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Fletch1 HalfDork
12/13/12 10:17 a.m.

Nadia G, I could care less how intense you think you are and I could care less about your tattoos and I could care less how "edgy" the title of your show is. What happened to the days of Justin Wilson and Julia Child? Why does everything have to be IN YOUR FACE AND EXTREME? Give it a rest T.V. execs. NOTE: I don't even watch cooking shows, but mom did growing up and the wife sometimes does. I do like JW though. I feel better now.

fritzsch Reader
12/14/12 1:14 p.m.

NAPA, I reserved something on your website for pickup, two wednesdays ago. I was told it would be available for pickup that friday. I drive there friday, its no in yet. They tell me they will call. I wait a week, no call. I call this past monday, "oh yeah we have had that here for a while, wonder why no one called you." NO KIDDING, I could have fixed my brakes last weekend, before finals week. Fine, Ill install my parts after finals are over, so I drive to go pick it up. The invoice says $118.26, so I bring $130. I get there and apparently there is a $15 freight charge. WHY IS THAT NOT LISTED ON THE INVOICE. THE FIRST TIME I AM HEARING ABOUT THIS SHOULD NOT BE ONCE IM ALREADY IN THE STORE. So now once I grab more cash, I have to go there for the third time.

At least one of their drivers was super cute.

bgkast GRM+ Memberand New Reader
12/14/12 3:58 p.m.
turboswede wrote: stupid motherberkeleyers that decide that because their mommies didn't love them that they need to go and shoot up a berkeleying mall in the middle of Christmas, right after school is out for the day! followed by all of the tiny-dicked motherberkeleying gun-nuts running around waving their penis extensions in the air and screaming that they would have taken the guy out with their EDC's. A couple of points about that BS theory: 1. Out of the 10,000 people there in an admittedly "redneck" area of the Portland Metro area, someone had to have been carrying. 2. No one engaged the guy, even after his rifle jammed. 3. Firearms are not allowed inside the mall. 4. The guy had an AR-15 with a full clip (and likely backup clips) and body armor. Do you really think your EDC would have hit an exposed point on his body while under the effects of adrenaline and the confusion of 10,000+ people screaming and running for their lives? How about you shut the berkeley up and actually try to solve the problem at hand, which is lack of proper mental health services in the area that allow people like this to fall through the cracks and reach the end of their ropes and decide that going out in a blaze of gunfire is the proper way to get attention? berkeleying fake-bravado, cheep beer drinking, wannabe "men" really piss me off.

I think point number 3 is the answer to your rant. Those of us with permits tend to obey the rules, while the crazies do not. Also I only drink good beer thankyouverymuch

Racer1ab HalfDork
12/14/12 5:24 p.m.

Dear idiots,

Stop using tragic events to push your own personal agendas. I don't give a flying berkeley what you believe, right now isn't the time for your grandstanding.


People who aren't soulless monsters

Ranger50 UberDork
12/14/12 7:25 p.m.

The worst rant of all rants because it is an oxymoron.

Wal Mart customer service.

Some people like playing the return game, I don't. Either buy it and keep it or don't berkeleying buy it! I can see if it doesn't work or fit, but geez some of the stuff I see returned just..... SMH.

Conquest351 SuperDork
12/18/12 10:03 a.m.

There needs to be an age limit on purchasing new cars. If you're over 70 and have no idea what a computer is or does, you can't buy a new car with computer controls. If you're trying to buy a damn Lincoln and want me to SYNC your Jitterbug to the car, you don't need the car. It's far too complicated for you and you do not need it. I don't need the headache of you coming in EVERY day asking me why that damn lady on the speakers cain't understand your southern draw. I don't need you in here every day asking me why it does this now that you've pushed that. Ugh....

wbjones UltraDork
12/18/12 10:25 a.m.

so in other words, we've reached the point where we're producing cars that are too expensive for the tech savvy kids and to tech advanced for the old folk that can afford them ...

Conquest351 SuperDork
12/18/12 10:30 a.m.
wbjones wrote: so in other words, we've reached the point where we're producing cars that are too expensive for the tech savvy kids and to tech advanced for the old folk that can afford them ...


Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
12/18/12 10:31 a.m.

You motherberkeleyers in charge of re-arranging the goddamn grocery isles! Stop hiding the berkeleying coffee. Hide the pasta or some other E36 M3 I won't jack you up over at 6:45 AM when it isn't where it was last week.


wbjones UltraDork
12/18/12 10:37 a.m.
Conquest351 wrote:
wbjones wrote: so in other words, we've reached the point where we're producing cars that are too expensive for the tech savvy kids and to tech advanced for the old folk that can afford them ...

damn we're smart ....

fasted58 UberDork
12/18/12 10:43 a.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: You motherberkeleyers in charge of re-arranging the goddamn grocery isles! Stop hiding the berkeleying coffee. Hide the pasta or some other E36 M3 I won't jack you up over at 6:45 AM when it isn't where it was last week. Thanks

I asked 'those people' (they are outside store personnel) why they do that. 'They' said they do that every three years whether it needs it or not.

At first I thought they were part of a psychological study group on consumers... but now I believe they are just professional mind berkeley people.


JohnInKansas Dork
12/18/12 11:17 a.m.

As an engineer, its nice for a shop-floor associate to come to you every once in a while with their eyes rolled back and froth on their lips babbling about such-and-such-isn't-right-holy-e36m3-its-a-calamity-ermagherd-the-sky-is-falling-whaddawedooooooooo! Quite often the cause of their distress is something easy, that I can fix in a few moments, and they can stop doing a rabid dog impression and go back to work.

If however, the associate performs the aforementioned more than once in a while (think half-a-dozen times a day for the last several weeks), it gets a little tedious, and I have to make a conscious effort not to grab him by the throat and shake him like a (rather large and hairy) ragdoll and tell him to snap the berkeley out of it, put on the big boy britches and deal with the issue.

If it doesn't need engineering's stamp of approval on it and you can fix it yourself, just berkeleying do it.

Edit to add:

My apologies if I got any rabid-engineer-slather on you. I'm better now.

dinger Reader
12/18/12 11:41 a.m.
JohnInKansas wrote: If however, the associate performs the aforementioned more than once in a while (think half-a-dozen times a day for the last several weeks), it gets a little tedious, and I have to make a conscious effort not to grab him by the throat and shake him like a (rather large and hairy) ragdoll and tell him to snap the berkeley out of it, put on the big boy britches and deal with the issue. If it doesn't need engineering's stamp of approval on it and you can fix it yourself, just berkeleying do it.

Then he doesn't get to come tell you how stupid engineers are and that engineers are sooooo dumb and don't have a clue about "how things work in the real world".

Another rabid engineer

thestig99 Reader
12/18/12 11:43 a.m.
Conquest351 wrote: There needs to be an age limit on purchasing new cars. If you're over 70 and have no idea what a computer is or does, you can't buy a new car with computer controls. If you're trying to buy a damn Lincoln and want me to SYNC your Jitterbug to the car, you don't need the car. It's far too complicated for you and you do not need it. I don't need the headache of you coming in EVERY day asking me why that damn lady on the speakers cain't understand your southern draw. I don't need you in here every day asking me why it does this now that you've pushed that. Ugh....

I second this. I recently had to explain the function of EVERY button and switch inside a car, as well as how the shifter for the auto transmission worked.

In some cars I can understand that, I'm sure new Lincolns are full of overly complicated crap. This was a basic 2007 Subaru Outback.

I actually had to explain twice how to put it in "drive", while the customer was taking notes.

Duke PowerDork
12/18/12 11:49 a.m.
fasted58 wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: You motherberkeleyers in charge of re-arranging the goddamn grocery isles! Stop hiding the berkeleying coffee. Hide the pasta or some other E36 M3 I won't jack you up over at 6:45 AM when it isn't where it was last week. Thanks
I asked 'those people' (they are outside store personnel) why they do that. 'They' said they do that every three years whether it needs it or not.

They do that for a reason - it shakes up all the regular customers who are used to shopping on autopilot for exactly what they need and ignoring everything else. If they move everything around, everybody is forced to see new stuff they wouldn't have paid attention to before, increasing the chances of an impulse sale.

93EXCivic MegaDork
12/18/12 11:52 a.m.
dinger wrote:
JohnInKansas wrote: If however, the associate performs the aforementioned more than once in a while (think half-a-dozen times a day for the last several weeks), it gets a little tedious, and I have to make a conscious effort not to grab him by the throat and shake him like a (rather large and hairy) ragdoll and tell him to snap the berkeley out of it, put on the big boy britches and deal with the issue. If it doesn't need engineering's stamp of approval on it and you can fix it yourself, just berkeleying do it.
Then he doesn't get to come tell you how stupid engineers are and that engineers are sooooo dumb and don't have a clue about "how things work in the real world". Signed, Another rabid engineer

I know how y'all feel....

Streetwiseguy UltraDork
12/18/12 12:26 p.m.
thestig99 wrote: I I actually had to explain twice how to put it in "drive", while the customer was taking notes.

I hate those shift gates.

dculberson SuperDork
12/18/12 12:32 p.m.
Duke wrote:
fasted58 wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: You motherberkeleyers in charge of re-arranging the goddamn grocery isles! Stop hiding the berkeleying coffee. Hide the pasta or some other E36 M3 I won't jack you up over at 6:45 AM when it isn't where it was last week. Thanks
I asked 'those people' (they are outside store personnel) why they do that. 'They' said they do that every three years whether it needs it or not.
They do that for a reason - it shakes up all the regular customers who are used to shopping on autopilot for exactly what they need and ignoring everything else. If they move everything around, everybody is forced to see new stuff they wouldn't have paid attention to before, increasing the chances of an impulse sale.

And then someone like me can't find what they need, the employees don't even know where it is, so instead they leave and get it at a different store. Great plan.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
12/18/12 12:32 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
thestig99 wrote: I I actually had to explain twice how to put it in "drive", while the customer was taking notes.
I hate those shift gates.

Where's the clutch pedal?

93EXCivic MegaDork
12/18/12 12:51 p.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
Streetwiseguy wrote:
thestig99 wrote: I I actually had to explain twice how to put it in "drive", while the customer was taking notes.
I hate those shift gates.
Where's the clutch pedal?

Haven't you heard clutch pedals are only for luddites?

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand Reader
12/18/12 1:22 p.m.
thestig99 wrote: I I actually had to explain twice how to put it in "drive", while the customer was taking notes.

Geez, how could you be so judgmental! It's so confusing moving the shifter on a set path ending in "Drive" . Methinks the customer was thinking this:

Seriously, if you have trouble putting your relatively simple car in gear, maybe you should stay off the roads?

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand Reader
12/18/12 1:30 p.m.

One more:

Dear company that starts with "Q" and ends with "c",

I know you are one of the largest online retailers of Jeep parts, so when I order a part I really need by Thursday on Saturday morning and pay $20 more for "3 Day Air" shipping, I expect it to be here sometime Wednesday, not by the end of the day on Thursday. I know UPS doesn't ship on the weekends but I know you could of pulled the part from your massive warehouse and had it ready to ship first thing Monday morning. Otherwise I would of saved myself $20 and chose regular shipping, which according to your shipping map, would be 3-4 days anyways. Thanks for nothing!


A customer who will go somewhere else next time

tuna55 UberDork
12/18/12 1:35 p.m.

Dear mouse:

berkeley you.

Dear wife:

Calling me at work to scream at me for there being a mouse in the house the day after I was up all night simultaneously letting you sleep (holding cranky baby) and supporting a gas turbine installation will not make the mouse go away.

dculberson SuperDork
12/18/12 2:06 p.m.
tuna55 wrote: Calling me at work to scream at me for there being a mouse in the house the day after I was up all night simultaneously letting you sleep (holding cranky baby) and supporting a gas turbine installation will not make the mouse go away.

I guess I should not complain that my wife thinks they're cute and wants to use live traps on them instead of killing them. That's a lot better than freaking out about them.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
12/18/12 2:14 p.m.

Today one of the express lube guys got in a Challenger and said 'This car has two brake pedals.' I thought he was joking, turns out he was dead serious.

Oh geez. Someone just shoot me square in the forehead.

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