Taiden wrote:
How does it work if you get a 15 year mortgage, and sell the house after living in it for ~3 years? How does your remaining interest payments work into that?
The first payments are primarily interest payments, the last payments are primarily principle payments. Equity is something you need learn about, get comfortable with, and learn how to leverage, it equals value minus principle remaining. When you sell you will get that equity. Unfortunately if you pay your minimums on the mortgage then you gain equity slowly unless you do renovations or the market goes up.
Hypothetical Scenario with really high rates and simple napkin (ti83+) calcs, this may be incorrect:
Say you bought a place and loaned $50,000 from the bank (it really cost $62,500 but you had the down-payment of $12,500) and have $500 monthly payments, in the first 3 years you will pay $18000 ($50036 months) of which maybe $5000 will go towards principal and the rest will go towards the bank for letting you borrow the initial $50,000. If you keep it longer then a larger ratio of your payments go to capital. When you sell the new buyer pays your bank the price of the home (let's assume $62,500 sale price) and you get the price of the home minus closing costs (if you are in contract to pay them) and minus the principle remaining. In this situation you would get $17,500 (down-payment + $5,000 principle) back from the sale because that's what you paid against the principle after paying $18,000 and the down-payment. Now if you rent 1 room for $400/mo then at the end you only paid $16,100 ($10036 months+down-payment )out of pocket AND get the $5000 from the sale, a net return over 3 years of a whopping $11,100 ($16,100- $5,000 principle) with an extremely low cost of housing, You did not make a profit but lived for $100/month. In the end if you kept the place for all 15 years you will end up paying $102,500 with a $500 payment the entire time with the bank profiting $40,000 total over 15 years for lending you the money. If you make double payments or even an extra $50 per month then the banks cut will be much lower saving you money in the long run because future interest accumulation will be based on less principle.
I'm bored so here goes this:
Now lets say you bought a $62,500 duplex and paid your 12,500 down-payment (really cheap for a duplex but lets go with it for an equal comparison). Now in this duplex you live in half, and you manage to rent out the other half for 10months out of every year and you are renting it for $800 (average for Bangor per rentometer.com) and payments are still $500. You pay your $500 that you would normally pay without a renter and the renter pays too which will allow you to pay off the house in 52 months. Your $12,500 down-payment and $26,000 rent that you paid empowered you to pay much higher monthly payments on the loan. You would then have an equity of $62,500 after paying $38,500 assuming the value of the home didn't change. Equivalent to you making an extra a monthly income of $461.53.
Not factored in was the time value of money, another subject you should research after you get the basics down.
The actual rate in my calcs was 8.75, I went online and found a calculator to find the rate that my calculations would correspond to. I used this calculator: