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Jerry HalfDork
8/21/13 3:07 p.m.
wearymicrobe wrote: Silly dog people

Ahem. Breakfast at our household:

We have..."some" cats. (Could you guess the fiancee manages two vet clinics?)

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
8/21/13 3:11 p.m.
Appleseed wrote:

Bahahaha! Nicely done.

16vCorey PowerDork
8/21/13 4:28 p.m.

alex UberDork
8/21/13 4:35 p.m.

Linus (so named because he usually has a concerned expression on his face):


Don't worry, she's put on at least 10-15# since this picture was taken a few years ago.

And our current foster (available for adoption!) Toby:

And for size reference, the three of them in a rare calm moment, which I obviously had to shoot from a blind:

Cotton SuperDork
8/21/13 4:40 p.m.

In reply to Jerry:

Any tricks to helping keep all the doggies and kitties happy? Ie. "Can't we all just get along?" type stuff.

ransom GRM+ Memberand UberDork
8/21/13 5:02 p.m.

In reply to Cotton:

We haven't tried to introduce a cat into the house with Ada, but when she meets them outside, her reaction seems to be something like "(sniff sniff)... Oh! You make those awesome treats! I love your work!"

Jerry HalfDork
8/21/13 6:02 p.m.

In reply to Cotton:

I had two cats when I met her. She had one dog (Chaz) and one cat. One of my cats had to be put to sleep due to illness, she inherited two more just before me moved in together. Then we took in the pit bull last year.

Chaz pretty much thinks he's a cat already, and they ignore/love on him depending on the cat in question. It didn't take long for the pit to get right with cats, she's incredibly smart and easy to train. I think starting to chase them once or twice and Kelly said "No!" and that was it.

In a former life (and wife) I had a cat, she inherited her Lab from the person she had given it up to earlier. They would NOT get along. I ended up putting them in carriers across from each other in the kitchen while we were at work. Monday started opposite ends of the room, and each day they were put closer to each other, till Friday their carriers touched. They were forced to stare at each other 8-9 hours straight. By that weekend they were buds.

nepa03focus Reader
8/21/13 6:03 p.m.

Wow apparently I can't work photobucket at all from my phone but my BFFs name is jack Daniels and he's a pug/ jack russel mix.

nicksta43 SuperDork
8/21/13 6:05 p.m.

Here the little E36 M3er is. Dodger is his name pooping is his game.

Grtechguy UltimaDork
8/21/13 6:07 p.m.

Riley, the butt of many, many weiner jokes.

aussiesmg MegaDork
8/21/13 6:15 p.m.

Jack (Black Jack Brabham)

 photo IMG_0788.jpg

Lesley PowerDork
8/21/13 6:21 p.m.

This is Weenie-Panini and Spidey-Widey

<img src="cats" />

JThw8 PowerDork
8/21/13 6:27 p.m.

Nugget, the killer Chihuahua

Lilly, his "sister" with a much more pleasant demeanor

Pheobe, the crazy bulldog

Bing, the destroyer of toys (MinPin)

The gang all together in a rare moment (including Lucy the SharPei whom I dont seem to have an individual shot of at the moment)

aircooled PowerDork
8/21/13 6:29 p.m.



rebelgtp UltraDork
8/21/13 7:06 p.m.

Loki is by the door of the Olds. We weren't even suppose to get him but now we can't really imagine not having him here. His brother Odin, on the carpet, would be completely lost.

grafmiata SuperDork
8/21/13 7:18 p.m.
Lesley wrote: This is Weenie-Panini and Spidey-Widey <img src="cats" />

Little guy looking at the camera looks exactly like Herman II, one of the many Siamese in the house when I was growing up.

Even has the same "Fine, I will let you take my picture, because you are obviously a lower life-form than me, and are easily entertained" look on his face.

I miss my meser's.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
8/21/13 7:21 p.m.

Toyo (ragdoll mix) and Lily (some sort of Mutt. Lhasa mix is out best guess). Toyo is completely in love with the dog.

DirtyBird222 UltraDork
8/21/13 7:22 p.m.

We had to put her down a few months ago :(. She had a tumor the size of a grapefruit on her stomach and she was having memory lapses. I'd let her out to crap and 10 minutes later she'd beg to go outside again and sit like shes gonna crap and nothing. Would happen all night. She'd eat, go back to her bowl and look at us like why haven't you fed us yet. Could barely run. Was a sad day. I had her since 01JAN00.

JKleiner Reader
8/21/13 8:02 p.m.

She likes to ride:

When I pull the FFR out of the garage she stares at the passenger door and wags slowly, then looks at me, then the door, then me, door, me, door, me...


SlantSex New Reader
8/21/13 8:06 p.m.

<img src=" photo IMAG0871.jpg" />

Wayslow Reader
8/21/13 8:38 p.m.

< Elise the Border Collie

There's also 3 cats named Cosworth, Jensen and Lola. Anyone spot a trend? I don't have any pics of them on this computer.

Spencer is laying down, the other guys belong to my Daughters

Curmudgeon MegaDork
8/21/13 8:45 p.m.

Here's Binky the Wonder Cat.

Lord and master of all he surveys (about ~2100 square feet including the screened porch), gobbler of foodstuffs, biter and then rubber of ankles, defiler of the litterbox.

Max_Archer Reader
8/21/13 8:48 p.m.

Here's my Sheltie looking particularly disapproving.

On the left you might notice about as much of my corgi as I ever manage to capture in a photo...

Conquest351 UltraDork
8/21/13 8:54 p.m.
Enyar wrote:

I just laughed waaaaaaaaay too hard at this. Great stuff.

BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
8/21/13 10:00 p.m.

Here's the purry & furry part of the family:

All three are rescues who had/have smaller or bigger "issues". Valentino, the big guy in the front, lived outside for two years after his first owner died and was in bad shape, the two girls in the back (Gabby, the one looking at the camera and Ely) had been through the revolving rescue door because one of them was stress urinating and the other adopters couldn't deal with it. Took a few months to de-stress them and the big guy has put on 6lbs over the last year and got back to something resembling normal weight.

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