1 ... 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 ... 2022
NermalSnert (Forum Supporter)
NermalSnert (Forum Supporter) HalfDork
7/23/24 10:12 a.m.

Something's come over me and it's got Miata written all over it. angry

jfryjfry UltraDork
7/23/24 10:57 a.m.
Rodan said:

County inspector just showed up to sign off on our new RV carport.  30 seconds start to finish, didn't even take a serious look at anything.  If you're going to force me to apply and pay $$$ for a permit, and require an inspection, you could at least take it seriously.

I agree and I'll go one step further - if I have to have (and pay) you to inspect for my permit, then you should be held culpable if you miss something that I have to fix/repair/correct in the future. 

Duke MegaDork
7/23/24 11:39 a.m.

In reply to jfryjfry :

You don't want that.  Trust me. Every project would take 5x longer and cost 5x as much.


Datsun240ZGuy MegaDork
7/23/24 11:41 a.m.

In reply to Mr_Asa :

They used to buy those at the hose shop and guys would do the same. One shot is over the top but folks would shoot 5-10 single shots - crazy stuff.

Peabody MegaDork
7/23/24 3:50 p.m.
Rodan said:

County inspector just showed up to sign off on our new RV carport.  30 seconds start to finish, didn't even take a serious look at anything.  If you're going to force me to apply and pay $$$ for a permit, and require an inspection, you could at least take it seriously.

Consider yourself lucky.

Back in the day we had to pay extra for that.

In cash

wae UltimaDork
7/23/24 4:00 p.m.

The guy that said he'd buy my motorhome is starting to get on my last nerve.  It was about a month ago that he gave me a deposit and said he'd be back in a week with the money.  I've been a little busy with other stuff, so it hasn't really been a big deal for me, but every week I text him to ask if we're going to get this done or what and he's got some "the check is in the mail" story.  Now that I've got a minute to focus on it, I've let him know that I'm going to re-list it on Monday.  If he gets his finances in order by then, then we'll get the deal done, but otherwise he'll have to get back in line.

Oh, and I am absolutely keeping his deposit.

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/23/24 4:11 p.m.
jfryjfry said:
Rodan said:

County inspector just showed up to sign off on our new RV carport.  30 seconds start to finish, didn't even take a serious look at anything.  If you're going to force me to apply and pay $$$ for a permit, and require an inspection, you could at least take it seriously.

I agree and I'll go one step further - if I have to have (and pay) you to inspect for my permit, then you should be held culpable if you miss something that I have to fix/repair/correct in the future. 

Ahh ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Y'all didn't actually think it was about safety, did you?

Those who can, do. Those who can't become inspectors.

eastsideTim UltimaDork
7/23/24 4:35 p.m.

Extremely minor rant- I'm messing with an Arduino, and trying to put together enough to build my own custom GPS rally computer.  Soldered pins to the GPS module today, and ran a simple program that should just give me a current location and speed.  Nothing, just a solid red light.  Since I am just learning to solder electronics, I wondered if I damaged the board.  Nope, if I independently power the GPS board, and carry it closer to a window, it starts blinking, indicating it is picking up satellite signals. 

I don't own a USB cable long enough to actually send data back to my computer, and the computer is too tangled up in peripherals to move anywhere.  Going to have to install everything onto a laptop if I want to actually test this thing, and I just don't want to.

wae UltimaDork
7/23/24 4:38 p.m.

In reply to eastsideTim :

I've got a 25-foot long USB extension cable sitting here at the house if you think that would help

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/23/24 4:47 p.m.

In reply to wae :

USB signals have a maximum distance of around 9-16ft depending on cable spec and connection type, there are longer cables with built-in repeaters but they often have power delivery issues because they use some power to run the repeater.

Rodan UltraDork
7/23/24 4:50 p.m.

Just got our toll bill in the mail for using E470 to bypass Denver going to High Plains Raceway from I25 to I70.  20 miles each way... total of $83.80.

Guess we're finding a different route next time.  I don't mind paying a toll for better roads and less traffic, but > $2/ mile is robbery, even for a motorhome pulling a trailer.

eastsideTim UltimaDork
7/23/24 4:51 p.m.

In reply to wae :

Would be interesting to see if it would work, but I am giving in and installing on the laptop now.  I guess I was going to need to do it eventually once it got to field testing time. 

wae UltimaDork
7/23/24 5:08 p.m.

In reply to GameboyRMH :

Works fine for my headset, FORScan, Xentry/DAS, and the laser engraver....

APEowner GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
7/23/24 7:52 p.m.
Rodan said:

Just got our toll bill in the mail for using E470 to bypass Denver going to High Plains Raceway from I25 to I70.  20 miles each way... total of $83.80.

Guess we're finding a different route next time.  I don't mind paying a toll for better roads and less traffic, but > $2/ mile is robbery, even for a motorhome pulling a trailer.

I'm going to have to look at my bill again!  I don't think it was anywhere near that with my pickup and 24ft trailer.

Floating Doc (Forum Supporter)
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
7/23/24 8:14 p.m.

In reply to NickD :

The NY State fairgrounds used to have one mile horse track, long gone now.

volvoclearinghouse UltimaDork
7/24/24 7:31 a.m.
DarkMonohue said:

I don't see a problem here. Your cost through a huge volume internet discount house is ten bucks plus shipping, cash and carry and best of luck. His cost through a regional distributor who has to stand by their stuff and probably bring it to them in person on a daily basis is higher than that, and he needs to make money on top of that as part of his profit. And the last few years of inflation have been pretty rough.

If you have room for a hydraulic press, it's not too bad a job to do yourself. 

Nah. All you need is a C-clamp. devil

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/24/24 7:53 a.m.
volvoclearinghouse said:
DarkMonohue said:

I don't see a problem here. Your cost through a huge volume internet discount house is ten bucks plus shipping, cash and carry and best of luck. His cost through a regional distributor who has to stand by their stuff and probably bring it to them in person on a daily basis is higher than that, and he needs to make money on top of that as part of his profit. And the last few years of inflation have been pretty rough.

If you have room for a hydraulic press, it's not too bad a job to do yourself. 

Nah. All you need is a C-clamp. devil

One of these in an air hammer works pretty well.

Lisle 18980 Pneumatic U-Joint Driver

Or maybe one of these. 

Broken Vise | Vise, at the bike shop where I work, is broken… | Flickr

volvoclearinghouse UltimaDork
7/24/24 8:29 a.m.
Mr_Asa said:

Bathroom is across from my office.

The women that use it spray air freshener when they leave.

Sorry, did I say air freshener?  I meant scented industrial strength, only-meant-for-half-second-sprays cans from uline.

They spray this E36 M3 for a good five seconds and then leave.  Meanwhile I'm choking and getting a migraine

I've confiscated 5 cans already.  They keep getting more.   Im gonna get rude since they havent gotten the hint. 

Sounds like that bathroom needs a big ass fan...

Related rant: we've been going to the pool a lot this summer. Our town has a great pool, recently remodeled, well-maintained, plenty of room. It's a steal at $400 for the family for the summer.  

My rant is the families who show up to the pool and immediately start spraying themselves liberally with aerosol lotion. A) you're too lazy to use a normal, rub-it-on sunscreen, B) you didn't have the foresight to put it on before you left to go to the pool, so now your icky slimy E36 M3 is going to sloth off into the pool instead of being absorbed into your skin, and C) everyone within 50 feet of you now has to deal with your gaseous cloud of toxic chemicals in their eyes, nose, and mouth. 

So, for your laziness, ignorance, lack of planning, and general inconsiderateness, berkeley you. 

Rodan UltraDork
7/24/24 8:38 a.m.
APEowner said:
Rodan said:

Just got our toll bill in the mail for using E470 to bypass Denver going to High Plains Raceway from I25 to I70.  20 miles each way... total of $83.80.

Guess we're finding a different route next time.  I don't mind paying a toll for better roads and less traffic, but > $2/ mile is robbery, even for a motorhome pulling a trailer.

I'm going to have to look at my bill again!  I don't think it was anywhere near that with my pickup and 24ft trailer.

5 axles with MH and trailer, plus the shiny happy people charged my trailer toad as an another axle...

3 axles is double the 2 axle rate, plus a fee equal to the 2 axle rate for each additional axle. 

Antihero GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
7/24/24 10:04 a.m.

I hate going to the dentist.....

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
7/24/24 10:11 a.m.
Rodan said:
APEowner said:
Rodan said:

Just got our toll bill in the mail for using E470 to bypass Denver going to High Plains Raceway from I25 to I70.  20 miles each way... total of $83.80.

Guess we're finding a different route next time.  I don't mind paying a toll for better roads and less traffic, but > $2/ mile is robbery, even for a motorhome pulling a trailer.

I'm going to have to look at my bill again!  I don't think it was anywhere near that with my pickup and 24ft trailer.

5 axles with MH and trailer, plus the shiny happy people charged my trailer toad as an another axle...

3 axles is double the 2 axle rate, plus a fee equal to the 2 axle rate for each additional axle. 

Dude you got berkeleyed with the concrete dildo of hate right there. Is there any appeal process?

gixxeropa GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
7/24/24 10:18 a.m.

Got a job that I liked everything about, 6 months later everything is changing. It hasn't gone to E36 M3 completely yet but it's looking like it will. Oh well, back to the job boards

NY Nick
NY Nick GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/24/24 10:18 a.m.

Megacorp announced major changes to their employee stock plan, which may require major shifts in assets. Earnings call is tomorrow, the site that you can change allocations on is down. I would like to think it is a random occurrence but my faith is rapidly being eroded. 

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/24/24 10:30 a.m.

Lady, I come in here every 6 months for a checkup and med refills. What do you mean my account is 2 years past due? What do you mean it has been turned over to collections? You are about to make me extremely angry.

I walk up to the counter, you tell me how much my insurance doesn't cover. I hand you a berkeleying credit card to cover it every time I'm in here. How the berkeley can there be a past-due balance when you are the dumb berkeley who is telling me what is owed? Does your computer not tell you that there is a balance owed on the account when you enter my name? Why are you not collecting any due amount at the next visit? Would you like to explain why I'm just now hearing about this two berkeleying years later? I get a constant barrage of texts and emails from your office about appointments, are you incapable of emailing or texting an invoice? 

I don't give a E36 M3 that you outsourced your invoicing. That's your stupidity, not mine. Contract labor is never as good as labor controlled directly. Does your invoicing company not send out notifications? I have received zero mail from your office in the 3 years I've been coming here. Your office had better figure out how to fix this or I will take my money elsewhere. For every phone call I receive from a collections company, your office will receive 10 calls from me to ask why you and your invoice company are incapable of doing your job. If you are too chicken-E36 M3 to inform someone of a balance due, you deserve to go out of business. I hope you do and every one of you ends up living under a bridge. There is no excuse for this kind of gross incompetence. I'd fire every one of you, starting with the idiot who thought outsourcing your invoicing was a good idea.

If I ran my business the way you run yours, I'd close my doors and put a bullet in my head for being a moron. Hopefully, you haven't reproduced and don't plan to. There are already enough idiots in this town. We can't stand more of them. 




RX Reven'
RX Reven' GRM+ Memberand UberDork
7/24/24 10:44 a.m.

In reply to Toyman! :


My youngest daughter dislocated her knee while at school and required an ambulance ride.  The ambulance company didn't bill my insurance company until after their time limit had passed so now the ambulance company is coming after me for payment.

Ffffffff Uuuuu...I'm 60 and debt free so I'm just ignoring it.

1 ... 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 ... 2022

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