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AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/1/19 7:58 a.m.
SnowMongoose said:

TIL that I fit even more poorly into an NB than into an NA.  
berkeleying miatas.

The door cards intrude into the cabin a good 2-3" more than on an NA. I found this out as well when I bought mine. I can fit, but I made some custom door cards that are more like the NA type, so now I have a lot more room, about like an NA. 

AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/1/19 8:08 a.m.

I need 3M edge sealer for the finishing touches on the vinyl wrap I'm doing. I ordered a bottle off Amazon on the 23rd of September. Not a prime shipping item, but wasn't supposed to take very long. Now that the tracking number updated, it's not due to arrive till October 7th...

The win part? Yesterday I did an order through Fellers to get the edge sealer and some other items to get it up to the free shipping point. That shipment is due in today.

wae SuperDork
10/1/19 1:36 p.m.

Maybe this goes in the shiny happy people thread, but apparently last Friday night at a middle school girl's volleyball game between two Catholic schools in one of the northern Cincinnati neighborhoods some guy got the ever-loving snot beat out of himself after a verbal argument during the game.  Apparently the guy left and a man and a woman followed him out and cracked two of his ribs, crushed a bone in his left wrist, kicked out some of his teeth, gave him a perichondrial hematoma (whatever that is) on his ear, and lacerated his liver and kidney.  The woman was arrested at the scene and when the man was tracked down and called by police, the report says that he asked the officer "what he was supposed to do when someone points their finger at him and tells him to 'f---- off'".  As though somehow the only rational response to that behaviour is to commit felonious assault.

My rant about this situation is multi-part:  First, it's eighth-grade kidsports we're talking about here.  How can your own identity be so wrapped up in how a bunch of eighth graders are playing a game?  Second, it's at a school and I presume that these people are parents of the children that attend these schools, so what, precisely, is the lesson that you think you're teaching your daughter?  Maybe these miserable wretches really do think it's a good lesson to learn that if someone acts like an ass and yells at you that's justification to beat them until you damage their internal organs and maim them.  Third, as a practicing Catholic I realize that I should remove the plank from my eye before worrying about the splinter in yours, but I'd like to think that we should hold ourselves to a higher standard and maybe try to practice more of that love your neighbor as yourself stuff that Father brings up every Sunday.  Because you're really making the rest of us look pretty bad here.  Finally, I hate a news story like this that doesn't feature an innocent party.  I'm not saying that the victim got what was coming to him or anything like that, but let's face it - if he hadn't gotten beaten up, anyone there would have just remembered the angry guy that was shouting obscenities at people.  You know, in front of a bunch of eighth grade girls and probably their younger siblings.  Not a very sympathetic character.

Okay, back to wondering what this world is coming to and yelling at clouds.

eastsideTim UberDork
10/1/19 3:45 p.m.

In reply to wae :

That is awful.  It did remind me of this song, though:


Streetwiseguy MegaDork
10/1/19 4:24 p.m.

Odds are, Victim-Douche probably didn't just start the conversation with "berkeley you".  Likely in response to Beater-Douche being a Douche.

But, they can all go to confession and move on.

Subscriber-unavailabile Reader
10/1/19 6:28 p.m.

My 8 year old just microwaved ramen, WITHOUT water.

pretty sure this is what lung cancer smells like 


Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
10/1/19 6:38 p.m.
Subscriber-unavailabile said:

My 8 year old just microwaved ramen, WITHOUT water.

pretty sure this is what lung cancer smells like 


I have done that.

Twice. In a row. Sober.

Yes, it IS what lung cancer smells like .

Subscriber-unavailabile Reader
10/1/19 6:59 p.m.

In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :

Haha I’ve always used stovetop for mine. I need new microwave anyways. Atleast that’s what I’m told..

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/1/19 7:52 p.m.
Subscriber-unavailabile said:

My 8 year old just microwaved ramen, WITHOUT water.

pretty sure this is what lung cancer smells like 


My breakfast used to be one of those nicer ramen bowls, with an egg cracked in the water, then set in the microwave for four minutes.


One morning I was still asleep and did the flavor packet, the veggie packet, and the egg, but forgot the part where the water had to happen.

Bent-Valve Reader
10/1/19 10:23 p.m.

OK so which is it? I have to or Im not obligated? angry

Antihero GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/1/19 10:32 p.m.

In reply to AWSX1686 :

I am alive and well, I'm touched by the concern

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/2/19 1:37 p.m.

Slow motion doesn't make your video dramatic, it just makes me not watch it. 

Jjjjjjuuuuuusssssstttttt sssssssssttttttttooooooppppp. 


Bent-Valve Reader
10/2/19 6:06 p.m.

Putting in a new power line to the barn.

I have misplace my waterline.


I've found every root and rock ever created.

I found coal.

I got wore out went take a shower. I have no clean socks.

I get to Zaxbys and gleefully order a Zenation Salad I've been waiting for. It shows up with no chicken.

I bite the crap out of my lip, now the dressing burns and tastes a little bloody.

I'm going home, over dose on Tylenol, climb in the hot tub and drown.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/2/19 6:19 p.m.

I'm so sick of Craigslist time wasters who text 1 minute before their arrival time that they can't make it despite being over an hour away. 

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/2/19 7:10 p.m.

In reply to Bent-Valve :

Don't go to the bathroom, you might break other stuff too.

Appleseed MegaDork
10/2/19 8:37 p.m.

Flying is calculated risk. 

You need to understand that. 

Daylan C
Daylan C PowerDork
10/2/19 9:07 p.m.

Guy I used to work with is flooding my facebook feed with demo crap when I actually kind of don't like demo derbies at all. This must be how the rest of my non car friends feel.

dropstep UltraDork
10/2/19 9:25 p.m.

Hoping to get cleared for work October 10th but my leg still hurts and the muscle in my calf still spazms if I'm off muscle relaxers 

classicJackets Dork
10/3/19 7:04 a.m.

Been driving my slightly janky BMW to work because the Expedition is just big and cumbersome to drive around alone. BMW has an exhaust leak and needs a manual switch for the fans, so it's smelly and I have to watch the temp if I stop in traffic..

Drove the Expedition yesterday after letting it sit for ~4 days, and 2 tires are nearly flat and it's got a gnarly shudder in gear that set an engine light after a few minutes of driving. Made it back home alright, but that's supposed to be the reliable car. Gonna get used to the smell of exhaust, I guess!

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
10/3/19 8:54 a.m.

Got a text from the plumber yesterday that everything was ready for the final inspection except he was missing the shower head for one of the two sides of the shower. I say, "Yeah, sorry I meant to bring it out but it slipped my mind." He says that he needs it to get the inspection done in the morning.

Grab shower head and load up the QX4 (that poor thing is long overdue for an oil change and a good going over...) with as much other stuff as I can (why waste a run out there?) and drive out as soon as I can after work.

Get there, unload everything, look over the shower and realize... "Hmmm, where are the controls for the second show head? The rough-in kit has been in for a while but there's no handle..." 

Text plumber asking about the handle, work on a few other things, eventually use the cabin's phone to call the plumber and ask whether he has it and just hasn't installed it yet.

Nope. Doesn't have it at all, and THAT is what he really meant he needed. Well, berk. Without the controls, the cabin won't pass final plumbing inspection, the last actual inspection it needs.

Get back in the QX4 and dash 3/4 of the way back home to the nearest Lowe's. Guess what? This particular one not only doesn't sell JUST the handle, they don't ever have the set that is just for stand-up showers and only have the one for shower/tubs that is $20 more. Pick that up, burn back out to the cabin (after losing 20 minutes after getting on the highway going the wrong way because I'm not used to going back out to the cabin from there...), and drop off the shower control so the inspection can happen and we can stay at the cabin tonight. Get home at 11pm- 3 hours later than originally planned.

Driving in to work today (only going to be here for a half day, so opted to drive vs. bicycle) get a call from the plumber. Apparently in the last few weeks the County hired a new plumbing inspector- and the inspections for where the cabin is are now on FRIDAY mornings and not Thursday mornings. Meaning realistically I could have just brought things out this afternoon when we were already planning on going out there to take out things and work on finishing the trim. 


dropstep UltraDork
10/3/19 12:23 p.m.

When you tell someone your off work because of a back surgery why is the next question always "so did you get put on disability already" I'm just going to start telling people I quit work. It's easier to explain.

Subscriber-unavailabile Reader
10/3/19 8:52 p.m.

I have no Ideal what I am living.(like seriously wtf)

Bent-Valve Reader
10/3/19 9:21 p.m.
Knurled. said:

In reply to Bent-Valve :

Don't go to the bathroom, you might break other stuff too.

Made it safely to bed, with drugs. Found that dang waterline today WITHOUT poking a hole in it. And got 90 feet of Power line buried. I can see the finish line on this project.

However, hour meter on the tractor shows 100 hour maintenance is due. Argh.

RevRico GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
10/4/19 4:45 a.m.

I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation before, just not at 11 berkeleying PM. I can't tell your voices apart, as it's always a whiny white girl or a very Indian man, but seriously, calling me 100 times a day for a credit card offer I don't qualify for is illegal harassment, and actually crosses interstate stalking laws making it a federal crime based on the volume of calls. If you don't want to be threatened and harassed on a daily basis, maybe go find a street corner to work on or some railroad tracks to sleep on. 

Smart move on your part though, calling after noise limits take effect so I couldn't blow your ear drums out.


BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/4/19 6:30 a.m.

In reply to RevRico :

That's why I pretty much don't answer calls from numbers I don't recognise anymore, and those are just the ones that T-Mobile doesn't identify as spam calls in the first place. The latter just go straight to voicemail.

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