10/21/13 1:34 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Wow, after reading the last two pages, I'm glad some of you are not my neighbors.
Amen. There's some pretty berkeleyed up people with absolutely no common sense in this one.
I think I'll adopt a new response to any car stopped in front of my house. I shoot it, strip it and sell the carcass.
And there are some people here who seem determined to stretch a point (that was never even actually made) well past the point of absurdity.
10/21/13 1:41 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
I think I'll adopt a new response to any car stopped in front of my house. I shoot it, strip it and sell the carcass.
That's called "living south to I-20" here in Atlanta.
Duke wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Wow, after reading the last two pages, I'm glad some of you are not my neighbors.
Amen. There's some pretty berkeleyed up people with absolutely no common sense in this one.
I think I'll adopt a new response to any car stopped in front of my house. I shoot it, strip it and sell the carcass.
And there are some people here who seem determined to stretch a point (that was never even actually made) well past the point of absurdity.
You mean the people that flat out said "Any dog comes into my yard I'm shooting them" people? Those are the ones I'm talking about. There's no stretching that. When you say those exact words it's pretty hard to "stretch" anything.
But you go on with your bad self.
10/21/13 2:15 p.m.
nicksta43 wrote:
In reply to yamaha:
You forgot about clubbing baby seals.
Nah, as a buyer of Motul, I just pay the professionals(Japanese) to do that.......
10/21/13 2:56 p.m.
In reply to Bobzilla:
Actually what you're talking about is stripping a car that's legally parked and not on your property, while the whole "I'll shoot any dog that"... thing is followed by "comes on my property".
So, no, you're stretching it.
I did not say "Parked on the street in front of my house"..... now YOU'RE stretching it. 
10/21/13 3:50 p.m.
In reply to slefain:
Best post in the thread thus far.....
10/21/13 4:42 p.m.
93EXCivic wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
It is pretty damn ridiculous. People's dogs get loose, run out the door after a squirrel before they get a leash on etc. killing anything that moves mentality is, well, ridiculous and you give the rest of us reasonable gun owners a bad name. How would you feel if I told you the next time your kid stepped foot on my property I was going to pepper his ass with rocksalt?
Who said this? Did you read all the posts? Maybe I missed something but I didn't see anyone say they would kill anything on his property.
10/21/13 4:47 p.m.
DrBoost wrote:
93EXCivic wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
It is pretty damn ridiculous. People's dogs get loose, run out the door after a squirrel before they get a leash on etc. killing anything that moves mentality is, well, ridiculous and you give the rest of us reasonable gun owners a bad name. How would you feel if I told you the next time your kid stepped foot on my property I was going to pepper his ass with rocksalt?
Who said this? Did you read all the posts? Maybe I missed something but I didn't see anyone say they would kill anything on his property.
That was nicksta43, but he has since recanted saying he was just stirring things up.
10/21/13 5:17 p.m.
Ok. Wow, I never expected a thread about how people should control their dogs would spiral like this.
I completely get where you're coming from. I was torn up as a kid by a neighbor's Boxer, and was scared of dogs afterwards. I even stopped going to my best friend's house because his Golden Retriever constantly wanted petting. (And we all know how vicious Goldies are...
Things didn't get better until my dad brought home a Beagle puppy, and I saw that all dogs weren't out to attack us.
10/21/13 6:11 p.m.
Thanks, all, I really needed a hard laugh.
Control yer hornery fur bearin' critters or oooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh, I'm a gunna blast the varmint wide open.
For any one of you lilly livered bow legged varmits care teh slap leather with me, in case any of ya get any idears, ya better know yer dealin with. I'm tha' hootiness, tootiness, shootiness bob tailed wild cat in the west. ....fires guns at the ground, levatating self for a second.... I'm tha' fastest gun north, south, east, andddd west of tha' pecos.
Skipping the giberish that seemed to happen in the thread, you do seem to be understandably over-reacting a bit. In particular, the "TINA GET THE GUN NOW" part. As likely to hit your kid as the dog, if you were that wound up.
Not disagreeing that your kid was scared, getting shoved and jumped at by a huge lab. As dad, you had a lot of influence over his decision to cry, scream, or giggle. He's going to pick up what you're doing, and mirror it, with amplification. If you could see (honestly see, not guess), that he was ok, and you were to be speaking calmly to him instead of screaming for your wife to get a gun, he probably wouldn't have gotten as upset as he did. Neither probably would your daughter have gotten as upset (and yes, I do understand her being bitten in the face).
Many times, it's darn hard as the parent to reflect calmness to set the example for your kids, or to keep them from actually getting hurt. Like the other day when I found my son playing super ninja warrior....with my very sharp machette. He's flinging it all around and leaping over it. It took a second for me to calmly say "good spin son, but can I have that back please".
Might have been a good time to help both your kids to observe the differences in dog behavour, and to see how this one was a goof-ball. Certainly able to bowl a kid down, scratch them, and even stupidly do a mild bite. But essentially harmless. It could have been a teachable moment, where you could help them both be a bit calmer and smarter around a dog.
Not trying to shoot you down or attack you. I well understand your reaction. And your over reaction "tina get the gun". Sounds like you're kinda asking yourself about your reaction, which is great for you.
Ain't parenting fun and easy?
In reply to yamaha:
No. just riding in the neighborhood with my kids in the bikee seat. Several instances with unleashed dogs(multiple, packs sometimes) leaving their yard (no fences) chasing us past several houses. Went back later to those houses to talk to the owner. Owners usually said something along the lines of "they are usually well behaved" or "I dont need a leash in my front yard" so I told them next time im chased ill be carrying and start shooting. Never had a problem from those neighbors again, but ive been bit one too many times from loose dogs to put my kids in danger.
DrBoost wrote:
Ok. Wow, I never expected a thread about how people should control their dogs would spiral like this.
I thought I wandered into the flounder thread. 
My manner of dealing with any dogs that happen to trespass on my property would depend on whether or not they were were owned by liberals.
I have nothing to add but as I kid I loved watching this movie where this guy gets locked in a department store with a pack of guard dobermans - "Trapped".
10/21/13 10:05 p.m.
In reply to Jaxmadine:
Yep, as long as you aren't over zealous.
Remember, one man's "overzealous" is another man's logical solution. The point to be taken is "keep your animals under control."
Local news article about loose dogs around kids. The solution involves guns!
Edit: Cliff Notes: Irresponsible dog owner has two dead pit bulls and is facing charges. No kids were harmed.
11/6/13 8:23 a.m.
Those cops really should have waited to see if the kids were bitten before taking action /rolleyes/ I think the cop should have left the firearm in the car and stayed at least 300 yards away watching through binoculars so as not to influence the situation. If a child was bitten the officer should have tried to interview the child during the attack to make sure he/she wasn't overreacting and was actually in pain, and not just scared before taking action. There's no need to get all crazy protecting kids and stuff.