1 ... 38 39 40 41 42 ... 2016
Sput Reader
1/16/13 10:01 p.m.

I hate bed bugs.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand UberDork
1/16/13 10:11 p.m.
kazoospec wrote: Dear "Runner chicks", I realize its, like, so much fun to run three abreast, against traffic, on a hilly 55mph road so you all can, like, talk about the super yummy wheat-grass smoothy you had for breakfast that morning. Just be aware that leaves me nowhere to drive my vehicle, except into oncoming traffic, on the back side of a blind hill, on a double yellow line. I was both willing (since my family wasn't with me) and, by the grace of God, able to make this maneuver without killing myself, you or anyone in the other lane. Just a little PSA, though. The next person over the hill might be a blue haired granny who can't see 10 feet in front of her Buick and she will bounce the three of you off the hood without even slowing down. Have a super sparkly day!!

Sounds like it's time to install that train horn on your car.

fritzsch Reader
1/16/13 10:15 p.m.

My Redwings are made in china.

wearymicrobe Dork
1/16/13 10:24 p.m.

I have not rant today, unbelievable I know.

But the world is really beautiful with a crud ton of Vicodin in your system.

I could totally see why someone could get addicted to this stuff. Even my old broken joints and bones feel better.

RoadRaceDart Reader
1/17/13 12:15 a.m.

I'd like to find the mother berkleyer that invented the term "pain management". Smash them over the head hard enough to vaporize the disks in their neck, then feed them pain meds that don't work. OBTW, those side effects? yeah, no thanks. I'll continue working full time in constant pain until the Doctoral committee and the insurance company decides I need sugery.

As if the two MRI's and CT scan weren't enough proof that physical therapy isn't going to fix bone spurs and magicly replace those vaporized disks.

Every step I take feel like somebody's tapping on my head with a mallet and the shock travels all the way down my back.

Disability? yeah, right I have a family to feed. The VA? I don't have two years to wait for a decision from those clowns. They'd just as likely reduce my rating as raise it.

wbjones UberDork
1/17/13 8:03 a.m.
fritzsch wrote: My Redwings are made in china.

as in Redwing boots ? damn

mtn PowerDork
1/17/13 8:13 a.m.
wbjones wrote:
fritzsch wrote: My Redwings are made in china.
as in Redwing boots ? damn

They still have a bunch made in USA. And it is worth paying more for the Made in USA.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/17/13 9:14 a.m.

In reply to RoadRaceDart :

Agree with you 1,000,000% (I have 3 herniated discs and an arthritic spur on a vertebrae).

However, the VA can't reduce your rating unless it's a very specific circumstance (including being less than5 years on a rating). You have nothing to lose by filing.

Also, if you are 30% or more, you are eligible for Tri-Care, and they will do surgery, and quick. I got my ulnar nerve entrapment fixed very quickly, and by a real, private doctor, thanks to them (that the VA ignored for 2.5 years).

RoadRaceDart Reader
1/17/13 3:10 p.m.
Javelin wrote: In reply to RoadRaceDart : Agree with you 1,000,000% (I have 3 herniated discs and an arthritic spur on a vertebrae). However, the VA can't reduce your rating unless it's a very specific circumstance (including being less than5 years on a rating). You have nothing to lose by filing. Also, if you are 30% or more, you are eligible for Tri-Care, and they *will* do surgery, and quick. I got my ulnar nerve entrapment fixed very quickly, and by a real, private doctor, thanks to them (that the VA ignored for 2.5 years).

I'm on Tri-Care Prime for retirees. They wanted physical therapy and pain management first...so we played the game. My therapist wrote a hot letter and said she would be happy to continue treating me after surgery...Still waiting on word from the Neurologist. After this is all under way, I'll be submitting a package to the DAV and let them duke it out with the VA.

The VA gave me 40% and fought like hell to not raise it any more since I would get concurrent receipt at 50% and that would cost them more $$$$

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/17/13 4:10 p.m.

In reply to RoadRaceDart :

As a rehab guy, you should be at way more than 40%. I'd take that fight to them now. Tri-Care is usually pretty quick on things, too, but you may have to be the squeaky wheel to the docs to get them to submit things. The neuro doc is going to be key. They want the actual man/woman doing surgery to be the one recommending it. It was less than 30 days for me from the initial neuro consult to under the knife.

Maroon92 MegaDork
1/17/13 4:19 p.m.

Ranting about certain co-workers who lack any professional bone in their bodies. Unbelievable, some people...

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/17/13 4:46 p.m.

Dear grocery store,

I told you a month ago that the gear box in your door was failing and would probably lock up soon. I sent you a price to repair it, but you never approved the quote.

You interrupted my Sunday afternoon to come get your door closed because, for some reason, the door wouldn't move and you couldn't lock it. Low and behold, that same gear box I told you about had locked up.

Now not only do you have to pay to get the gear box replaced, you also owe me for an emergency service call. 4 hour minimum, $125 an hour. No, I'm not going to give you a break on the price for the emergency service call. You were warned and I told you it would die at the most inconvenient time. I don't like having my weekends interrupted for something that should have been fixed before it ever became a problem.

fritzsch Reader
1/17/13 6:53 p.m.
mtn wrote:
wbjones wrote:
fritzsch wrote: My Redwings are made in china.
as in Redwing boots ? damn
They still have a bunch made in USA. And it is worth paying more for the Made in USA.

Yeah bummer. I have another pair I bought for work which are made in the USA but they are not as suitable for everyday boots.

Minor rant: I didn't have much to do at work today, so I was pretty bored. Had a dentist appointment as well, but it was more an exercise in bleeding gums.

Racer1ab HalfDork
1/17/13 7:15 p.m.

In reply to Toyman01:

What's that old saying? A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

Or something like that.

corytate SuperDork
1/17/13 7:35 p.m.

I told you two months ago that the P1320 your maxima is throwing warrants replacing all 6 coils with Nissan parts.
TODAY you decided to take it to yet another shop, an independent, who told you that the only way they've been able to fix 1320 codes on the 3.0 maximas was to replace all 6 coils with oem parts. non oem parts don't work too well in the ignition system.

I got you your parts anyway, at my super discounted rate, but you could have saved yourself the 1hr diag + whatever they charge to put the coils on (probably close to another hour) by just doing it in the first place=/
I would have put them on for free considering it's about 2 minutes of work to do all 6 and you paid me well for putting plugs in, but oh well...

CGLockRacer GRM+ Memberand Dork
1/18/13 7:21 a.m.

Couldn't sleep last night. Neither could SWMBO. She finally falls asleep and starts snoring right in my ear about 1. I blink around 2 or so and my alarm starts going off at 6. I go to let the dog out. The sliding door is sticky and her water bowl is right next to it. It sticks badly this time and I lose my balance and step right in the water bowl, soaking my feet. Then, I brush my teeth, and the mouth wash bottle slips out of my hand and soaks the wall and the gap between the counter top and tub (about a 3" wide gap as high as the counter). Hopefully dried up mouth wash doesn't attract ants this spring.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
1/18/13 7:42 a.m.

Dear roofer from 7 or 8 years ago,

I've already fixed three stupid things you did on the roof of my house. All of them involve the same thing, so please read carefully: THERE SHOULD NEVER BE AN EXPOSED NAIL OR SCREW HEAD ON A ROOF. NEVER. EVER. NOT EVEN JUST THIS ONCE. Now I gotta go fix ANOTHER one of your mouth breather mistakes.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/18/13 9:24 a.m.

Dear VA,

You claim that A: All inquiries are processed in a first-come, first-served basis, and 2. That you average 11 months for a resolution. That means the oldest claims should be around 11 months old, otherwise one of those statements is totally false.

I am now at 21 months and counting. Care to explain berkleyheads?!?

Ranger50 UberDork
1/18/13 9:28 a.m.
Racer1ab wrote: What's that old saying? A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

This is my rant for today.

Without divulging everything, wife is getting dicked around on her previously agreed to 3day/12hr weekend night shift she wanted. She now has to go back to 5days/wk days starting Feb 1st and miss everything she was previously could partake in with the kiddo and her school functions, plus the added in extra expense of travel/on-call time. All because someone else doesn't have the nerve to hire and train people they are short staffed in. They will just plug the leaking dyke with whoever they choose and leave them there until they get fed up and quit and the cycle continues....

Guess it's time to find a job for her.... Yet there aren't any jobs out there without being in the same financial boat, low pay and high travel costs...

EvanR HalfDork
1/18/13 9:30 a.m.

Dear Mid-level manager:

If you (and your corporate overlords) insist that we grunts wear clothes without holes in them, do NOT show up at Important Corporate Meeting wearing jeans that look like you put them in the blender instead of the washing machine.

Ranger50 UberDork
1/18/13 11:16 a.m.

Next rant for today...

Batteries. BERKELEY YOU! I don't care that it got cold. Work DAMNIT! Not quit when it is cold and RAINING outside in the school parking lot miles from home on Tuesday. Now, I have a vehicle down because I robbed that battery to fix the other.

HiTempguy UltraDork
1/18/13 8:58 p.m.
Ranger50 wrote: Next rant for today... Batteries. BERKELEY YOU! I don't care that it got cold. Work DAMNIT! Not quit when it is cold and RAINING outside in the school parking lot miles from home on Tuesday. Now, I have a vehicle down because I robbed that battery to fix the other.

my rant is about people who bitch about the cold and don't know what cold is; its -35c here, -45c with the windchill.

berkeley yooooooooooooooou northern Alberta! people think serbia is a desolate wasteland that sounds terrible, really, its no different up here than over there

corytate SuperDork
1/18/13 9:22 p.m.

If you aren't willing to compromise AT ALL with your employee (me) who has been there for a year, driving 110 miles a day to work for you, and COULD HAVE left when everybody else did, but didn't, I berkeleying WILL leave this time.
MY position now is "Apprentice"
the master technician I am "apprenticing" under works monday through friday.
Why should I have to work tuesday through saturday then? All I do on Saturday is change oil, which is the position I got promoted out of. You already have 5 oil changers, there are only two berkeleying oil change bays.
Nevermind the fact that part of me agreeing to stay was that I would be a flat rate tech again once again when someone quit. well, someone quit a month ago, yet now you won't move me up to the position I was actually supposed to start in? AND you are going to keep making me work on saturdays?
I know the only way you promote/give raises to people is if they are quitting, but hey, homie don't play that.
I can't wait to laugh in your face when, as I turn in my 2 weeks notice, you offer me the job I should have had a year ago. Jackass.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/18/13 9:43 p.m.
Racer1ab wrote: In reply to Toyman01: What's that old saying? A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. Or something like that.

I've always said it as, "Piss poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine."

Unfortunately it does, but that's why I charge so much for emergency service. Otherwise I'd never have a day off. A $500 after hours charge will usually make them realize their problem can wait till Monday morning.

corytate SuperDork
1/19/13 5:55 p.m.

Well, all my pent up stress and rage had to come out somehow today I guess: this time, it came out directed at Hewlett-Packard!
After waiting ten minutes for my hp to respond to ANY stimuli, I punched the E36 M3 out of the screen.
though I thought it was a good idea to imitate the Fonz, apparently his mystical jukebox powers don't work on laptops.
Now, after an hour of disassembly, I have a laptop keyboard/harddrive/disc drive/graphics card/speaker assy, with a monitor from a desktop.
I call it an HP All-in-Two=]

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