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wearymicrobe SuperDork
3/11/15 9:24 a.m.
kanaric wrote:
BoxheadTim wrote:
wearymicrobe wrote: The UK if you stub your tow ans swear would call it racism so short of him on camera calling something unfathomable.
The UK is a much swearier place than the US, sorry. People are generally much less offended by language that turns the air blue than people over here.
lol ya. People here are WAY more sensitive with swearing. There is this guy from the UK i met here who said vajajay (the C word was edited out) like every other word, I couldn't stop laughing.

I think its the British people that I meet on a daily basis that throw me for a loop then. Most of them are PHD's and the two I know as good friends worked for and still occasionally teach at cambridge

yamaha MegaDork
3/11/15 9:40 a.m.

In reply to wearymicrobe:

You are seeing a rare minority....mix into that the cockney & welsh(do they even speak english?), then you have an average society no different than here.

Brett_Murphy GRM+ Memberand UberDork
3/11/15 10:03 a.m.

What they should do is have the producer and Clarkson go 5 rounds in a celebrity boxing match. Queensberry rules, of course.

Seriously, though, if it is the end, they had a really good run.

93EXCivic MegaDork
3/11/15 10:21 a.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote: I bet ITV is salivating at the thought of picking him up and printing money as he makes Top Gear Mk III with them.

I also read something that said May and Hammond are out of contract soon too. No idea if that is true but if it is. I bet ITV is having a "crisis" right now.

Mike GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
3/11/15 10:40 a.m.
captdownshift wrote: BBC should make him narrate a documentary on futball and the primer league before returning

Or make him guest star on Call the Midwife.

aircooled MegaDork
3/11/15 11:00 a.m.

captdownshift GRM+ Memberand Dork
3/11/15 11:13 a.m.

In reply to aircooled:

If you google image searched BBC and found that I fear for what else you found in your travels.

HiTempguy UberDork
3/11/15 11:18 a.m.
dean1484 wrote: I bet there is a huge contract out there waiting for Clarkston at Discovery or some other network that makes what ever he has been paid at TG seem like a joke.

Clarkson should just start his own youtube channel. Honestly, in this day and age, he could get so many people to fund him and continue on raking in the dough.

mtn MegaDork
3/11/15 11:19 a.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
dean1484 wrote: I bet there is a huge contract out there waiting for Clarkston at Discovery or some other network that makes what ever he has been paid at TG seem like a joke.
Clarkson should just start his own youtube channel. Honestly, in this day and age, he could get so many people to fund him and continue on raking in the dough.

Don't think that he cares about the dough.

HiTempguy UberDork
3/11/15 11:21 a.m.
mtn wrote: Don't think that he cares about the dough.

I agree, most famous people like the money, but the money isn't the end. I am saying that he can carry on being a celebrity if he wants too

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
3/11/15 1:23 p.m.



Basil Exposition
Basil Exposition Dork
3/11/15 3:05 p.m.

Concerning the BBC's motivation to continue to tolerate him. Also, when asked whether Clarkson was innocent, James May replied: "Of being a knob? No."

The end of Top Gear would be a significant blow to the BBC's finances. At a time when they are making drastic cuts to compensate for the licence fee freeze, the revenue brought in by the corporation's commercial arm BBC Worldwide has become increasingly important.

A National Audit Office report released yesterday, which was broadly positive about £351 million of savings since 2011, warned the BBC had not met its targets for commercial income.

In fact, of the extra £22.1m it had aimed to bring in, just £5.6m was realised. The BBC told the NAO it was now making more programmes that are "commercially attractive in overseas markets".

Any loss of Top Gear, which is viewed by 350m people worldwide and is the world's most-watched factual television programme, would leave the corporation significantly out of pocket.

It may already have to renegotiate deals with foreign broadcasters, which have paid to air all episodes in the current series.

HappyAndy UltraDork
3/11/15 3:15 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote: https://twitter.com/EmClarkson1/status/575422615587811330 LOL

That could be an interesting show, I hope someone is filming!

Today on Cook Gear! Richard Hammond plants a garden, James May eats cheese, and I attempt to make the best meatloaf IN THE WORLD!

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
3/11/15 3:16 p.m.

I'd watch it.

Throw in a little Gordon Ramsey to add an angry side to things, and you've got a recipe for success.


captdownshift GRM+ Memberand Dork
3/11/15 3:24 p.m.

In reply to Swank Force One:

the Gordon Ramsey, my lunch is late and a berkeyleying bloody piece of crap (followed by a slap) is how we got into this mess.

gamby UltimaDork
3/11/15 3:38 p.m.

In reply to Basil Exposition:

Boy, it sounds like Clarkson is holding a LOT of leverage right now.

Twitter is suprisingly quiet. I figured there would be quite a bit of chatter over the past day.

Jeff SuperDork
3/11/15 3:55 p.m.

Can't find the story to link to, but read this morning that all 3 of the presenter contracts are up at the end of this month. BBC is screwed. They either take them back or have them jump to SKY or whoever (and I think they'd all go) and owe multiple millions of pounds to foreign broadcasters who paid for Clarkson, May, and Hammond. This will be fixed in a week I predict with the boys staying where they are.

NOHOME UltraDork
3/11/15 4:56 p.m.

I would like to see Mr Clarkson land in a field where he might bring his talents to fruition while improving a genre.

He could, for example, replace this guy to great effect:

morecowbell New Reader
3/11/15 5:12 p.m.

Cooking show?....My wife use to work for a television production company that was in development with John Cleese to do a cooking show. This was about 10 years ago and was unfortunately not picked up. It was a brilliant premise... celebrities would come on the show and cook a dish while John picked apart what they were doing and berated them....

Duke MegaDork
3/11/15 8:14 p.m.
NOHOME wrote: I would like to see Mr Clarkson land in a field where he might bring his talents to fruition while improving a genre. He could, for example, replace this guy to great effect:

I was thinking he could use his talents and punch Bernie in the face. To great effect. Repeatedly.

sesto elemento
sesto elemento Dork
3/11/15 9:13 p.m.

I vote for the king of the nutters.

or Adam Carolla

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
3/12/15 7:27 a.m.
HappyAndy wrote:
Swank Force One wrote: https://twitter.com/EmClarkson1/status/575422615587811330 LOL
That could be an interesting show, I hope someone is filming! Today on Cook Gear! Richard Hammond plants a garden, James May eats cheese, and I attempt to make the best meatloaf IN THE WORLD!

"What could possibly go wrong?"

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
3/12/15 9:26 a.m.

So as I said, much as I'd like to see him stay, if he did hit someone, then in any company I know that is a justifiable sacking offence. He shouldn't be treated differently from anyone else, just because he's more popular than all the political parties in teh UK combined!

Here are supposedly the 20 most offensive remarks he's made. Only the shooting public workers and Hitler one seem OTT to me.

"Short people. When you've finished using a car, put the f**king seat back, so humans can use it afterwards," he posted on Twitter. Offensively.

"The only person who looked good in a 4-seated convertible was Adolf Hitler."

On the Renault Clio V6 handling bends: "In typical French fashion it just gives up! A bit like the French did with the Germans."

"I'm thinking. If you had gone to the trouble of making a chemical bomb, why would you detonate it on a coach from Preston?"

On public sector workers in 2011: “I’d have them all shot. I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families.”

"I don't understand bus lanes. Why do poor people have to get to places quicker than I do?"

"The only reason the Arabs and Jews have managed to keep their nasty little war going for 50 years is because it never bloody rains there. If the post-war powers had put Israel in Manchester, there'd have been no bloodshed."

"If all the creatures on earth were the same size, it's said a lobster would have the smallest brain. But then someone invented Wayne Rooney."

On the invention of the segway: "They're made in America, of course, so fat Yanks can go to the fridge without expending any energy."

"Supercars are supposed to run over Arthur Scargill and then run over him again for good measure. They are designed to melt ice caps, kill the poor, poison the water table, destroy the ozone layer, decimate indigenous wildlife, recapture the Falkland Islands and turn the entire third world into a huge uninhabitable desert, all that before they nicked all the oil in the world."

"I’m sorry, but having an Aston Martin DB9 on the drive and not driving it is a bit like having Keira Knightley in your bed and sleeping on the couch. If you’ve got even half a scrotum it’s not going to happen."

"Supercars are supposed to run over Arthur Scargill and then run over him again for good measure. They are designed to melt ice caps, kill the poor, poison the water table, destroy the ozone layer, decimate indigenous wildlife, recapture the Falkland Islands and turn the entire third world into a huge uninhabitable desert, all that before they nicked all the oil in the world."

"I’m sorry, but having an Aston Martin DB9 on the drive and not driving it is a bit like having Keira Knightley in your bed and sleeping on the couch. If you’ve got even half a scrotum it’s not going to happen."

On a caravaning holiday: “You aren’t allowed to have a party, you aren’t allowed to have music, you aren’t allowed to play ball games, you aren’t allowed to have a camp fire, you have to park within two feet of a post, you have to keep quiet, you have to be in bed by eleven. This is not a holiday, it’s a concentration camp!”

"Britain’s nuclear submarines have been deemed unsafe… probably because they don’t have wheel-chair access."

“If we are being honest HIV is a pathetic virus, it can only live in the air for 6 seconds and it does what ebola does to you in 10 days in 10 years.”

On the Lotus Elise: “This car is more fun than the entire french air force crashing into a firework factory.”

On actress Sarah Jessica Parker: “People think ‘oh she must be pretty’. She isn’t – she looks like a boiled horse."

On the BMW Z3: "And if you are clinically insane, by which I mean you wake up in the morning and think you are an onion, here’s your car."

On the Ferrari 430 Scuderia: “It’s like God having really unusual sex… it should come with toilet roll.”

"The problem is that television executives have got it into their heads that if one presenter on a show is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed heterosexual boy, the other must be a black Muslim lesbian."

"If you're thinking of coming to America, this is what it's like: you've got your Comfort Inn, you've got your Best Western, and you've got your Red Lobster where you eat. Everybody's very fat, everybody's very stupid and everybody's very rude - it's not a holiday programme, it's the truth."

Duke MegaDork
3/12/15 9:40 a.m.

He can say anything he damn well pleases. I don't have to listen to him if I don't want to. But if he really did take a swing at a coworker, off he goes. Sorry, that's just not acceptable under any circumstances, unless the guy attacked first.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/12/15 9:44 a.m.

I think his comments about Mexicans should be on there. The "bridge with a slope on it" and the time he muttered the N-word under his breath as part of an old nursery rhyme in an unaired taping probably deserve a mention too.

Still I find Clarkson way less offensive than Jack Baruth. When Clarkson says these things, you can tell he's just doing it for the sake of humor and being an ass so it's harder to get offended. Jack Baruth's barbs are more subtle but they feel like they're intended to be hurtful first and foremost. Clarkson apologized profusely for unintentionally muttering the N-word. Baruth on the other hand trivialized present-day racism and barely stopped short of using "SJW" in his article about Clarkson's suspension.

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