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corytate Dork
11/8/12 8:09 p.m.
Strizzo wrote: now, take a couple of those, and put them inside a fully boxed frame, then you have some assembly line chucklehead cross thread the bumper mounting bolts into them so that when someone later goes to install a hitch, the threads are seized to the bolt, and it breaks off with no way to get at the broken off nutsert. then you will have nissan

this, expanded to include the entire car and the way it is put together.
I like working at Nissan most of the time. I really do.
I HATE the way they put their cars together. no thought to how someone is supposed to access things, where things drain onto, how someone is going to get to that bolt/nut, etc etc etc everything
yes, lets put electrical some bolts on the underside of the front cover, hidden, where you can't see them, so when you try to do a timing belt/head gasket/anything else, you can't figure out why the front cover/head/anything else won't come off.
No sense..

Strizzo UberDork
11/8/12 9:57 p.m.

In reply to corytate:

yeah i did aftermarket uca's on my xterra since its lifted, its a 3 hour job that should take 45 because one of the bolts on the drivers side is blocked by the steering shaft. if nissan had put that bolt in from the other side, it would be like 20 minutes a side to change the damn things. instead i got to wrestle with it for 2 1/2 hours.

wbjones UltraDork
11/12/12 8:32 a.m.

berkeley YOU MYLAPS..... $40+ to register for your "free" service".... berkeley YOU

tuna55 UberDork
11/12/12 8:53 a.m.
wbjones wrote: berkeley YOU MYLAPS..... $40+ to register for your "free" service".... berkeley YOU

You sure you're doing that right? I use it after every Lemons race without paying for it.

kazoospec HalfDork
11/12/12 3:20 p.m.

So I went to see "Taken 2" today. Overall, not a bad movie, but had one of my biggest movie pet peeves. Super uber deadly action hero dispatches baddie in hand to hand combat, ultimately choking him out. Moves on to the next bad guy with only pistol in hand (which, given the 75 shots fired in the last scene, simply has to be empty) and leaves behind dispatched baddie's fully loaded MP5 submachine gun. Takes out next baddie, recovers his AK. (Looking good for a moment here) He then proceeds to empty said AK into the next baddie at six feet distance, drop said AK, switch back to pistol with mytical 87 round magazine, and shoot it out with the next two. Who writes this stuff?

wbjones UltraDork
11/12/12 7:25 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
wbjones wrote: berkeley YOU MYLAPS..... $40+ to register for your "free" service".... berkeley YOU
You sure you're doing that right? I use it after every Lemons race without paying for it.

if you purchase a used AMB transponder you have to pay $41.40 to get it registered so you can be a MEMBER ... I can still see the results but there is lots of stuff available that I can't get into


fritzsch Reader
11/14/12 1:34 p.m.

I got my FIFTH flat rear tire, since August, on my bike last night. I don't know how this even happens, other than crappy illinois roads. Its not an issue with the wheel since I have checked for any sharp points and its fine, I also swapped out the rear but it keeps on happening. I need to fix it tonight so I can get to work tomorrow.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
11/14/12 1:42 p.m.
kazoospec wrote: So I went to see "Taken 2" today. Overall, not a bad movie, but had one of my biggest movie pet peeves. Super uber deadly action hero dispatches baddie in hand to hand combat, ultimately choking him out. Moves on to the next bad guy with only pistol in hand (which, given the 75 shots fired in the last scene, simply has to be empty) and leaves behind dispatched baddie's fully loaded MP5 submachine gun. Takes out next baddie, recovers his AK. (Looking good for a moment here) He then proceeds to empty said AK into the next baddie at six feet distance, drop said AK, switch back to pistol with mytical 87 round magazine, and shoot it out with the next two. Who writes this stuff?

The same guy who wrote the 20 second scene to empty a 30 round Uzi magazine in full auto.

Oh good song.... "bottoms up, bottoms up!"

Zomby Woof
Zomby Woof UberDork
11/14/12 2:10 p.m.
kazoospec wrote: Who writes this stuff?

The guy who knows that people like you will watch it.

HiTempguy SuperDork
11/14/12 6:46 p.m.

OK car gods, give me a break. I know the Subaru I bought for $3k and will sell for $6k was a good deal, but I really need a cheap car to thrash on for the winter that is less than $2k... is it too much to ask for another good deal? The Sprint would probably survive, especially if I actually sank some money into it (winter tires, some struts, and a rear wheel bearing) but it's not really worth anything beyond a couple hundred bucks.

fasted58 UberDork
11/14/12 6:57 p.m.

Got laid off this week, no problem really.

Thought I was gonna catch up on projects at home and shop until my knee bugged out... rotten frickin' luck.

T.J. PowerDork
11/14/12 9:00 p.m.

I would love to make a post about a certain politician who gave a farewell speech today, but I can't.

All in all, if that's the best thing I can bitch about, I guess I have it pretty good.

Conquest351 SuperDork
11/15/12 11:11 a.m.

OK, my first rant...

Why the hell do people think that by acting like a complete jerk you will automatically get away with whatever you want and any retail establishment or business will cater to your every want and need because you're a total douche? Why the hell does our society cater to these people? I understand being angry for a legitimate problem, but just complaining and asking to speak to a manager or higher up or whatever just because you feel the need to be a prick, you need to be shot. In the balls. With a pellet gun. Repeatedly. Until you die.

Sometimes you need to fire customers, I understand that, but what is the premise to beat them until they're unconscious? I've been out with people like this, who, at a restaurant, will give the poor waiter a hard time and just be total pricks the entire meal and then not leave a tip. I do not go out with those people anymore. I've also been to auto repair shops as a customer and received HORRIBLE service, but remained calm and told the person my problems and gotten everything taken care of in a friendly, patient manner. I understand getting angry, but I refuse to understand the mentality that if you're a total ass, you get whatever you want like a spoiled child. These people need to be dealt with. I just don't know how to do it... In a socially acceptable manner. LOL


Ranger50 UltraDork
11/15/12 12:31 p.m.

Food poisoning. 'Nuff said.

Ranger50 UltraDork
11/15/12 12:50 p.m.
Conquest351 wrote: Sometimes you need to fire customers

I had one lady like that. I was working on their family minivan and the battery died. I put the charger on it and get it charged up and running fine. A few days later, she comes in ranting and raving about how it now stalls out after 30 minutes of running. I got called everything but a white man in the SM's office with the shop foreman and SA, because: A.) the van died on the hubby in an intersection and wouldn't refire and B.) the "What if I had my kids in it and it died AND I got hit because YOU didn't tell me about it!!" card. Come to find out they purchased the van before I started working at the dealership and the dealership put on an aftermarket remote start system on it. Well, I was supposed to be all knowing and that was going to happen when the battery died. The remote start goes into a 30 min cycle timer when disconnected from power and when that happens you have to replace the WHOLE system.

Streetwiseguy SuperDork
11/15/12 1:00 p.m.

Its a conspiracy, I tell ya. Back in the olden days, you drop a spray can off the bench, it hits the floor, the nozzle with the little stub on it falls off, you pick it up and plug it back in. Now, the tube is part of the can, it breaks, and you have a new can with no way of getting the product out.

Kenny_McCormic HalfDork
11/15/12 1:33 p.m.
Ranger50 wrote:
Conquest351 wrote: Sometimes you need to fire customers
I had one lady like that. I was working on their family minivan and the battery died. I put the charger on it and get it charged up and running fine. A few days later, she comes in ranting and raving about how it now stalls out after 30 minutes of running. I got called everything but a white man in the SM's office with the shop foreman and SA, because: A.) the van died on the hubby in an intersection and wouldn't refire and B.) the "What if I had my kids in it and it died AND I got hit because YOU didn't tell me about it!!" card. Come to find out they purchased the van before I started working at the dealership and the dealership put on an aftermarket remote start system on it. Well, I was supposed to be all knowing and that was going to happen when the battery died. The remote start goes into a 30 min cycle timer when disconnected from power and when that happens you have to replace the WHOLE system.

I had a REALLY beat up 1998 Mitsubishi Mirage with over 220k on it a couple summers ago. It was pretty rusty and needed ball joints, shocks, probably a clutch, and tires at the end of the summer, I said screw it bought another car and dumped the rage for $650, $50 more than what I paid or it.

I get a call a week later from the woman I sold it to, claiming some true stuff about it(like how a PO stripped the jamb nut for the TRE and welded it on), mostly garbage like that it leaked oil(it didnt leave a drop on the ground ever), and it needed more than a ball joint, it needed the whole front end redone, no E36 M3 sherlock, its a Michigan car with 225k miles on it for $650. Gave the whole WHAT IF MY CHILDREN WERE IN IT spiel, and then claimed she was going to take me to small claims court over it with Michigan's lemon law that explicitly excludes private party cars, complete with a backstory of how she got "$800 out of a $50 car". I told her to berkeley off in the most polite manner possible and thought that would be the end of it.

Then I get another call, this time from a "mechanic" about the same crap, who after getting a polite berkeley off, ended the call with a see you in court. I, nor my dad who was the title holder never heard anything after that, shame too, I would of liked to watch a Judge chew somebody out for wasting his/her time.

TL;DR, don't sell cars to white trash.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/15/12 1:55 p.m.

In reply to Kenny_McCormic:

"As-is, where-is, with no warranty or guarantee expressed or implied" is specifically in all my Bills of Sale just in case the idiots don't believe laws...

Flight Service
Flight Service UltraDork
11/15/12 2:48 p.m.

Ok my rant.

Secession? Really you berkeley wads? This is America, not North Korea. If you don't like it, get the berkeley out, no one is stopping you.

Seriously leave, I don't want you here.

corytate Dork
11/15/12 8:13 p.m.
Flight Service wrote: Ok my rant. Secession? Really you berkeley wads? This is America, not North Korea. If you don't like it, get the berkeley out, no one is stopping you. Seriously leave, I don't want you here.

also: Donald Trump, feel free to leave as soon as possible and not come back. I'm sick of hearing the stupid E36 M3 you have to say.
thanks! =]

hotrodlarry HalfDork
11/15/12 10:52 p.m.

I'm sure I've ranted about this before, but it bears repeating.

How do people spend $30,000 on a new car and NOT have any clue what kind of vehicle it is?

Blows my mind....

Appleseed PowerDork
11/16/12 12:10 a.m.

In reply to Conquest351:

Because they know that if we "talk back" that they can complain to a manager and, quite possibly, quite often, said manager threatens us with our jobs. They know this and exploit it.

My rant: Don't berkeley with people who prepare your food. At best, I'll make your ass wait for 45 minutes for your top round steak. Be glad we in the meat dept. have enough integrity NOT to "season" your steak.

Kenny_McCormic HalfDork
11/16/12 12:17 a.m.
hotrodlarry wrote: I'm sure I've ranted about this before, but it bears repeating. How do people spend $30,000 on a new car and NOT have any clue what kind of vehicle it is? Blows my mind....

Cute/Shiny/Looks cool/Easily influenced by pushy salesmen/etc.

Drewsifer Dork
11/16/12 10:42 a.m.

Dearest realtor and title company in Virginia

berkeley you mother berkeleyers for constantly dropping the berkeleying ball on this entire process and then having the audacity to say it's my responsibility to pay $70 to overnight the berkeleying paperwork back.

Wally GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
11/17/12 10:43 p.m.

Not so much a rant but observations from working an interesting overnight in Brooklyn last night.

It is November. It is going to be cold at night. Don't yell at me because your kid is cold. Why the berkeley isn't he wearing a coat. Better question, why is an infant out at 3am waiting for a bus. Also, if you look up from your phone you'll see you're holding him upside down This repeated throughout the night.

When I got you calmed down and pointed in the right direction you were happy and said if I was 100 lbs lighter you'd take me home. I said if you were 10 years younger I'd go. I don't see why one was funny and one was not. Lighten up sir, you aren't my type anyway.

How do you lose your pants? You've got some good friends there Sara. You ended up so wasted that you were headed home without you pants and they stayed with you to make sure you got there. From past experience not everyone is that nice.

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