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yamaha SuperDork
2/8/13 12:25 p.m.

In reply to PHeller:

I don't think anyone has heard from him since this all started....

93EXCivic MegaDork
2/8/13 12:27 p.m.

I would like to see someone in the media start looking into a number of claims that he made.

Grizz SuperDork
2/8/13 12:40 p.m.
PHeller wrote:
Sky_Render wrote: What he should have done is taken all the evidence he had and went to *Dateline* or *Sixty Minutes.*
Thats where he went wrong. Had he played his cards right, he could have gotten some seriously good notoriety, maybe even a political career.

More than likely would have "committed suicide".

Cone_Junky Dork
2/8/13 12:52 p.m.

Everything I've heard has officers and civilian witnesses to the event he is upset about saying his claims are false. He went to numerous hearings and trials over the matter. All of them claim him to be in the wrong.
Many people that know him say that he is a paranoid schizophrenic. This current behavior seems to put a nail in that coffin.

AngryCorvair GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
2/8/13 1:01 p.m.
Cone_Junky wrote: Many people that know him say that he is a paranoid schizophrenic. This current behavior seems to put a nail in that coffin.

i see what you did there.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
2/8/13 1:12 p.m.

"In the media circus of life, they were the main attraction."

If he shoots down an LAPD chopper I'm going to just go ahead and predict a cult following and blockbuster movie.

moparman76_69 HalfDork
2/8/13 1:25 p.m.
Cone_Junky wrote: Everything I've heard has officers and civilian witnesses to the event he is upset about saying his claims are false. He went to numerous hearings and trials over the matter. All of them claim him to be in the wrong. Many people that know him say that he is a paranoid schizophrenic. This current behavior seems to put a nail in that coffin.

The question is if he is crazy and did he create all this in his head, hence their being no evidence of the other officers unnecessary force. Or is he telling the truth and he is being made out to be a nutcase as character assassination.

The court document at the end of the manifesto linked to above, only briefly talks about the suspect that was the subject of the unnecessary force. Only stating that his response were incoherent and they saw a tape from 2008. No where is it mentioned what he actually says on the tape, according to Mr. Dorner, the tape has him saying he was kicked.

Joe Gearin
Joe Gearin Associate Publisher
2/8/13 1:27 p.m.

I don't think we are getting the whole story. Something about his makes my Spidey Sense go off.

You can't trust the cops to tell the truth (Especially LAPD), you can't trust the media to tell the truth, and it's pretty hard to believe a guy who is on a shooting rampage. (if he is)

Has there been any video of him shooting up the cop car, or attacking anyone? Is there a way to verify that he actually wrote the manifesto?

This could be way out of left field, but I wouldn't put it past the LAPD to frame this guy to invalidate any of his claims, smear his rep, and then kill him.

pres589 SuperDork
2/8/13 1:29 p.m.

In reply to Joe Gearin:

Wait, aren't you 'the media'?

tuna55 UberDork
2/8/13 1:30 p.m.
Joe Gearin wrote: Has there been any video of him shooting up the cop car, or attacking anyone? Is there a way to verify that he actually wrote the manifesto?

My skeptical self didn't even get there - interesting point.

Grizz SuperDork
2/8/13 1:32 p.m.

Hey, maybe the LAPD could outsource the hunt. These guys have a history of doing things well.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
2/8/13 1:33 p.m.

Media and media outlets are not too be trusted, but the entire situation is a bit hard to fake.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/8/13 1:42 p.m.

In reply to N Sperlo:

I'm about as anti-conspiracy theorist as you can get, but I really don't think it would be that hard to fake. The LAPD has what, over 10,000 officers? Surely some of them are shot at daily, or family members, etc. Just blame the "normal" daily occurrences on this guy and hunt him down. Think about it. There's been no report on the shooting where the officers supposedly pulled him over (truck description, license #, witnesses), and zero evidence tying him to the double-murder of the Captain's daughter/SIL. All we have is his burned out truck (and no evidence he did it), a manifesto (that doesn't contain any info that he and he alone would know that is actually verifiable), and a bunch of LAPD press releases.

Sky_Render HalfDork
2/8/13 2:03 p.m.

Man, if this is a conspiracy, I really can't wait to see the movie now.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron PowerDork
2/8/13 2:05 p.m.

Guy knows how LAPD works and reacts to situations. Plans on waging unconventional warfare. Wants to prove how they don't care about civilians.

Think maybe stirring them up enough to provoke them into doing... exactly what they are now while he sits and watches may be exactly the kind of war he planned?

Bobzilla UltraDork
2/8/13 2:05 p.m.

WAIT... are y'all going conspiracy theories here? really?

aircooled PowerDork
2/8/13 2:15 p.m.

Just heard on the news that there is a proposition coming up that would cut some funding for the Police in LA, which would not allow them to respond as well (cough) to situations like this...

...seems like there little stunt may have backfired...

Ojala GRM+ Memberand Reader
2/8/13 2:34 p.m.

I think some of you are forgetting that there are multiple local, state, and federal jurisdictions involved in this mess.

As far as conspiracies go, I cant even call these theories in any way rational. You dont get to have it both ways. This can't be both an out of control panicked reaction to a bad situation AND a multi-jurisdictional highly orchestrated conspiracy involving thousands of participants.

RX Reven'
RX Reven' GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
2/8/13 2:39 p.m.

As a Southern California resident, I’m fully committed to exploiting the fact that I’ve got two week old rubber all around on the RX-8 and the probability of getting stopped for anything less than a capital offense in the next few days is approaching zero.

Sylmar to Thousand Oaks world land speed record attempt in 3, 2, 1

aircooled PowerDork
2/8/13 2:44 p.m.
Ojala wrote: ....As far as conspiracies go, I cant even call these theories in any way rational....

HAH! So Says the LAPD spokesperson.

(if you do not believe a conspiracy, you are automatically part of it!)

yamaha SuperDork
2/8/13 2:45 p.m.

In reply to RX Reven':

I thought that was a capitol offense in Cali......evidentally delivering newspapers is

Cone_Junky Dork
2/8/13 2:48 p.m.
Ojala wrote: I think some of you are forgetting that there are multiple local, state, and federal jurisdictions involved in this mess. As far as conspiracies go, I cant even call these theories in any way rational. You dont get to have it both ways. This can't be both an out of control panicked reaction to a bad situation AND a multi-jurisdictional highly orchestrated conspiracy involving thousands of participants.

But...but..the gubment wantz to takez mah gunz!!!!!

Grizz SuperDork
2/8/13 4:03 p.m.

In related news, police have shot LLCoolJ.

fasted58 UberDork
2/8/13 4:05 p.m.

It'll make a good movie

nothing more to add here

Ojala GRM+ Memberand Reader
2/8/13 4:55 p.m.

In reply to Cone_Junky:


In my years working for the gubmint I have come to BELIEVE in panic, fear, lies, and ineptitude far more than conspiracies and nefarious geniuses plotting from the inky shadows.

In a fight you don't rise to your aspirations you sink to the level of your training.

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