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T.J. PowerDork
10/3/12 8:03 p.m.

Work. Too much to do, not enough people to do it. People complaining that stuff is not getting done fast enough and others complaining that it is not getting done good enough in the same organization all while the people who could make a difference and bring in more resources pretend there is no problem.

corytate Dork
10/3/12 9:14 p.m.

Cannot wait until a certain coworker is gone.
Going to be a rude awakening for her when she finds out her new job will not tolerate the kind of bs she's been giving us.
I kind of doubt an 18/hr job will put up with making your own schedule without regard to any coworkers or to the fact that the days she decides to take off (with only a couple days notice a la "hey I'm going to be gone friday and saturday") are the busiest damn days of the week and we're being screwed out of the very small amount of work she actually did when she was in the shop instead of out back in the smoking area for 2hrs on the clock, driving around in a lot car she didn't have to pay for, standing around talking on the phone while everyone else has to double time it, etc etc

Getting rid of a lot of dead weight at work, and I don't have to be bothered by it either way since I'm getting a promotion as a reward for actually working hard for the last 9 months and missing literally one day of work (vacation which I planned around my work schedule and cleared several weeks in advance with everyone)

feels good.
Only a couple of weeks now and all the dead weight will be gone and I'll be making more money in a better position with more upward mobility, where I get to actually work on cars (and drive GT-R's)

wbjones UltraDork
10/4/12 3:56 a.m.
T.J. wrote: Work. Too much to do, not enough people to do it. People complaining that stuff is not getting done fast enough and others complaining that it is not getting done good enough in the same organization all while the people who could make a difference and bring in more resources pretend there is no problem.

I never realized you work where I do ... ... but there probably isn't time to find you either ... I'm retiring the end of the month

Gasoline Dork
10/4/12 6:59 a.m.

OK, got a rant.

All of these Alaska "Great North" shows, Yukon Men, Bering Sea Gold, Deadliest Catch, Goldrush, etc. I watch with extreme wonderment. I wonder if I should quit the "Rat Race" and move to Alaska. Damn, I could get loads of firewood, every day, check my traps, bitch at my crew to check my hot water, spend hours a day wondering when winter is coming?, etc.

Wife does not know it yet and will not be happy, but I have started a Yukon beard. I will soon look like I belong in Alaska (under the ice looking for gold), even though I'm stuck in Atlanta traffic.

Wally GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
10/4/12 7:09 a.m.

In reply to Gasoline:

I would love to quit my job and go up and work on the ice roads,

alfadriver PowerDork
10/4/12 7:13 a.m.

In reply to Gasoline:

If you do that, and start trying to find Gold, please add a small degree of thought to the process.

Add some real scientific and engineering processes to anyone dredging for Gold or tearing up the landscape will net a lot more god. And maybe reduce the amount of damage they do.

Gasoline Dork
10/4/12 8:38 a.m.
Wally wrote: In reply to Gasoline: I would love to quit my job and go up and work on the ice roads,

That is good, I forgot "Ice Road Truckers". They are tuff guys.

Apexcarver UberDork
10/4/12 9:02 a.m.

Eff you baseball...


Who the hell runs a major sporting event on a weekday and lets it out JUST in time to coincide with evening rush hour in one of the largest cities in the US?

I use mass transit for my commute. yesterday SUCKED

Morbid Reader
10/4/12 9:28 a.m.

Dear water company, kindly ensure that you tighten the meter covers fully from now on. Falling through it was no picnic, and messed me up pretty badly. You will be receiving my bills. At least it was me who fell and not my 5 year old son who was walking with me...

Curmudgeon MegaDork
10/4/12 9:46 a.m.


You suck balls.

Way back in 1998 my kid had a series of immunization shots and the dumbass at the dr's office filled in the wrong date for the last one of a particular shot. (That's another rant entirely.) It has not been a problem till now since the date filled in would be before she was born. Even a blind person could see it's only a typo.

But nooooooo. The school nurse says I have to get a corrected copy of her shot records or after October 24 she can't attend school.

But thanks to you, HIPAA, the corrected shot records cannot be sent to me or to the school, only to another doctor's office. This means I have to make an appointment for a perfectly healthy kid so the records can be faxed to them.


HiTempguy SuperDork
10/4/12 2:54 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote: But nooooooo. The school nurse says I have to get a corrected copy of her shot records or after October 24 she can't attend school.

I don't even...

Is this a federal or state issue? That would never fly here.

turboswede GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
10/4/12 3:59 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
Curmudgeon wrote: But nooooooo. The school nurse says I have to get a corrected copy of her shot records or after October 24 she can't attend school.
I don't even... Is this a federal or state issue? That would never fly here.

She's covering her ass from getting fired for not following procedures. Lawyers love that E36 M3 when they sue large organizations.

logdog GRM+ Memberand Reader
10/4/12 4:03 p.m.

I really wish my 70+ year old neighbor would wear shirts more often.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
10/4/12 4:16 p.m.
turboswede wrote:
HiTempguy wrote:
Curmudgeon wrote: But nooooooo. The school nurse says I have to get a corrected copy of her shot records or after October 24 she can't attend school.
I don't even... Is this a federal or state issue? That would never fly here.
She's covering her ass from getting fired for not following procedures. Lawyers love that E36 M3 when they sue large organizations.

I have done a little Googling and it seems that 1) the nurse is just covering her ass even though the rest of them, starting in preschool have not seen the need and 2) due to HIPAA regulations I can't just waltz in and get her medical records EVEN THOUGH I AM HER FATHER AND HAVE SOLE CUSTODY AND PAY ALL HER BILLS AND SHE LIVES WITH ME AND goddamit calm down... I can only do that with MY personal records. Gahhhh.

92CelicaHalfTrac MegaDork
10/4/12 4:21 p.m.

How old is the kid?

If she's under 18, you can get the records.

If she's over 18, she can get the records.

It's silly, but i'm not quite understanding why it's so complicated at this point. Just get whomever can talk about the record on the phone with the office that holds the records. (You or her, depending on age questions above.)

Then go apeE36 M3.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
10/5/12 7:18 a.m.

Now that I have had a chance to think this through a litte further, HIPAA's not the problem, the dr's office is.

I too was under the impression that as her parent I have full access to any records. They are saying no, they can only release them to another dr's office and then the school can access them from there. Sounds like complete and utter bullE36 M3 to me. I mean, I already have a copy of the (incorrect) immunization record. How is it a problem to get me a copy of the (corrected) record?

It doesn't help that I am now ~125 miles from the first dr's office (the one that started the whole damn problem in the first place). When I call, I get the office girl who seems to be taking orders from the nurse. Nursie is too good to talk on the phone. >:-(

I did the apeE36 M3 thing already, no use (so far), mainly because I left a couple of messages on the office voice mail last week and they were not returned and THAT pissed me off, as I left the relevant 'needs to be corrected by' date information. Office girl then flat out lied, said she tried to call me etc. and that too is complete and utter horseE36 M3.

I am studying up on HIPAA between customers, I will find the relevant passage where I have access then quote them chapter and verse. EDIT: Found it. For those following along at home, 45 CFR 164.502(g) is the relevant section.

DukeOfUndersteer UltimaDork
10/5/12 9:19 a.m.

Minor Rant:

Only person here today answering the phones. The newbie with about a month and a half under his belt is now at the helm of this massive ship. Who in the hell thought this would be a good idea?

JohnInKansas HalfDork
10/5/12 9:25 a.m.

Note to self: Convert your car to narrow v-belt, or even flat ribbed belt at the earliest convenient juncture. Trying to find alternator pulleys for 3/4" belts on short notice (as in, today) is a bit of a hassle.

Ranger50 UltraDork
10/5/12 9:47 a.m.

My rant for today... berkeley this damn E36 M3hole area I live in. It would be nice to find a job that pays above minimum wage without having to drive 1hr and 30min ONE way away. Then to commute in a 20mpg vehicle to anywhere.

SIGH back to looking to pay off the ever increasing debt pile....

fritzsch Reader
10/5/12 11:01 a.m.

Went to buy breakfast from a food truck this morning. Waited to order but the lady doing the money and orders just kept on giving out the finished burgers/sandwiches and collecting money. I was standing by the 'counter' for almost 5 minutes before I got to order. Then two guys who come a few minutes later order the same thing as me, and get their food before me, and I still wait another several minutes.
Used to be different under previous ownership. The sorority girl behind the counter didn't help either.

Strike_Zero Dork
10/5/12 11:20 a.m.


How many times do you tell a person that you work with "Sorry, I don't have time to go out for lunch, because I have work to do" before they understand that I have work to do? I mean, we work on the same team . . . I turnover 207 out of ~290 total incident tickets a month. The next closest person turns 38 incidents. I create and maintain ALL training and process documents, attend escalation meetings, conduct interviews, track issues end-to-end for the team and provide escalation support for the team all while while completing my incident tickets WELL before the service level agreement. How the berk do you NOT know I'm busy everyday . . . .srly


bastomatic Dork
10/5/12 1:38 p.m.

My employer, a medium-sized hospital, this week had a series of hospital-wide meetings where they stressed how important us worker bees are to the mission and goals of the hospital, and how they think it's important to reward us for our continued high patient satisfaction scores and awards we've won.

So today I got a letter in the mail informing me they've ended 401k and 403b matching.

Thanks boss.

93EXCivic MegaDork
10/5/12 2:02 p.m.

I love how my manager gives us all a lecture about spending more time at work and has since then spent less time at work. Leading by example FTW....

93EXCivic MegaDork
10/5/12 2:03 p.m.

Also berkeley you MHSA. You are the pettiest most bullE36 M3 organization in the world.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
10/5/12 6:29 p.m.

My rant has a (sorta) happy ending. After I tossed the CFR at them chapter and verse, they agreed to fax the required info to my daughter's school (thereby fixing the main problem) but I have to go see the school nurse to get a copy for myself. Dumbasses.

1 ... 20 21 22 23 24 ... 2016

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