So at work sometimes older things get auctioned off. I happened to be the lucky winner of an older Equipto cabinet stack. It comes out to something like 80 drawer capacity. Many of the drawers still have brand new Swagelok brand fittings in them. Most seem to be brass, but some look to be plain steel as well. Sizes vary across the board, and I haven't even pulled all the drawers yet.
How and where do I go about selling these? Do they have any potential use in future automotive projects? Anybody here interested in them? It looks to be some pipe fitting and some tube fittings from the first look at their website. Example picture to come in a minute.
Edit: picture
4/29/16 12:32 p.m.
I don't think Swagelok makes plain steel, are they perhaps SS?
They are SUPER DUPER expensive. I'd check prices online, cut them in half, and use ebay or craigslist or something. You'll lose a lot selling them as unsorted random.
Swagelok was the first and is the trade name everyone uses. Many lower cost competitors that now all interchange.
Any facility that has a process. The problem is there are a million configurations - different threads, seals, body materials.
4/29/16 5:14 p.m.
Like Datsun said, process manufacturing. We used them a lot at a chemical plant for high pressure applications.
The retail pricetags are comets my meaningless. Companies buy them at retail, but only in extremely narrow configurations. They won't buy them one at a time from you.
Same companies are always looking for bargains in bulk. If you sell them as a lot on EBay, you will get interest somewhere between 10% and 25% of retail value if you have a decent sized lot (500 units or more?). NOT 50%.
These companies are willing to buy a large quantity KNOWING hey will never use 70% of what they buy. Still has value to have in inventory for problem solving. If it is a small quantity or near retail, they already have a Grainger account.
You should still be able to make a little change.
Not really any auto applications.
I have a bunch of these fittings that my dad had left from his day as a union pipefitter. He worked a lot in industrial construction jobs and used these all the time. Some of them ended up in his lunch box and/or pockets and are now in boxes above my garage ceiling. I do use them every once in a while but not on cars.
All I know about swagelok is there is a office 2 doors down from mine
We call Collins Oliver in Baton Rouge for these - they are a surplus house. If you catalog the parts they might buy the lot off you.