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yamaha Dork
12/14/12 3:51 p.m.
ZOO wrote: I am a teacher. We have drills and procedures for this. A worst case scenario. I promise you this -- I'd end up dead before an idiot with a weapon got near to my students.

I believe that most would do as you would. +1 my friend, +1

oldsaw PowerDork
12/14/12 4:15 p.m.
yamaha wrote:
ZOO wrote: I am a teacher. We have drills and procedures for this. A worst case scenario. I promise you this -- I'd end up dead before an idiot with a weapon got near to my students.
I believe that most would do as you would. +1 my friend, +1

Plus a million..............

I'm not a parent, but I love kids. Give me the laughs, giggles, screams of joy and the wide-eyed wonder from little ones learning to live life.

If a worst-case scenario for me = a best-case scenario for the innocent, I'm all in.

Jerry New Reader
12/14/12 4:17 p.m.

I couldn't figure out why this story was affecting me so much. Then I remembered, your mom is an elementary school teacher dummy.

rebelgtp UltraDork
12/14/12 4:24 p.m.
DrBoost wrote: Yeah, this hurts to read. This could have happened in my kids school. Why the kids, why?

Not to sound like a cold heartless bastard but it is because they cannot fight back, they are soft targets that will provide a huge emotional impact to society that will allow this idiot to remain "known" because he didn't just kill himself he killed a bunch of innocents in the process. He did it so that the world would talk about him, so he would be known and remembered even if it was in the most horrible way possible.

That is why.

kazoospec HalfDork
12/14/12 4:31 p.m.
rebelgtp wrote:
DrBoost wrote: Yeah, this hurts to read. This could have happened in my kids school. Why the kids, why?
Not to sound like a cold heartless bastard but it is because they cannot fight back, they are soft targets that will provide a huge emotional impact to society that will allow this idiot to remain "known" because he didn't just kill himself he killed a bunch of innocents in the process. He did it so that the world would talk about him, so he would be known and remembered even if it was in the most horrible way possible. That is why.

I think this is about 80% of it. From what I've read from Columbine survivors, those particular nut-jobs seemed to get off on being the ultimate arbiter of who lived and who died. Guess its some sort of twisted God complex. I'm thinking that and big ol' helping of crazy make up the other 20%.

friedgreencorrado PowerDork
12/14/12 4:54 p.m.
JoeyM wrote: China or here, one thing is true.....this is really the most selfish, horrible thing that a that a person could do. I don't care how bad your problems are, you don't have the right to end lives (and destroy the lives of the survivors) because things are not going the way you want. Thinking others should suffer or die because you are unhappy is the height of narcissism

A thousand times this. And seeing that the guy was bragging on 4chan just makes me angrier. Someone wants to go, fine. Whether or not you keep going is the first decision a human being makes when they wake up in the morning.

Taking innocent people with you is the mark of a psychopathic coward. This thread has an appropriate title.

Anti-stance SuperDork
12/14/12 6:16 p.m.
turboswede wrote: (honestly, interviewing a 3 year old after something like this? What. The. Flying. berkeley.) In the coming days there will be some worthwhile information available, mostly the people directly involved will need help coming to terms with the situation and moving on as best as they can.

I thought heard a clip of a little boy crying trying to say what he saw. WTF!?! Why in the hell would someone interview a child that just went through that?

iceracer UltraDork
12/14/12 6:28 p.m.

The fact that they all were 5-10 yrs old makes it all the worse. Damn

z31maniac PowerDork
12/14/12 6:31 p.m.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
JoeyM wrote: China or here, one thing is true.....this is really the most selfish, horrible thing that a that a person could do. I don't care how bad your problems are, you don't have the right to end lives (and destroy the lives of the survivors) because things are not going the way you want. Thinking others should suffer or die because you are unhappy is the height of narcissism
A thousand times this. And seeing that the guy was bragging on 4chan just makes me angrier. Someone wants to go, fine. Whether or not you keep going is the first decision a human being makes when they wake up in the morning. Taking innocent people with you is the mark of a psychopathic coward. This thread has an appropriate title.

4chan has a history of faked images.

Hence the screenshot vs a link to the thread.

Still absolutely terrible.

friedgreencorrado PowerDork
12/14/12 6:45 p.m.
Anti-stance wrote:
turboswede wrote: (honestly, interviewing a 3 year old after something like this? What. The. Flying. berkeley.) In the coming days there will be some worthwhile information available, mostly the people directly involved will need help coming to terms with the situation and moving on as best as they can.
I thought heard a clip of a little boy crying trying to say what he saw. WTF!?! Why in the hell would someone interview a child that just went through that?

When I was working field camera for a local station in the 80s, I never had the misfortune of having to record something like what happened today. That being said, even that long ago my manager was busting my azz about a car crash because I turned the thing off "..JUST WHEN THINGS WERE GETTING INTERESTING!!" Yes, he yelled it at me.

Fast forward 30yrs., and here we are. I'm not trying to make the discussion about me, just trying to explain how crap like that happens, since I'm guilty of once having been part of it.

poopshovel UltimaDork
12/14/12 7:31 p.m.

Doesn't help that I've been a goddamned mess all day anyway. Lost my father in law a year ago today; a guy who wasn't an shiny happy person, and didn't deserve to die. RIP.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
12/14/12 7:59 p.m.
Anti-stance wrote:
turboswede wrote: (honestly, interviewing a 3 year old after something like this? What. The. Flying. berkeley.) In the coming days there will be some worthwhile information available, mostly the people directly involved will need help coming to terms with the situation and moving on as best as they can.
I thought heard a clip of a little boy crying trying to say what he saw. WTF!?! Why in the hell would someone interview a child that just went through that?

Reference the 'why do people think the news is biased and otherwise sucks?' thread.


DeadSkunk Dork
12/14/12 8:02 p.m.

My daughter-in-law is a teacher, currently looking after kids before and after classes at a local elementary school. She said there was a lot of hugging going on when parents picked their kids up this afternoon.

T.J. PowerDork
12/14/12 8:13 p.m.

Get rid of the laws that ban guns on school grounds. Allow teachers to conceal carry if they have the permit. That is meaningful action to prevent this from happening in the future. Passing more laws that ban guns will just create even easier targets.

Anti-stance SuperDork
12/14/12 8:15 p.m.

In reply to DeadSkunk:

I do not have kids, probably won't have any ever either, but hearing that just makes me fell good for some reason.

dj06482 GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/14/12 9:28 p.m.

We moved across town from Sandy Hook (part of Newtown) to Newtown over the summer. Thankfully, our kids are safe (our oldest was at a different school and our middle son goes to school in the afternoon), and our thoughts and prayers are going out to the community at large, which is devastated. Our son's former pre-school teacher was one of the teachers who was shot, but thankfully we saw her on TV as she was taken out on a stretcher and she looks OK. I can't even begin to express the impact of this on the community, 456 kids attended that school, and this is a really tight-knit community. Our kids grew up in Sandy Hook, and attended daycare and preschool there. Many of our oldest son's former classmates are in kindergarten at that school - I'm not looking forward to seeing the names of the victims tomorrow morning. There's nothing that prepares a parent for something like this.

When I went to pick our son up this evening (his school is about 2-3 miles away), a police car turned into the parking lot just before me. After I parked, a few more police cars pulled in. The officers jumped out and were asking everyone if they had seen anything suspicious in the area, as they had a call about something going on there. We said no and then heard the school was on lockdown again (it had been lifted an hour before). A few minutes later, I saw about 6 officers sprint into the school with their weapons ready. Then one of the parents got a text from a parent who was inside that the teacher across the hall from my son's classroom had sent for help. After a few nerve-racking minutes, an officer came our to explain that the call was just a misunderstanding and that everything was OK. Those few minutes were some of the most gut-wrenching of my life. There's nothing like knowing your child is in danger and not being able to do anything to help.

My prayers go out to the entire community, especially the friends and families of the victims, and to the first responders. It's absolutely tragic to see young children needlessly lose their lives, and many other young children lose their innocence.

JoeyM UltimaDork
12/14/12 9:41 p.m.

I'm glad your kid is OK, and sorry about the scare you had. My thoughts - and probably those of every other GRMer - are with you and your community.

alfadriver PowerDork
12/14/12 9:50 p.m.
T.J. wrote: Get rid of the laws that ban guns on school grounds. Allow teachers to conceal carry if they have the permit. That is meaningful action to prevent this from happening in the future. Passing more laws that ban guns will just create even easier targets.


More violence? Instant eye for an eye?

Sorry, dude but I find that sad.

Actually, the degree of want of revenge is sad.

I should not come back to this thread. While the action is incredibly sad, some of the reaction is depressing.

Tom_Spangler GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/14/12 9:59 p.m.
alfadriver wrote:
T.J. wrote: Get rid of the laws that ban guns on school grounds. Allow teachers to conceal carry if they have the permit. That is meaningful action to prevent this from happening in the future. Passing more laws that ban guns will just create even easier targets.
Seriously??? More violence? Instant eye for an eye? Sorry, dude but I find that sad. Actually, the degree of want of revenge is sad. I should not come back to this thread. While the action is incredibly sad, some of the reaction is depressing.

I'm sorry, where did he mention revenge? He was talking about prevention.

2.0dohc Reader
12/14/12 10:12 p.m.
alfadriver wrote:
T.J. wrote: Get rid of the laws that ban guns on school grounds. Allow teachers to conceal carry if they have the permit. That is meaningful action to prevent this from happening in the future. Passing more laws that ban guns will just create even easier targets.
Seriously??? More violence? Instant eye for an eye? Sorry, dude but I find that sad. Actually, the degree of want of revenge is sad. I should not come back to this thread. While the action is incredibly sad, some of the reaction is depressing.

1 teacher with 1 weapon could have stopped this. I am not saying that violence is the answer all the time, but it has its place and time, and protecting children is one of them.

m4ff3w GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
12/14/12 10:13 p.m.
alfadriver wrote:
T.J. wrote: Get rid of the laws that ban guns on school grounds. Allow teachers to conceal carry if they have the permit. That is meaningful action to prevent this from happening in the future. Passing more laws that ban guns will just create even easier targets.
Seriously??? More violence? Instant eye for an eye? Sorry, dude but I find that sad. Actually, the degree of want of revenge is sad. I should not come back to this thread. While the action is incredibly sad, some of the reaction is depressing.

It isn't about revenge. It is about preventing said crazy person from killing 20 kids and 6 adults. Wouldn't this be much better if someone had a weapon and ended this person's life before he could end the life of all those innocents?

aussiesmg UltimaDork
12/14/12 10:15 p.m.
alfadriver wrote:
T.J. wrote: Get rid of the laws that ban guns on school grounds. Allow teachers to conceal carry if they have the permit. That is meaningful action to prevent this from happening in the future. Passing more laws that ban guns will just create even easier targets.
Seriously??? More violence? Instant eye for an eye? Sorry, dude but I find that sad. Actually, the degree of want of revenge is sad. I should not come back to this thread. While the action is incredibly sad, some of the reaction is depressing.

I legally carry every day, how does that make me violent?

That was a very stupid comment, if the offender was shot early on in this rampage as many at 25 people could have been saved.

Notice I still didn't talk about revenge, ( a dish served cold)

kazoospec HalfDork
12/14/12 10:26 p.m.

Clearly, I'm going to have to skip the news for the next few days. Just can't stand to watch parents who are willing to parade their elementary age kids in front of the cameras to recount something like this before they have even had any opportunity to begin to process what just happened. I hate the camera/microphone wielding vultures. Not as much as I hate the pig that did this, but very, very close . . .

m4ff3w GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
12/14/12 10:26 p.m.
May 18, 1927: Bath, Michigan School treasurer Andrew Kehoe, after killing his wife and destroying his house and farm, blew up the Bath Consolidated School by detonating dynamite in the basement of the school, killing 38 people, mostly children. He then pulled up to the school in his Ford car, then set off a truck bomb, killing himself and four others. Only one shot was fired in order to detonate dynamite in the car. This was deadliest act of mass murder at a school in the United States.

Crazy people are the problem, not weapons.

rebelgtp UltraDork
12/14/12 10:28 p.m.

Teachers in Israel carry weapons to stop attacks against their students. Granted that is a country surrounded by hostile countries and terrorist attacks are not uncommon.

The sad fact is these attacks are always going to happen in supposed "safe" spots that one that follows the law can't possess a weapon. The reason being is the cowards want to cause the most possible damage with the least chance of someone stopping them.

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