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N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
1/19/13 5:55 p.m.

Time to take a welder to the firewall.

mazdeuce HalfDork
1/19/13 8:17 p.m.

I know its been ranted about a million times, but for the love of god, turn signals are there to let people know what you are going to do. If you've already slowed and started to turn then now is not the time to hit your blinker, that was at least a couple of seconds ago. I can't pull out in front of you if I don't know what the hell you're planning on doing and there are people in line that have E36 M3 to do and you failure to properly signal is berkeleying up my whole day.

fasted58 UberDork
1/20/13 1:31 a.m.

White and gray (off white actually) interiors.... pffft

I'll take charcoal or black, TYVM

I say as I get reeled in by the exterior color only to find a dirt magnet inside.

Datsun310Guy UberDork
1/20/13 7:41 a.m.
Anti-stance wrote: I am so sick of conspiracy theorist! What in the berkeleying hell... no seriously... why in the hell are there people talking about Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. I just wasted 30 minutes of my life watching a "smoking gun" video(according to some coworkers) of Sandy Hook being a hoax. Really? For real? I want my 30 minutes back. Idiots.

My wife watched it and wanted to discuss with me. Nope.

I told her they're still discussing JFK's murder from the mafia, the pope, our government..........

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/20/13 1:56 p.m.

ugh.. the Sandy Hoaxers are as bad as the truthers... sadly, I think they may be one and same and are not going to go away any time soon

T.J. PowerDork
1/20/13 8:45 p.m.

In the past 7 days I've worked 80 hours and I am looking at putting in 60 more in the next 5 days. Tired and wishing I would've not worked all weekend.

93EXCivic MegaDork
1/20/13 11:09 p.m.

Damn it Huntsville. Why can't you fix your roads? I now have one not round wheel.

EvanB GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/20/13 11:12 p.m.

Why am I automatically disqualified for a job because I don't have experience with a certain software program. I meet all other qualifications and have experience with similar programs but there is a box to check yes or no if you have experience with the one they want. I check no and write and explanation of the similar programs I have used and I can learn new programs quickly but the application is automatically thrown out just because I checked the box that says no.

corytate SuperDork
1/21/13 11:29 a.m.

"Business Manager" of Tuning Shop:
If I send you an email, I'd like the courtesy of a reply at the very least. This is getting pretty ridiculous...

Ranger50 UberDork
1/21/13 12:08 p.m.

The King's inauguration corrupting my normal flow of TV viewing pleasure. Oh well, learning a lot more with How It's Made on.

dculberson SuperDork
1/21/13 12:10 p.m.
Ranger50 wrote: The King's inauguration corrupting my normal flow of TV viewing pleasure. Oh well, learning a lot more with How It's Made on.

Nice Flounder.

mtn PowerDork
1/21/13 12:24 p.m.
dculberson wrote:
Ranger50 wrote: The King's inauguration corrupting my normal flow of TV viewing pleasure. Oh well, learning a lot more with How It's Made on.
Nice Flounder.

Not a flounder, the guy just doesn't want to watch the President be inaugurated. It is pretty boring, and it takes up every channel.

mtn PowerDork
1/21/13 12:29 p.m.

Rant: Online articles that are on more than 1 page. I do not want to click to continue reading the article. I want to read the whole damn thing at once. This also extends to those stupid picture galleries that make you click through instead of just scrolling through--some are okay, such as the GRM galleries that don't make you load an entire new webpage, but stuff on Forbes just kills me.

Extension of first part of the above rant: If I'm reading an article, and it makes me click to the next page, and there are only 2 pages, then tell me, why in the name of Joseph Pulitzer does it have an option for page 2, and an option for "read all"? And why wouldn't that "read all" option be at the fricken top of the page?

Ranger50 UberDork
1/21/13 12:29 p.m.
mtn wrote:
dculberson wrote:
Ranger50 wrote: The King's inauguration corrupting my normal flow of TV viewing pleasure. Oh well, learning a lot more with How It's Made on.
Nice Flounder.
Not a flounder, the guy just doesn't want to watch the President be inaugurated. It is pretty boring, and it takes up every channel.

Hey, this guy got it!

oldtin UltraDork
1/21/13 12:30 p.m.

Getting a new boss - 6 in 6 years. reinforcing that growth/career is beyond dead here. Already been here too long - got a little cushy. Time to introduce some new stress into life.

CGLockRacer GRM+ Memberand Dork
1/21/13 12:33 p.m.

Tailgaters on an icy highway. People on cell phones driving in a snow storm. People in Suburexpaclades driving like it is dry and sunny out while on their phones and tailgating on icy and snowy highways. Saw all this driving this weekend. Your stability control won't save you from the laws of physics...

Racer1ab HalfDork
1/21/13 12:55 p.m.

In reply to CGLockRacer:

But...but...my Suburexpaclade has all/4 wheel drive! It doesn't matter if I'm running bald Walmart all seasons, it can go ANYWAREEEEE.

That's usually the look of disbelief on their face as they crash into the embankment at the speed limit.

I don't expect much out of the average motorist. Hell, even folks on enthusiast sites say things like, "I got around just fine in that blizzard on R-comps in my WRX."

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. And I'd much rather have a second set of wheels and snows then fork out an insurance deductible if I should happen to make a boneheaded mistake in wintry driving conditions.

dculberson SuperDork
1/21/13 12:56 p.m.
Ranger50 wrote:
mtn wrote:
dculberson wrote:
Ranger50 wrote: The King's inauguration corrupting my normal flow of TV viewing pleasure. Oh well, learning a lot more with How It's Made on.
Nice Flounder.
Not a flounder, the guy just doesn't want to watch the President be inaugurated. It is pretty boring, and it takes up every channel.
Hey, this guy got it!

I just meant referring to him as "The King." Probably too sensitive.

Cone_Junky Dork
1/21/13 1:00 p.m.


T.J. PowerDork
1/21/13 8:08 p.m.

Keeping my rant to myself.

barrowcadbury New Reader
1/22/13 2:34 p.m.

People that let doors slam behind them...

Yes, I realize some doors are heavy and have weak resistance, but for context, I'm in an office building. It's the same building and the same doors, five days a week, multiple times per day. I'm sorry some of the doors suck, but you'd think people would learn how to close a door gently so as not to disturb everyone within a half-mile radius :p

barrowcadbury New Reader
1/22/13 2:38 p.m.

People that are completely awestruck that someone would actually dress for the weather. I can't tell y'all how many times people will come up to me and say things like "Oh, you look warm", or "boy, you sure are bundled up". Uhm, yeah, it's -11* F outside genius, maybe you should consider putting on a coat and minding your own damn business... sheesh.

Maroon92 MegaDork
1/22/13 3:20 p.m.
barrowcadbury wrote: People that let doors slam behind them... Yes, I realize some doors are heavy and have weak resistance, but for context, I'm in an office building. It's the same building and the same doors, five days a week, multiple times per day. I'm sorry some of the doors suck, but you'd think people would learn how to close a door gently so as not to disturb everyone within a half-mile radius :p

Quit ranting about it and get a door damping system...


Curmudgeon MegaDork
1/22/13 4:07 p.m.
barrowcadbury wrote: People that are completely awestruck that someone would actually dress for the weather. I can't tell y'all how many times people will come up to me and say things like "Oh, you look warm", or "boy, you sure are bundled up". Uhm, yeah, it's -11* F outside genius, maybe you should consider putting on a coat and minding your own damn business... sheesh.

Then there's the other side of that: people who dress for summer when it's 25 deg F outside, then run a space heater till it's so damn hot the person properly dressed who shares a work space feels sick. Dress for the weather, dumbass. And don't act like it's a huge surprise; the radio, TV and Internet are just overflowing with weather information.

JohnInKansas Dork
1/23/13 8:30 a.m.

Is there a standard for "overpricing" your craigslist ad so once they haggle you down to 75% of your asking price, you got what you wanted anyway?

If I'm asking $1200 obo, and you ask me how low I can do, and I say $1000, that's as low as I can do. Not $800. Not $900. $1000, or berkeley off. I'm already taking a loss at $1200.

Maybe I just need to ask for more money to start with.

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