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cwh PowerDork
6/28/13 12:29 p.m.

Lawyer up. You are dead meat otherwise. They will know all the tricks that we don't, and they want the happy customer a lot more than the judge does.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
6/28/13 12:35 p.m.

69 eh? LOL

16vCorey PowerDork
6/28/13 1:12 p.m.
yamaha wrote: In reply to 16vCorey:

Yep. We were going up Hwy 41 on our way to Indy, and in a hurry. We got pulled over in the Sullivan area, where there's pretty much nothing anywhere and the speed limit bounces back and forth between 50 and 55. Of course I learned later that that area is a massive speed trap.

16vCorey PowerDork
6/28/13 1:14 p.m.

So I guess it was only 1.5-2 hours away, but still, she REALLY didn't want to have to come back to go to court for that one.

kylini New Reader
6/28/13 1:14 p.m.

Too bad that Texas totally has that "deferred disposition" option but my new state Iowa doesn't! At least my ticket was written for 1-5 over.

PeterAK Dork
6/28/13 1:46 p.m.

In reply to poopshovel:

Ya know poopshovel, with this thread and the Fit thread going on, I don't think there is a screen name on GRM that is more accurate that yours.

whenry HalfDork
6/28/13 2:52 p.m.

I paid another lawyer to get out of my ticket in Morrow Ga. what does that tell you?

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
6/28/13 3:10 p.m.

If the math for the lawyer is less or equal to the penalty on the insurance and the fine... even if you break even you were fighting the man and that always feels better than rolling over. Even though you probably deserve to die in prison for endangering the children with excessive speed. From rape. Or dysentery.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
6/28/13 3:13 p.m.

I've always had good luck asking the clerk of court, officer or judge for a point reduction. It works as long as you weren't a dick weed to the officer. I usually walk out with no points and pay the fine. All they really want is the money.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/28/13 5:50 p.m.
bearmtnmartin wrote: A theory up here which I have not tried is that you send in or drop off a check for the fine but make it out for a bit more money. Since they have no ability to issue a refund or a credit, the check remains uncashed but the fine is wiped out. That said, you were caught fair and square doing 24 mph over the limit. It's not like you were working the grey areas. Man up and don't waste court time.

Umm. No and no. I pay for the goddamned court. They're wasting my time. I wasn't driving recklessly.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/28/13 5:53 p.m.
yamaha wrote:
bearmtnmartin wrote: That said, you were caught fair and square doing 24 mph over the limit. It's not like you were working the grey areas. Man up and don't waste court time.
This......I doubt you could get a Pretrial diversion for 24mph over the limit. I did it though....twice, within 2 weeks, both 75 in a 55....deferred them both and after 6mo, they couldn't add them to my driving history and no points were taken.

I too have done it twice for EXACTLY 24 over, last one was in ATL. $200 court costs. No points. Maybe the third time I get raped.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/28/13 5:57 p.m.
Ian F wrote:
poopshovel wrote: Also: Never submit to a "Field Sobriety Test," kids. The E36 M3 is designed for failure, which is exactly what I told Officer Droopy Dog. I blew instead. Apparently, this is the one benefit of being a fat berkeley. I sometimes forget that my 7.9% "before I leave work" beer is equal to like 3 buttwipers.
Do NOT follow this advice if you live in PA. One of my coworkers did this = mandatory license suspension for a year, no if, ands or buts. Plus the actual failure time. Spent $1000's on lawyers trying to get out of it (not being able to drive for our job is a major PITA). If you're a PA resident and get stopped, breath into the effin sensor. edit: after reading the post a 3rd time, I see you meant take the "blow test" vs. the FST. Granted, in PA I think they're all the same.

Damn. My bad. Don't do the field sobriety test IN GEORGIA. The pen light thing berkeleyed me all up, and I was not intoxicated. At that point I called the ball.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/28/13 6:03 p.m.

Also, FWIW, I cruise at around 10 over. This E36 M3 ALWAYS happens in an artificially low limit trap, where some numbtard is jamming up traffic and I sieze the opportunity to blow by them or leave ALL the mouthbreathers at a light.

Bad habit. Bad practice. But just FYI, I'm not setting the cruise at 90 in a 65 or anything. And ATL is a berkeleying joke, as anywhere who lives there will tell you. TRY to do 55 on 285 or on the connector and not get killed. I dare you!

bearmtnmartin GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
6/28/13 6:35 p.m.

I just don't get it. You speed regularly. Hey, we all do but the rules are the rules and you know the rules. If you break them you pay the price. You were going substantially faster than what would be considered reasonable by law enforcement and probably a lot of members of the public. If you were cruising at 10 over you maybe wouldn't have got a ticket, but you were trying to beat a light at well over the limit and a cop saw you. So pay the fine. If you had not beat the light you would have shot through the intersection at 25 over, and maybe a family was coming the other way. That just happened here and the wrecked minivan with 5 dead people 3 of them kids came to rest in my jobsite.

Pay the fine and be glad you didn't kill someone.

Zomby Woof
Zomby Woof UberDork
6/28/13 6:39 p.m.

My wife says the same thing. You broke the law, you pay the fine.

I don't buy that. We have a system, and I'm entitled to use it. If I can get off, then good for me.

They don't really want to stop speeding. If they did, the consequences would be much more serious. They just want to collect the money.

corytate SuperDork
6/28/13 8:39 p.m.
poopshovel wrote: Also: Never submit to a "Field Sobriety Test," kids. The E36 M3 is designed for failure, which is exactly what I told Officer Droopy Dog. I blew instead. Apparently, this is the one benefit of being a fat berkeley. I sometimes forget that my 7.9% "before I leave work" beer is equal to like 3 buttwipers.

I got very lucky after failing the only field sobriety test I've ever taken. Apparently I blew a .08 in the parking lot, but I blew a .079 on the bus. They took me to jail for some reason but let me off after an hour or so. Now I live within walking distance of a lot of bars, and I don't drink much anymore after that anyways=/

corytate SuperDork
6/28/13 8:56 p.m.

In related news, I'm working on paying for two tickets right now=/
One was on MY ROAD (Tate Blvd, I'm not really affiliated with it but I should have said I was) @ I think 60 in a 45 (it's a completely empty two lanes per side divided highway, purely industrial zone, should've been a 55 zone imo)
(also, I got searched for drugs for some reason. This happens a lot. I haven't done ANY sort of drugs since probably my junior year in high school, nor do I let anyone smoke anything in my car. I don't think I look like that much of a druggie but apparently I do)

Other one, I forgot about a speed trap 20mph zone placed between two 35mph zones (if you've ever driven through McBee, SC you feel my pain) and, in order to get out of the lane which was ending, around the shiny happy person in the orange honda who wouldn't let me over, I had to go up to about 45. I did not notice I was going 45 because I was still in 2nd gear lol. He reduced it on the spot to 35 in a 20, which I could have paid a fee for immediately. Instead I went with my lawyer, who has gotten me out of everything with no points and basically no record of driving offenses. I think I owe $326 right now total for both.

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