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nutherjrfan UberDork
9/29/19 10:54 a.m.

Pep Boys.  Won't play with Fair/Uber/Donlen.  Told me a two hour wait because my reservation was junk.  

So I waltzed back in after an hour and a half to be told to take a hike.

Fine.  It's a rental.  I'll just drive it until they won't let me do the weekly renewal then turn it in for a new one.

Wonder how many miles I can go over 5,000 before they stop me.  I know that a human will be involved after 500.  This could be fun. sad

Cooter UltraDork
9/29/19 8:48 p.m.

If you ever want to lose faith in humanity, watch how many people on FB will give away their credit card info and share to multiple groups because they think "Dwain Jhonson" might give them some money.

Or the fact that Facebook won't do anything about it...

Appleseed MegaDork
9/29/19 9:16 p.m.

SWMBO is the moodiest person I've ever met. Jesus berkeleying Christ. 

mtn MegaDork
9/29/19 9:56 p.m.

There has been a new “Declaration of Safety, Fair Play and Respect” from USA Hockey. It isn’t any new rules, as this is not a rule change year, but a much stricter enforcement of current rules. Basically, they’re saying that the point of a check is to separate the player from the puck and not put him in the hospital. It also means that there is no more “finishing your check”. 


Overall, I think this is a good thing. The quality of hockey has been better, really it is now emphasizing skill and talent. But I’m just calling the game as I see it. I am calling it the way that our sanctioning body-USA hockey-has dictated it be called. So don’t be pissed at me, I’m calling just as many penalties on the other team. 

Also, this has been one of the worst rollouts from USA hockey I’ve seen. Had they done this in March or April, everyone would have had spring league to get used to it. Instead they did it... well, technically in June, but functionally they did it in August. Players, coaches, officials, we are all struggling with this. It sucks. 


But worse than that, the bitching from players about penalties that I’ve been calling for the past 12 years. Look dude, you hit a guy late and in the head it’s gonna be a penalty. If he’s injured, it’s a major and game misconduct. Always been that way. Go read the berkeleying rulebook and maybe learn how to hit. If you’d done that we probably wouldn’t have this new declaration. 

Appleseed MegaDork
9/29/19 10:53 p.m.

In reply to mtn :

Goons gonna goon. Modern goons, however,  piss and moan for getting penalties for gooning. 

berkeley em, dude. 

mtn MegaDork
9/29/19 11:12 p.m.
Appleseed said:

In reply to mtn :

Goons gonna goon. Modern goons, however,  piss and moan for getting penalties for gooning. 

berkeley em, dude. 

Yup. I’m getting quicker and quicker to hand out 10-minute misconduct penalties. I wish every player would read the rulebook, but at the very least 601 in its entirety. I have a lot of room to make that call. Pocket full of dimes and I’m happy to hand them out if they’re asking. 

Antihero GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/30/19 3:24 a.m.

Epiphone has released 2 guitars I like recently that are both signature models.


I don't like either person/band so I don't really want a signature guitar by them

Duke MegaDork
9/30/19 7:02 a.m.

In reply to mtn :

Not that I am any kind of sports fan, but the fight club culture of hockey really puts me off it in particular. 

I figure the people who watch hockey for the hard hits and fights are the same type that watch NASCAR for the wrecks. 

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
9/30/19 9:12 a.m.

We intended to spend pretty much the entire afternoon and evening yesterday out at the cabin working on finishing things up inside. We only ended up having a few hours out there because we napped most of the afternoon... which I suppose is only half of a rant, but it does mean I have to go out there tomorrow after work to knock out the last half hour or so of work to finish the bedroom and try and knock out the bathroom trim.

More of a real rant is that there are still so many small but time-consuming things that need to be done to get the cabin done and ready to be rented and WAY too much crap (mostly pieces of wood) that that needs to be cleaned up and hauled away.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/30/19 9:18 a.m.

In reply to nutherjrfan :

I'm so confused. I have no idea what your rant is about.

Furious_E GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
9/30/19 9:39 a.m.

Departed yesterday's auto x believing I'd finished 2nd out of 7 in class (a.k.a. best of the guys not running Hoosiers), only to get home, check the final results, and find I'd been bumped to 4th on last runs frown.

Heading into the final runs of the day, I knew I had the edge on the two other guys I had been battling with and put together a better run than I thought I had in me or the car, dropping from a 38.5xx to 38.2xx. Feeling pretty comfortable with my standing, I'd missed the other guys' runs while packing my stuff up. I'd later come to find out the one guy, who is a very good and consistent driver that I've been using to benchmark myself all season, dropped freaking 1.2s driving a borrowed MR2 Spyder to 38.0xx, only to get edged out by .003 by the other guy in an Elise! 

And you know what? In spite of the ultimate result and me posting this in the Minor Rants thread, I'd still call it a win. Hell of a battle and a great day of racing, and easily the best event I've run yet in the RX-7 in terms of my driving. The setup still isn't really where I want it to be (coilovers would go a long way towards fixing the several issues contributing to that), but it's the first time yet I've felt that I really got pretty much all out of the car that I could have, and that I am satisfied with.

KyAllroad (Jeremy)
KyAllroad (Jeremy) UltimaDork
9/30/19 11:57 a.m.

Trying to figure out what and where transfer case I need/can afford/is available is taking up way too much bandwidth right now.  I just want to buy a GM transfer case and slap it in, but sweet jeebus there are too many variations on a pretty basic theme.

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
9/30/19 12:01 p.m.

I forgot how much my immune system sucks. With my wife and daughter both in a public school every day, me in healthcare, etc, its going to be a long berkeleying winter full of Dayquil. 

nutherjrfan UberDork
9/30/19 2:07 p.m.
Javelin said:

In reply to nutherjrfan :

I'm so confused. I have no idea what your rant is about.

Donlen does fleet leasing.  They have a contract with all Pepboys.  One Pepboy said they don't do Fair with Uber my bad for not mentioning Donlen.

I talk to Donlen and they say to make an online resv.

I take it to a different Pepboys from the one I called.

First off the harridan who clearly went out late Saturday night says we don't do reservations with Donlen and I'll have to put you in line.

Apparently approximately two hours.

For three orders ahead of me.

For a battery and an oil change.

Come back after a walk around the E36 M3 neighborhood to be told they can't find the car in the system.

I silently took the key and walked out.

Now I won't be taking it anywhere for a 5k service and will return it when Donlen or Fair or Uber becomes unhappy with that.

Then I will weekly rent the next car they have on the lot.

If not I'll do it with Lyft or GTFO of this shell game.

That's my best translation. yes

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/30/19 2:54 p.m.

In reply to nutherjrfan :

I'm still lost.

So you drive for Uber? But you rent a car through Donlen instead of using your own? And this rental car needed servicing, so you are expected to handle it by taking the car to PepBoys, who have a contract with Donlen? And PB refuses to honor the contract and sorry two hours doing nothing so you too the car back and got no services done?

I'm still confused as to why you rent a car for gig work in the first place, and also why you'd bring any rental in for servicing. 

Duke MegaDork
9/30/19 3:03 p.m.

Not sure what Fair is, either.  I think we're just missing some context.


wae SuperDork
9/30/19 4:42 p.m.

In reply to Javelin & Duke :

I'm trying to dechiper it as well and according to the Googlebox, "Fair" is a start-up that Uber either spun off or sold its own weekly car used-car rental business to.  Apparently, the idea is that instead of using your own car, you rent one from Fair for "as low as $195 a week".  The cars come "with Fair insurance, unlimited miles, basic maintenance, 24/7 roadside assistance, and a limited warranty".  The maintenance appears to include "routine oil and filter changes, multi-point inspections, as well as tire rotations and topping off of fluids as needed."  Donlen seems to be the company that Fair uses to provide the maintenance though contracts with Pepboys, Goodyear, Jiffy Lube, and some others.

So, my guess is that he took the leased car to Pepboys and they couldn't figure out how to process the Donlen contract and gave him a run around.


SnowMongoose SuperDork
9/30/19 5:05 p.m.

TIL that I fit even more poorly into an NB than into an NA.  
berkeleying miatas.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/30/19 5:49 p.m.

In reply to wae :

So it's a lease, but weekly? That's $800/month!

wae SuperDork
9/30/19 6:27 p.m.

In reply to Javelin :

If I read it right, though, it does also include the insurance, so there's *part* of it.  Knowing nothing about the economics of being a gypsy cab driver, I could see how it could wind up being cheaper than having to have a newer car that you're burning up with all the driving if you're really treating it like a job.  You can keep the low-mileage insurance on your own car, it can be older, and if you aren't going to work for that week, you don't have the expense of the car.  I wonder what the breakpoint is where it starts to make sense to do weekly rentals instead of using your own set of wheels.

My rant:  The guy that got in over his head on this S10 motor swap keeps calling me wanting me to tell the guy who owns the thing how helpful he was so, I presume, he can try to get some money out of this guy.  Yeah, buddy, it was super helpful to have a giant pile of disorganized and randomly arranged bolts and other parts.  Oy.

nutherjrfan UberDork
9/30/19 9:20 p.m.

In reply to Javelin :

until recently Uber gave back $190 which made the rental $16.  Now it's only $170 which makes it $36 a week.  After 110 rides which you'll need to do anyway to pay the rent around here.

I used to use my own car.  But then somebody at last call in an E90 decided to ram into me at a stoplight then flee the scene.

Regardless of that this gig beats the ever living E36 M3 out of a car.

Plus humans are little better than the filth they carry into the car every single ride.

As to why FAIR requires me to bring it into service you'd have to ask them.

HERTZ also through UBER required me to bring it in also but it was at a PepBoys/Uber/Hertz all in one location so the E36 M3 got done.

I will never use a personal vehicle for gig work ever again as long as Uber offers the bonus.  I don't care about the tax advantage which is disappearing anyway as these companies reduce the amount they pay the driver below the mileage rate.


Appleseed MegaDork
9/30/19 10:01 p.m.

Lady, if you were any closer to my ass,  you'd be in front of me. I should have scratched my back and planted my elbow firmly in her left tit. 

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/30/19 10:08 p.m.

In reply to nutherjrfan :

Thank you, that makes much more sense!

The rebate makes the math work out for sure. So $36 plus gas a week in costs and 110 rides nets you what if you don't mind sharing? 

Antihero GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/1/19 2:43 a.m.

Let the dog out before I went to sleep. Something crashed thru the brush, so I got the dog back in fast.


The sounds moved closer when I made sound. This is not good

AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/1/19 7:54 a.m.
Antihero said:

Let the dog out before I went to sleep. Something crashed thru the brush, so I got the dog back in fast.


The sounds moved closer when I made sound. This is not good

Are you going to leave us in suspense? Are you alive?

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