1 ... 2012 2013 2014
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No Time UberDork
9/24/24 9:16 p.m.

Insurance company sent a letter saying they're not renewing our policy when it expires in 45 days. 

The reason? 

"The following adverse claim activity does not meet company requirements..."

Followed by a list of claims including 1 glass claim and 5 at fault accidents totaling $22,118. Glass in 2019, 4 accidents in 2022, and 1 accident in 2024.

It appears the cut off is when the claims equal what has been paid in premiums for the last 5 years. 

Our auto policy is no longer profitable, but the same company has no problem continuing to insure our home and collecting those premiums since it's pure profit without any claims filed on the policy. 

Edit: I get it, they are in business to make money, but it's annoying. 

PMRacing GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
9/24/24 9:37 p.m.

A week and a half ago I was riding a razor scooter in the driveway with my daughter.  The front wheel washed out on me and I took a spill.  Right leg first, rolled into my right arm and then smacked my head on the concrete.  Helmet did its job.  I did have a 2 day headache though but that subsided.  However this week my ribs started to hurt.  It was bad enough that tonight I went to the urgent care for an X-ray.  It turned out negative (like my IQ) fortunately, no fractures.  However I'll be dealing with some pain for a few weeks.  Could have been worse, esp. if I hadn't been wearing my (now dented) helmet. PSA always wear your helmet even when just doing mundane riding.  

Due to my recent surprise illness (2 bouts of pneumonia), I figured I'd have a house mold inspection in case it was some sort of environmental contamination that made me sick.

The inspector took 3 air samples and 2 tape samples. The air and tape sample from the utility closet/laundry room showed an extremely high spore count. There is mold growing on the wall next to the water heater. It's behind the weird built in desk next to the utility closet. It's in the wall behind the desk.

The highly intelligent and skilled contractors that renovated the house over a 9 month period ran the HVAC system with no filter and it plugged everything up with dust. This led to the A/C condensate drain getting plugged,  flooding the coil drip pan which then flooded the utility closet and then got under the laminate flooring. This happened while I was TDY on the other side of the country.

The quote for the remediation was only about $2100. But that doesn't include the lost wages due to getting pneumonia twice. I'm debating filing a claim on my homeowner's insurance. I've never had to do so. This is new territory for me.

1 ... 2012 2013 2014

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