A new year gives us a time to reset and believe, at least for a couple of days, that we're going to be better.
What are your good optimistic plans for this year?
I'll start.
1. Finish the kitchen. Completely done. All the trim and everything.
2. One Lap safely and reliably in the Traccord.
3. Get back on a stretching/mobility routine. I feel so much better moving when I do this.
4. Get some sort of running motor in Ferdinand.
Ian F
1/2/19 6:30 a.m.
1. Race downhill and enduro more to justify the new bikes I've bought/built/buying. This will require a crap-load of training.
2. Get the Spitfire (new engine installed) and GT6 (T-9 conversion) "done" even if it means I have to pay someone.
3. Sell off the bikes and guitars I know I'm not going to use anymore.
The variable to getting much of this done is how much time I'll be away from home (PA) for work in NH.
Edit: get out more and go do new stuff. So I just submitted a volunteer form for the Waste Management Winter Rally.
Clean out storage of all types
Become a better driver
Actually go autocrossing more than twice
Finish the shop
Spend more time with the family
Quit all forms of nicotine
Not die.
1. Buy a house. Just sold my old home right before Christmas. Time to buy something in Colorado now.
2. Climb more mountains. Signed up to do the Pike's Peak Ascent again. Last time I barely made the cut off times. This time I want to rock it. So I've got 7 months to get strong and train.
3. Get back into regular motorsports/track days. It's been forever since I regularly played with cars.
4. Improve my mountain bike skills. I've crashed more than I'd like lately.
Here we go again. Last years goals:
- Bench 315 Front squat 255 deadlift 385 - fail, so close
- Write 500 words /week - fail
- Communicate better - success
- Be more green - success
- Cook from scratch more - success
This year:
- Bench 315, Squat 330, Deadlift 405
- Write 500 words/week
- Get rid of stuff
- Sell some of my home hobby stuff on the side
- Eat more veggies
I saw this on the Book of Faces. It seems appropriate. This is my goal for the year.

Get rid of stuff. Lots of stuff.
Be more involved with living instead of just being along for the ride.
Go places and do things. Camping, Track, Autocross. Just leave the house and do things.
1.) I’ve decided to not let the lack of finding a good drummer prevent me from progressing with music. So I’ve started writing more songs, finishing ones I’d previously started, and rearranging others for solo bass. My goal is to get up to Nashville and record it all, probably next year, with or without a band.
2.) Make at least the 7-event minimum at Delta region autocrosses so I’ll be in the running for a year-end trophy.
3.) Ride my bike more.
Deal with people even less than currently.
Try to get my business of the ground. If I was not white, straight, or a male I could be swimming in grant money, but nope, I get nothing help wise from anyone.
Deal with people even less.
No. New. Projects.
Finish the 8 or so 2018 projects I have material laying around for and never get beyond the acquisition stage.
1/2/19 8:52 a.m.
Not sure I did this last year or not. Had a rough year. From a physical health perspective, things got worse as I had gone from mostly plant based to almost the exact opposite because that is what the pregnant wife was craving/could keep down. Then add in the stress and eating-for-comfort of the last 2 months, I've purposefully avoided the scale and BP cuff.
So with that in mind, my goals:
100 pushups a week starting now, finishing the year at 500 pushups a week
100 sit-ups a week starting now, finishing the year at 500 sit-ups a week
At least one intense exercise regiment a week--hockey or other
No red meat at home--back to a plant based menu
I'll start tracking my weight and BP, but I don't have a target other than "less" for both.
-Crush my enemies.
-See them driven before me.
-Hear the lamentation of their women.
The0retical said:
No. New. Projects.
Finish the 8 or so 2018 projects I have material laying around for and never get beyond the acquisition stage.
Ive had replacement tile and materials for my shop since before the $2017 challenge. I spent the morning before work ripping the tile off 1/2 the floor.
mtn said:
100 sit-ups a week starting now, finishing the year at 500 sit-ups a week
Consider finishing these with a Turkish Get Up or five. Still works the core but adds heathy movement patterns. Getting out from under a car is so much easier when I've been doing them consistently.
I'm scheduled to retire in 3 1/2 years, and I'm not ready to quit working, so I need to figure out "what's next" and develop a concrete plan to get there.
My son's senior year starts this fall, so I'd like to take a "see the US" trip with him either this summer or next. Either do it or have a firm plan.
Spend less time online.
Toyman01 said:
I saw this on the Book of Faces. It seems appropriate. This is my goal for the year.

Get rid of stuff. Lots of stuff.
Be more involved with living instead of just being along for the ride.
Go places and do things. Camping, Track, Autocross. Just leave the house and do things.
This. I've been treading water for a few years financially and some recent developments mean that I can start to do things a bit more easily.
Prepare the first kid for launch into the world. Then one next year and another the year after that. Transitioning into empty nesters completely in 5.
-Buy a house
-Attend the Challenge
-Get the truck on the road
-Reduce car part hoarding
In the immortal words of Joseph Fidler Walsh, life's been good to me so far. The main goal is to keep that going. My finances and health are in good shape, I'm having fun with my family, friends and toys.
My main plan relevant to this forum is using my shifter kart and 996. I already have a West Coast road trip planned for the Porsche and hope to sign up to road race the kart at Roebling Road soon. I'll definitely keep autocrossing the Porsche any chance I get and taking the kart to the local tracks.
I finally have time and resources to start making more things. I definitely want to increase my fabricating abilities and make new and cool things as I find the need or desire to. To that end, I'd like to find some local space to work on projects, wheeled and otherwise. I'd like to try to increase my access to tools as well. A mill and lathe would be particularly good.
I've thought about a trip to Goodwood, but that's not so much a goal as a thought right now.
Work through my various projects and try not to add to the list:
- Get the Super Beetle ready for Rallycross and road rallies.
- Get the V8 S10 running well enough to be useful and take to the 2019 Challenge.
- Build the two mini bike projects I have laying around
- Fix the oil leak on the Big Ruckus
- Rewire and install the cool ceiling lamp I bought over a year ago.
- Build a drift kart.
In addition to that, hoping to ride my bike more often, clean out the garage and stop hoarding parts, get to a bunch of rallycrosses, and redo the landscaping in the front yard.
Or I could just sell everything off, and move to the desert.
Finish my degree
Keep going to the gym regularly
Drive the GTA.