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poopshovel MegaDork
6/27/13 10:46 p.m.

I've offered advice on the subject here before. Now I'm asking for advice.

Dumbass me tried to beat a light today.

Laid the hammer down, didn't hear the radar detector as I was blasting music. Cop lit me up. 69 in a 45 (speed trap - not a residential neighborhood or anything.)

I've done pretty well in the past with "pre-trial consultation" (we just want the moneeez. We'll call it 'court costs' + no points.) I plan on going to court. I hate to say it, but I can't remember the drill. Plead not guilty and request pre-tiral? No-lo plus pre-trial? Pay a lawyer?

Unlike other experiences, cop was not all understanding and "Meet me in court and we'll figure something out" so I'm not sure how this one plays out. I dunno if this is a new Georgia thing, but he asked "You have the right to check for radar calibration" or whatever. "Would you like me to do that now?"

Me: "Uh. YEAH!"

Thought that was kind of weird. I saw him flashing some bar-coded thing in front of the gun a billion times.

Again, I'm a dipE36 M3 for laying the hammer down. I'm also the dipE36 M3 who's all about not having points and higher insurance rates, so let's please keep this a "beating the man" discussion, and not a "You should die in jail" talkin' to. I berkeleyed up, but I wasn't driving "recklessly" or anything. Ticket was in one of those total "WAIT, WHAT THE berkeley? FORTY berkeleyIN FIVE ALL OF A SUDDEN???" spots.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/27/13 10:50 p.m.

Also: Never submit to a "Field Sobriety Test," kids. The E36 M3 is designed for failure, which is exactly what I told Officer Droopy Dog. I blew instead. Apparently, this is the one benefit of being a fat berkeley. I sometimes forget that my 7.9% "before I leave work" beer is equal to like 3 buttwipers.

moparman76_69 Dork
6/27/13 10:52 p.m.

You should burn in hell. Think of the children. Pretty sure its karma for that transmission thing.

Now that that's over, we can have constructive conversation.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
6/27/13 10:59 p.m.

Plead guilty to the judge and ask for leniency based on your clean record and honest mistake.

Kenny_McCormic Dork
6/27/13 11:12 p.m.

Explain to the judge how the stress from your Honda fit being a piece of E36 M3 made you lose concentration.

Slippery GRM+ Memberand Reader
6/27/13 11:18 p.m.

Now if you were driving a Fit without a 5th gear ... No way you could have hit 69 mph.

Try and postpone the court day as many times as allowed. That way there are less chances the cop will be there. If he is there, you are pretty much hosed ... I would still plead not guilty or no contest.

nocones GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/27/13 11:19 p.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote: Explain to the judge how the stress from your Honda fit being a piece of E36 M3 made you lose concentration.

And then bill the ticket to the dealer as part of your unreasonable "MAKE ME WHOLE" campaign.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/27/13 11:24 p.m.

I love you guys.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/27/13 11:25 p.m.


Racer1ab HalfDork
6/27/13 11:41 p.m.

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
6/27/13 11:44 p.m.

When was your last ticket?

Racer1ab HalfDork
6/27/13 11:51 p.m.

In the past, I would've said to dress up and go to court and show you're not a dirtbag.

I think that way is dead around some parts of America.

If you have the cash, spring for a lawyer.

friedgreencorrado UltimaDork
6/28/13 12:54 a.m.

24mph over, bro. IIRC, that puts you into the GA "Super Speeder" cash grab, even though you weren't on an Interstate. Lawyer up if you don't want to be the guy on the bottom.


Appleseed UltimaDork
6/28/13 6:07 a.m.

.Just explain How you had to get to the other dealer 50+ miles away and still had to be to work on time.

aussiesmg UltimaDork
6/28/13 6:35 a.m.

Turn up in full race gear in the SuperTurd for Court, so they know you're serious about speeding offenses.

mndsm PowerDork
6/28/13 6:47 a.m.

Go to court, talk to DA, and see if you can plead it down somehow. Cash is generally what they're more concerned with.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/28/13 7:01 a.m.
aussiesmg wrote: Turn up in full race gear in the SuperTurd for Court, so they know you're serious about speeding offenses.

I snorted.

aussiesmg UltimaDork
6/28/13 8:36 a.m.
Datsun1500 wrote: Show him my posts in the other thread and tell him you were heading over to set me straight

Dammit man, that's funny E36 M3

bearmtnmartin GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
6/28/13 8:44 a.m.

A theory up here which I have not tried is that you send in or drop off a check for the fine but make it out for a bit more money. Since they have no ability to issue a refund or a credit, the check remains uncashed but the fine is wiped out.

That said, you were caught fair and square doing 24 mph over the limit. It's not like you were working the grey areas. Man up and don't waste court time.

yamaha UberDork
6/28/13 10:02 a.m.
bearmtnmartin wrote: That said, you were caught fair and square doing 24 mph over the limit. It's not like you were working the grey areas. Man up and don't waste court time.

This......I doubt you could get a Pretrial diversion for 24mph over the limit. I did it though....twice, within 2 weeks, both 75 in a 55....deferred them both and after 6mo, they couldn't add them to my driving history and no points were taken.

Ian F
Ian F PowerDork
6/28/13 10:07 a.m.
poopshovel wrote: Also: Never submit to a "Field Sobriety Test," kids. The E36 M3 is designed for failure, which is exactly what I told Officer Droopy Dog. I blew instead. Apparently, this is the one benefit of being a fat berkeley. I sometimes forget that my 7.9% "before I leave work" beer is equal to like 3 buttwipers.

Do NOT follow this advice if you live in PA. One of my coworkers did this = mandatory license suspension for a year, no if, ands or buts. Plus the actual failure time. Spent $1000's on lawyers trying to get out of it (not being able to drive for our job is a major PITA).

If you're a PA resident and get stopped, breath into the effin sensor.

edit: after reading the post a 3rd time, I see you meant take the "blow test" vs. the FST. Granted, in PA I think they're all the same.

hobiercr GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
6/28/13 10:16 a.m.

I used to always go to court as it seemed as that played in your favor. Not for my last ticket... Went, pleaded "no contest" and got sentenced to take the driver improvement class PLUS pay the court fees. Total PITA. One of my coworkers has used one of the online ticket lawyers and done fairly well getting out of them, it just costs a ton.

Does GA allow you to take the class and remove points? FL allows you to take the course I think 5 times in your life. I may be up to that at this point but I figure their computer system is not that good and they won't remember back as far as my high school tickets...(crossing fingers)

16vCorey PowerDork
6/28/13 10:46 a.m.

I would ask for the diversion program. Around here you pay and extra $40, and as long as you don't get another ticket in 6 months it's wiped clean. Also around here, they aren't really supposed to offer the diversion program if it's over a certain speed, but they can and will if you ask nicely, or cry. My gf at the time got pulled over for 94 in a 50 (or possibly 55) while we were out of town, and she cried and pleaded with the cop to offer her ANY resolution that didn't result in going to court (we were three hours from home) and he eventually gave her the paperwork for the diversion program.

yamaha UberDork
6/28/13 11:16 a.m.

In reply to 16vCorey:

spitfirebill UberDork
6/28/13 11:21 a.m.
16vCorey wrote: I would ask for the diversion program. Around here you pay and extra $40, and as long as you don't get another ticket in 6 months it's wiped clean. Also around here, they aren't really supposed to offer the diversion program if it's over a certain speed, but they can and will if you ask nicely, or cry. My gf at the time got pulled over for 94 in a 50 (or possibly 55) while we were out of town, and she cried and pleaded with the cop to offer her ANY resolution that didn't result in going to court (we were three hours from home) and he eventually gave her the paperwork for the diversion program.

Titties and tears will get you a lot of things.

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