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yamaha MegaDork
3/10/15 1:52 p.m.
T.J. wrote: Am I the only one that doesn't like top gear in large part because of Clarkson?

There are probably a FEW others, but most likely nobody listens to them.

Duke MegaDork
3/10/15 1:53 p.m.
T.J. wrote: Am I the only one that doesn't like top gear in large part because of Clarkson?

He's funny when he's funny, and easily disregarded when he's not. At least for me.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/10/15 1:55 p.m.

The only automotive journalist offensive enough to fill Clarkson's offendin' shoes is the only one more offensive than Clarkson - Jack Baruth. Here he is now to tell us that racism is so overblown and that the UK's gone off the deep end of political correctness, which surely led to Jeremy's suspension!


wearymicrobe SuperDork
3/10/15 2:00 p.m.

How can they kick him off the show when he owns the rights to the thing. Or at least he used to own the rights to the show, they can him a controlling interest a few years back unless he sold it off.

The UK if you stub your tow ans swear would call it racism so short of him on camera calling something unfathomable.

moparman76_69 UltraDork
3/10/15 2:00 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
McTinkerson wrote: I've posted this on another forum - they need Chris Harris ( Youtube )
Berkely Chris Harris. Snooty stuck up twat IMO.

This. From what I've heard about him leaving /drive I lost respect for him. I wouldn't watch it if he took over.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
3/10/15 2:16 p.m.

Does anyone else read Jack Baruth and think of Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Lester Bangs in Almost Famous? No? Just me?

That may have been a bit obscure.

oldtin UberDork
3/10/15 2:28 p.m.

Rowen Atkinson would be an interesting host

captdownshift GRM+ Memberand Dork
3/10/15 2:30 p.m.

Mr. Regular

Junkyard_Dog SuperDork
3/10/15 2:36 p.m.

I always thought he was a wanker, so I never watched the show anyway.

SyntheticBlinkerFluid PowerDork
3/10/15 2:48 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: Does anyone else read Jack Baruth and think of Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Lester Bangs in Almost Famous? No? Just me? That may have been a bit obscure.

I could definitely see that.

Tom_Spangler GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/10/15 3:04 p.m.

I predict he'll be back after what is deemed an appropriate "suspension". The BBC doesn't want to look like they are coddling him, but at the same time, he makes way too much money for the network for them to just unceremoniously dump him.

HappyAndy UltraDork
3/10/15 3:05 p.m.

I'd hate to see Clarkson go, but if that happens how about a whole new cast?

First, I nominate Brian Johnson for the Clarkson position.

Second, I nominate Ewan McGregor for the Hammond position.

Third, how about Idris Alba for the James May / straight man position.

Okay, I know Johnson's not a Brit, but he's one of the world's greatest petrol heads, he has an accent, he's fairly unpredictable, And always entertaining.

93EXCivic MegaDork
3/10/15 3:32 p.m.

I enjoy how they describe it as a fracas.

I probably wouldn't bother watching without Clarkson honestly.

kanaric Dork
3/10/15 3:44 p.m.
yamaha wrote: In reply to novaderrik: That would get shut down within an hour or so due to lack of political correctness.....

I highly doubt that. Bill Maher still has a show and there are people actually protesting at HBO about his comments on muslims and vaccines. There is a place for clarkson somewhere.

Except everyone needs to see this if this is true:

"Top Gear series postponed after Jeremy Clarkson “punches producer”"


93EXCivic wrote: I enjoy how they describe it as a fracas. I probably wouldn't bother watching without Clarkson honestly.

Why? It could still be good. The show has been kind of stale the past few seasons. This season, however, so far has bucked that trend.

Rufledt SuperDork
3/10/15 4:06 p.m.

I'd watch without clarkson, but I can see how the popularity would plummet. I watch all of May's other shows already.

kanaric Dork
3/10/15 4:08 p.m.
Rufledt wrote: I'd watch without clarkson, but I can see how the popularity would plummet. I watch all of May's other shows already.

So do I, his stuff is always good.

SyntheticBlinkerFluid PowerDork
3/10/15 4:08 p.m.

I just read two shows have now been postponed.

Boost_Crazy Reader
3/10/15 4:11 p.m.

Clarkson makes the show. His dry humor is very hard to pull off. I found most of his previous "offenses" hilarious. He is a comedian. Comedians say course and politically incorrect things, because a LOT of people find them funny. If you think you are better than that, turn the damn channel.

kanaric Dork
3/10/15 4:13 p.m.
Boost_Crazy wrote: Clarkson makes the show. His dry humor is very hard to pull off. I found most of his previous "offenses" hilarious. He is a comedian. Comedians say course and politically incorrect things, because a LOT of people find them funny. If you think you are better than that, turn the damn channel.

Ya but this wasn't over the offenses. It's being said now he tried punching a producer.

kanaric Dork
3/10/15 4:24 p.m.


Looks like the season has been canceled.

BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
3/10/15 4:29 p.m.
wearymicrobe wrote: The UK if you stub your tow ans swear would call it racism so short of him on camera calling something unfathomable.

The UK is a much swearier place than the US, sorry. People are generally much less offended by language that turns the air blue than people over here.

Clarkson with his cut-rate PJ O'Rourke act annoys the hell out of me precisely because he doesn't have the wit he thinks he has. I don't particularly find his sledgehammer humour funny, but that may be just me...

That said, he seems to have gone off the deep end more and more recently and I wouldn't be surprised if he is actually trying to get himself fired.

Keep in mind that I really liked Clarkson's column in the Sunday Times in the late 80s/early 90s but either I was more juvenile or he was funnier back then. Probably both, while he was an opinionated loudmouth back then he didn't have to do his 'bigger arsehole than thou' at the time.

kanaric Dork
3/10/15 4:36 p.m.
BoxheadTim wrote:
wearymicrobe wrote: The UK if you stub your tow ans swear would call it racism so short of him on camera calling something unfathomable.
The UK is a much swearier place than the US, sorry. People are generally much less offended by language that turns the air blue than people over here.

lol ya. People here are WAY more sensitive with swearing.

There is this guy from the UK i met here who said vajajay (the C word was edited out) like every other word, I couldn't stop laughing.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
3/10/15 4:40 p.m.

I've always enjoyed the back and forth between him, Hammond and May. He can be a bit of an ass at times (can't we all?) but his comedy timing (which is what he was really after) is pretty darn good.

Will the show survive without him? It's had a good long run and he sold his last interest a few years ago for a sizeable amount so I'm pretty sure he doesn't care. BBC might still have him in some sort of contract, that's the only downside I can see for him.

spitfirebill PowerDork
3/10/15 4:42 p.m.
T.J. wrote: Am I the only one that doesn't like top gear in large part because of Clarkson?

No you are not.

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
3/10/15 4:51 p.m.
kanaric wrote:
yamaha wrote: In reply to novaderrik: That would get shut down within an hour or so due to lack of political correctness.....
I highly doubt that. Bill Maher still has a show and there are people actually protesting at HBO about his comments on muslims and vaccines. There is a place for clarkson somewhere. Except everyone needs to see this if this is true: "Top Gear series postponed after Jeremy Clarkson “punches producer”" http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2015-03-10/top-gear-series-postponed-after-jeremy-clarkson-punches-producer
93EXCivic wrote: I enjoy how they describe it as a fracas. I probably wouldn't bother watching without Clarkson honestly.
Why? It could still be good. The show has been kind of stale the past few seasons. This season, however, so far has bucked that trend.

I understand the difference is paid programming vs whatever BBC is, but that fact pisses me off.

Bill Maher is a talentless and unfunny moron with a show based on at best, 50% "facts." He's damn near running a cult, and the people in the audience of his show are mindless drones.

Clarkson may not be the smartest guy around, but he also doesn't seem to pretend to be. And he's FAR less offensive than Bill.

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