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corytate Dork
11/18/12 12:40 a.m.


kazoospec HalfDork
11/19/12 1:58 p.m.

Dear Microsoft:

Windows 8 sucks. If I wanted a tablet style operating system, I'd have bought a tablet, not a laptop. That is all.

Flight Service
Flight Service UltraDork
11/19/12 2:07 p.m.
kazoospec wrote: Dear Microsoft: Windows 8 sucks. If I wanted a tablet style operating system, I'd have bought a tablet, not a laptop. That is all.

What he said you pandering, no talent, vaporware hocking berkeleywads!

Curmudgeon MegaDork
11/19/12 3:35 p.m.
Conquest351 wrote: OK, my first rant... Why the hell do people think that by acting like a complete jerk you will automatically get away with whatever you want and any retail establishment or business will cater to your every want and need because you're a total douche? Why the hell does our society cater to these people? I understand being angry for a legitimate problem, but just complaining and asking to speak to a manager or higher up or whatever just because you feel the need to be a prick, you need to be shot. In the balls. With a pellet gun. Repeatedly. Until you die. endrant

This is due to all those 'get what you want' books that tell people to basically stamp their feet and hold their breath till they turn blue. That way they can get free (insert whatever here) even though there is no good reason for them to do so. I learned at a very early age that kind of behavior would not do me any good, but now it's acceptable?

I'll add 'Princess and the Pea' syndrome. Oh these First World problems do vex people so. There's people starving to death yet you freak the hell out and demand a free rental car because your iPodphonetabletpad won't pair Bluetooth? Grow the fux up.

Wally GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
11/20/12 8:47 p.m.

Do we really need to shop on Thanksgiving. Is it really that hard to spend a day with you family at home? All year we hear that you're broke, losing homes cars and such, and now we can't get in the damn stores fast enough. Today they were interviewing some woman on the news who was proud of herself because they were having Thanksgiving dinner on Wednesday instead of Thursday so that they wouldn't be tired when they hit the stores. If that is really the direction we are headed why not just get rid of Thanksgiving altogether. Every New Years Eve Dick Clark's ghost can fire a starter's pistol and we can stampede through the malls of this great land looking for bargains and trampling old people for the next 51weeks. That will still leave the one remaining week between Christmas and New Years to exchange all the useless E36 M3 we gave each other before we go back and do it all over again.

tuna55 UberDork
11/21/12 6:17 a.m.
Wally wrote: Do we really need to shop on Thanksgiving. Is it really that hard to spend a day with you family at home? All year we hear that you're broke, losing homes cars and such, and now we can't get in the damn stores fast enough.


Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/21/12 6:33 a.m.

Dear berkeley head driving the Focus. Changing lanes in front of me and slamming on the brakes because there is a cop running radar is kind of stupid. You almost had an E150 for Thanksgiving dinner. Doing it after you had already pass him is even worse.

Dear SC Highway Patrol. Running radar during rush hour is stupid. It causes dumb ass drivers to do stupid E36 M3. See above. Traffic is enough of a PITA without you adding to to insanity. Go do something useful before I get out my box of roofing nails and dump them in your favorite hunting spot.

Apexcarver UberDork
11/21/12 7:49 a.m.


mtn PowerDork
11/21/12 8:04 a.m.

Dear Miata,
Why must your check engine light go on the night before I'm going home for Thanksgiving?

tuna55 UberDork
11/21/12 8:23 a.m.

Dear two year old kid with broken leg:

I watched you climb up the playground equipment, slide down the slide. Climb up the slide. Walk around. Pull yourself onto chairs. Climb on top of the dome thing. Crawl/walk across the yard multiple times. That same day, you cannot scream owie owie owie the second I put you into bed. I know better. Thanks for making me spend another night on the floor to avoid waking up the rest of the house (had to put him on the couch downstairs).



mthomson22 Reader
11/21/12 8:24 a.m.


Strike_Zero Dork
11/21/12 10:41 a.m.

Dear Mgr that doesn't do anything useful,

I'm too berking busy to attend your meeting to speak about incidents on your broken report.

Fix your damn report and my groups incidents won't show up . . . We've been 100% gold SLA for the last six months. Go bug one of those other berktard groups that can't make 50%.



Appleseed PowerDork
11/21/12 11:36 a.m.

I hope this E36 M3 backfires, you greedy berkeleys. Unless you are a hospital, you should not be opening at 8:00 pm on Thanksgiving day. Black Friday's bad enough for those of us in the trenches, now this? I will tell them to go straight to Hell if they ask me to do this next year. I will then, promptly, burn that mother down.

Racer1ab HalfDork
11/21/12 1:20 p.m.

Dear coworker,

I'm SOOO glad you found out about Pandora on your phone, really. But please invest in a set of el-cheapo headphones, your playlist sounds like the soundtrack to a strip club.

Dear other coworker,

Yep, I was named shop steward when the last one left. It's not a job I want, and anyone in my office is free to assume it at any time. (Really, feel free. I also appreciate when you're telling me I'm doing such a crappy job with it. I don't see anyone volunteering to take my place.)

Anyway, don't get all pissy and stomp your feet when I tell you the same thing as management. I understand that a shift change for you can impact your night classes, and YOU told me, before I ever handled the shop steward thing, that it's nearly impossible to go to school and work here at the same time.

BTW, telling me that your mom has given you permission to quit this job if you have to, doesn't exactly make your case stronger. You're past the legal drinking age, it's about time you berking acted like it.

Duke PowerDork
11/21/12 1:29 p.m.

turboswede GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/21/12 2:19 p.m.
Appleseed wrote: I hope this E36 M3 backfires, you greedy berkeleys. Unless you are a hospital, you should not be opening at 8:00 pm on Thanksgiving day. Black Friday's bad enough for those of us in the trenches, now this? I will tell them to go straight to Hell if they ask me to do this next year. I will then, promptly, burn that mother down.

Yeah, I tried to help a friend replace her dead laptop, she stated that she'll pick one up on BF. When I pointed out that she could get a better deal without standing in the cold/wet by buying it online (Woot.com has had some good deals lately), she replied with, "I need to stand in line for something."

Granted she's got a limited grasp of the English language (being from a poor family in Hawaii and having to leave school and work at a young age to help the family), but it was still a facepalm moment.

Pointless consumerism meets lemmingisum and you have the current mouth breathers that enjoy "Reality TV" and "Awards Shows" among other useless things.

sachilles SuperDork
11/21/12 2:24 p.m.

I don't care if families get together and have "thanksgiving" on Wednesday, Friday or whenever. If the family gets together and is thankful, that is really the damn point. If they decide to go to walmart and sit in line as a family, I'm also OK with it. I hate you all because I have to work that day and Christmas every year for the last 16. I don't mind the guest/customers I see on those days so long as they are in a holiday spirit.....but those that can't show common courtesy on those days get very little sympathy from me.

Streetwiseguy UltraDork
11/21/12 8:27 p.m.

Dear felllow commuter: I see your car. I see your turn signal flashing. I see the quite large hole in my lane in front of me. However, I don't have your phone number, so I can text you permission to take the lane. Please realise that your turn signal is for my information, not to ask permission.

5 seconds. Thats how long you got, then I'm filling the hole, even if I don't really need to be there.

Signed, The guy who wishes people would just E36 M3 or get off the pot.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
11/21/12 8:37 p.m.

Dear Fed-Ex, you have had a paid for pickup scheduled at my house since Friday. I have called you twice. Get the berkeley over here and get this E36 M3 to the people who paid for it so they do not crawl up my ass for your E36 M3ty service.

ncjay Reader
11/23/12 10:17 a.m.

NO, I do not want your discount bonus card or belong to your member's club, I wish to purchase my donut and get on with my life. You don't need my address and phone # for that. Substitute donut with almost anything else if you want. WTF is wrong with people? A simple 30 second transaction turns into a half hour business meeting. The fact that you are telling me I can save money with your card means that you're overcharging me to begin with.

Strike_Zero Dork
11/24/12 9:20 p.m.

In reply to ncjay:

+11ty billion

Strike_Zero Dork
11/24/12 9:30 p.m.

Dear SC Seller:

If you want me to buy your stuff . . . get a title. Telling me it doesn't have a lien or isn't stolen won't make me hand your cash. This is SC, you know the berking drill.

corytate Dork
11/24/12 11:23 p.m.

can't post the actual rant that is going on in my head because it is fairly personal, but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!! fml


JohnInKansas HalfDork
11/26/12 8:27 a.m.

Doing my best not to flounder.

BIL and his wife are on welfare, have been since he got drunk and tried to kill himself and subsequently lost his job (several years ago). He's working back toward having a job again, taking classes to learn to be a paramedic, but it will be awhile, and pay won't be stellar when he does get a job. She doesn't work, has never had a real job, wants to be a career mom, wants 6-10 kids, homeschool, the whole deal. Currently have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. After he wrecked their (really big) truck in the suicide attempt, they bought the biggest Ford Ex- series they could, an Exterminator or some such. Really berkeleying big. Granted, it was just them and one small child at the time, but they're going to have more, right? And with several hundred thousand dollars worth of medical bills to put him back together, a $20k SUV that gets 15 miles per gallon makes plenty of sense.

Fast forward to this weekend, still on welfare. They've discovered that (gasp) the Expatriot doesn't get very good fuel economy. Solution? Buy a more economic vehicle. Brilliant. What's he buy? 200X Lincoln Town Car, for $6k. While they're living on my tax money. I wouldn't have a problem giving him $2k to buy a decent 20 year old economy car that they could use for a few years if he'd just ask, but seems kind of dishonest spending that kind of money on a big luxury car when your life is funded by the state.

Why don't they get a '93 Accord, you ask? Well, she MUST have all the latest and greatest in safety features to protect her babies. I still haven't figured out what a late model Exapalooza has in terms of child safety that a '90-something economy car doesn't, but maybe that's because I don't have kids and just don't understand yet.

BenB New Reader
11/26/12 8:56 a.m.

Teenage daughters & perimenopausal wife. Just shoot me now.

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