you do. Definitely better than mine:

Easy there, ladies. There's enough for everyone.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Representative Weiner.

neckromacr Reader
6/11/11 6:57 p.m.
racinginc215 wrote: I bet nobody would post in the is your wife a bitch thread

I would, she's just a hot bitch.

bludroptop SuperDork
6/11/11 7:19 p.m.
racinginc215 wrote: I bet nobody would post in the is your wife a bitch thread

Don't get me started...

19 years on Monday, if I don't jump off a bridge tomorrow. Not counting the two years we shacked-up.

Yes, still a looker, and one dress size down from 1989, and no - you don't get a picture... because I want to live.

The 'girl-doctor' says the hormones will slack off within a year and my beautiful wife will be back to a normal person. God, I hope I live that long.

Lesley SuperDork
6/11/11 7:55 p.m.

Get thee to a grocery store, pronto! Soy, tofu, soy milk, powdered soy (cripes, you can hide that stuff in hamburger). Supposed to alleviate the crazies. All I know, is my oldest friend went absolutely psycho in her late 40s...til she discovered the benefits of soy. She once launched a roasted chicken at the wall because the kids forgot to put it in the fridge. She's much, much better now. I tell ya, she puts that E36 M3 in everything - I'm sure it's prevented a homicide or two.

gamby SuperDork
6/11/11 8:08 p.m.
racinginc215 wrote: I bet nobody would post in the is your wife a bitch thread

Well, she's a monster when she's drunk. That's pretty much the only time we fight is after she has a third drink.

The last time that happened, it cost me $100 after I smashed my car alarm key fob into the floor (with the keys) in a whiteout blind rage that made me scream at her 'til my throat bled. (5 minutes earlier--"please drop it, sweetie--I can see this going to a bad place)

Still--cheaper than a divorce and prison time. Needless to say, we had a LONG talk after that one. She has difficulty grasping that alcohol changes her personality and she can't perceive when it happens. (BTW--she's not an alcoholic and no alcohol issues--she goes over-the-top MAYBE once every 6 months).

Teqnyck Reader
6/11/11 9:25 p.m.

Wow, I turn my back and this has turned into a wife pic swapping thread. You guys have problems.

Anyways, here's mine!!!

I love the pale hotness, but photo flash often does weird things to her pictures lol!

Lifted from her clinic profile http://heresco.com/custom_content/c_59593_meet_the_doctors.html

gamby SuperDork
6/11/11 11:14 p.m.
racinginc215 wrote:
gamby wrote:
racinginc215 wrote: I bet nobody would post in the is your wife a bitch thread
Well, she's a monster when she's drunk. That's pretty much the only time we fight is after she has a third drink. The last time that happened, it cost me $100 after I smashed my car alarm key fob into the floor (with the keys) in a whiteout blind rage that made me scream at her 'til my throat bled. (5 minutes earlier--"please drop it, sweetie--I can see this going to a bad place) Still--cheaper than a divorce and prison time. Needless to say, we had a LONG talk after that one. She has difficulty grasping that alcohol changes her personality and she can't perceive when it happens. (BTW--she's not an alcoholic and no alcohol issues--she goes over-the-top MAYBE once every 6 months).
I think I dated her sister.

yay marriage/drunk chicks

Curmudgeon SuperDork
6/11/11 11:17 p.m.

Yay marriage/bipolar/alcoholic chicks.

Salanis SuperDork
6/11/11 11:33 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote: Yay marriage/bipolar/alcoholic chicks.

Geez. I dated one of those in highschool and learned my lesson. However hot she was did not make the crazy worth it. I think the high point was when she knocked the wind out of me WHILE I WAS DRIVING because she'd gotten plastered just after school and did not want me to take her home to her parents.

KATYB Reader
6/12/11 6:57 a.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
KATYB wrote: yep i am not allowed to post pictures of her untill she loses all the baby wieght(which basicaly means when she is a smaller size than me we are ok. which is rediculous because she is 5'11 ish and im 5'5 but everyone has seen pictures of me and i am by far the ugly one.
So wait... I thought.... I'm going to have to talk to my reproductive endocrinologist friend.

you confused by what???

Maroon92 SuperDork
6/12/11 7:14 a.m.
KATYB wrote:
N Sperlo wrote:
KATYB wrote: yep i am not allowed to post pictures of her untill she loses all the baby wieght(which basicaly means when she is a smaller size than me we are ok. which is rediculous because she is 5'11 ish and im 5'5 but everyone has seen pictures of me and i am by far the ugly one.
So wait... I thought.... I'm going to have to talk to my reproductive endocrinologist friend.
you confused by what???

Confusion...brought to you by IVF?

KATYB Reader
6/12/11 7:31 a.m.

try again.

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