The more I deal with the American healthcare system, the more I hate it.
How the flim flam berkeley have I changed ZERO appliances or light bulbs in the house since last December, but gone from 34kWh daily average to 59?!?! Not entirely true, I added a chest freezer, on the same circuit as my stand-up freezer, but if they were pulling that kind of power the breaker would trip.
That's not a small jump in power consumption, that's over 1,000 watts an hour extra averaged every day. That's a lot of berkeleying power.
I'm not running grow lights, our two electric heaters only run when it's below zero outside and are only 500 watts each. They've only been plugged in for 48 hours this past month anyway. LEDs in every fixture, same laundry and dishwashing cycle as always.
Short somewhere that isn't throwing a breaker? Digital meters get berkeleyed up from the power outages maybe? Whatever it is, it's berkeleying ridiculous, especially on top of the almost doubling of our kWh charge in the past year.
I'm about to clear cut my hillside and steal some panels from the solar farm up the street to try to make up the difference.
In reply to RevRico :
You might want to check your water heater. You may have a hot water leak making it run a lot.
There's nothing more insulting than, after being given the bait and switch, being told "yeah, but it's still a good deal you should take it!!!"
Oh god damn. Someone earned themselves a dickpunch. Good thing that dumb ass, looks like someone ordered Jesus Christ from mother berkeleyer, got fired or I would have delivered it.
No one realized what this shiny happy person was doing while he was doing it or I know he would have been fired months, maybe years before.
80% of my job is Solidworks. CAD stuff, makin drawings, whatever. Same as goober's job.
I get a job to design something, let's say a boat. I take common files we already have, mast from one, keel from another, etc. Make a copy of those files unique to that project, mash em together and tweak as needed. Pretty typical, one boat is much like another.
This clownshoe wearing asshat would open one project, hide everything except the mast, and use that file. He would open another and hide everything but the keel. Do that for everything and slap it together.
Then he would save it, then he would later use that file for the basis for something else. And so on and so on and so on.
So what is the butt-berkeleyery here? You change something, potentially the wrong thing, and that change propagates through EVERY. SINGLE. PROJECT. REFERENCED. IN THAT FILE.
Put in damn near 60 hrs last week (I am a strict 40hr work week guy.) Was here till 7:30 Friday, wrapped everything up for QC so the final drawings (which Jeepus Cripes, the wonder savior from Wish, was supposed to do in November) could be printed and sent out with the "boats."
QC came back with a few small issues, equivalent of typos, I go into 2 of the 3 and knock em out in 10 minutes each. The third is a file directly referenced by one of the other files. I open it and half the CAD model is just... gone.
Delivery truck loaded and waiting, everyone in the office waiting, so I can do work that I had already done, to turn out a subpar drawing.
berkeley that motherberkeleyer.
In reply to Mr_Asa :
I feel your pain. I have been struggling with bad CAD hygiene all my career, to the point that I don't want to work in anyone else's models and I sure as hell don't want them in mine. What you're talking about is just brutally bad juju.
My boss is the King of Save As. Fortunately it only manifests as hundreds of redundant 300mb-500mb files scattered all over the server.
We do proposal books when submitting for new projects. I handle the interior layout and copy but he insists on "helping" by doing the covers and dividers, which typically have images on them. So he'll open the last one he did in Photoshop, hide the current image layers, add any new images, and Save As. So any one of his cover files may have 1-2 images on the cover but it has dozens of hi-res images that are just turned off and taking up useless file space.
A document that could be 10mb-30mb is typically 10x-15x that size, simply because he's too hasty / lazy to just take a little care. Luckily it only costs server space, backup costs, and load times, all of which he's paying for.
"We are at the point where we are past the point where we need info."
Everything my boss writes is like this. Some of my other coworkers too.
Does nobody read what they're writing at all?
Duke said:In reply to Mr_Asa :
I feel your pain. I have been struggling with bad CAD hygiene all my career, to the point that I don't want to work in anyone else's models and I sure as hell don't want them in mine. What you're talking about is just brutally bad juju.
My boss is the King of Save As. Fortunately it only manifests as hundreds of redundant 300mb-500mb files scattered all over the server.
We do proposal books when submitting for new projects. I handle the interior layout and copy but he insists on "helping" by doing the covers and dividers, which typically have images on them. So he'll open the last one he did in Photoshop, hide the current image layers, add any new images, and Save As. So any one of his cover files may have 1-2 images on the cover but it has dozens of hi-res images that are just turned off and taking up useless file space.
A document that could be 10mb-30mb is typically 10x-15x that size, simply because he's too hasty / lazy to just take a little care. Luckily it only costs server space, backup costs, and load times, all of which he's paying for.
I've been pushing back against how we've done things for the entire time I've been with the company. He twisted E36 M3 and manipulated everyone around in such a way that my specific complaints never got to management unless they were standing right there (which, couple dozen people total, very possible they would be there while I was bitching, but after he would twist and lessen my suggestions.)
Now that he's gone we are moving towards good processes. The work we are gonna have to put in to get there sucks, but it'll be worth it in the end.
In reply to Duke :
I have only ever worked at 1 place that had good CAD practices that were followed long term. The funny part is they didn't have great electronic systems, just a couple of super users that were very anal and had been there forever. If they found anything they didn't like in your CAD practices they would ride you like a pony. I mean anything, from undefined lines, to save as wrong, to local files. They were really good at finding the BS.
In reply to Duke :
If I could get a set of drawing with less than 10k comments that would be nice.
I ended up replacing my computer just to make the plans usable without locking up the machine.
And turning off the comments doesn't work. All the door numbers, room numbers, hardware indicators, specs, and everything on the plans have been added as a comment.
In reply to Toyman! :
That's a function of how the PDFs are rendered. Adobe thinks making each note a comment is helpful and under some bizarre circumstance it may be. I guarantee they were not drafted that way.
Do NOT buy from offer up that involves shipping. I just bought something. Seller confirmed the purchase within minutes. My card is charged. 5 minutes later he messaged me with "uhh, the item you want is missing parts". WTF! I said cancel my order and not to ship it. He says he can't cancel it. WTF. Contacted Offer up. (No call option is available on e-mail). They said wait 5 business days and the order will be cancelled automatically. Plus it will still take 5-7 business days for the refund to come through on the credit card. Jesus H Christ. Oh yeah, Offer Up app deleted from my phone.
Using Facebook Marketplace to try and find a reliable new daily driver ruined my carefully curated E36 M3box algorithm results I've been working on for a year.
The newest modification to my 3D printer- wiring up a buck converter to allow the new, larger extruder cooling fan to run at less than the 100% speed that the stock fan would run at- was extremely successful. Unfortunately, it's almost too successful- I used to be able to tell when the extruder was heating up or at temperature because of the cooling fan, but now it's quiet enough that (especially with the enclosure zipped up) I can't tell nearly as easily now so I'm paranoid that it's not working properly.
I really need to get the motorhome's engine back together. The head is ready to go on, I got the header as flat as I'm going to get it, all the parts and gaskets are over there. There's even plenty of propane on-board to run the furnace to keep me toasty. But this cold that I've managed to catch means that I wake up feeling pretty awful, by about 0900-1000 I'm feeling okay, and then by about 1800 I'm shot. Which I could work with except that I've got this job thing where they expect me to be doing stuff during that time if I want my money. If I had the coach inside the shop, I could get away with working from there, but when I started taking it apart there was a Mercedes clogging up the place so I'm working on it at the storage lot where cell service is sketchy at best, and I've got tools and engine parts strewn over every flat surface, so there's no place to work.
Conversation this AM:
"Your patient's heart rate is between 120 to 160, their blood pressure's in hypertensive crisis range."
"Yes I do have to ask you, it's my berkeleying job."
"Are you doing anything about this?"
"Of course I'm asking to shut off some alarms, they kept the patient awake all night and it's adding to their anxiety."
I swear every facility got that one dipstick that shows everyone "Actually, you're gonna pass boards JUST FINE".
Super minor rant, but how does Dish network still exist in this day in age? Raining? No TV for you. Cloudy? No TV for you. Just don't feel like working? No TV for you.
Super minor, cause one it is only in the break room at work and two there is never anything worth watching anyway.
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